
It's about charging electric bikes! The new regulations are →

author:Kaifeng fire fighting

The General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation issued a notice on regulating the charging and charging of electric bicycles on the 20th. The notice proposes to standardize charging behavior, guide the reasonable formation of charging service charging standards, and promote the reduction of the charging burden of the masses.

The notice pointed out that electric bicycles are an important means of transportation for the masses to travel daily. Guiding the outdoor charging of electric bicycles is an important measure to eliminate potential safety hazards and ensure the safety of electricity. However, at present, the charging charges in some areas are not standardized, and the charging costs are high, which affects the enthusiasm of the masses for outdoor charging.

The notice makes it clear that the charging fee of outdoor charging facilities for electric bicycles mainly includes charging electricity and service fees, and charging electricity and service fees should be marked and priced separately. The charging facility operator shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the clearly marked price, mark the charging price, service fee items and charging standards in conspicuous positions such as charging places, mobile phone applications, and WeChat official accounts, and shall not charge any fees that are not indicated.

In terms of electricity price policy, the notice proposes that the electricity used by electric bicycle charging facilities in residential areas shall be charged by power grid enterprises to charging facility operators and charging facility operators to users, and charging electricity charges shall be charged according to the electricity price of residential metered users. The electricity consumption of electric bicycle charging facilities outside residential areas shall be implemented according to the electricity price policy of the place where it is located.

The notice makes it clear that the charging service fee is subject to market regulation. The charging facility operator shall fully consider the public service attributes and people's livelihood attributes of outdoor charging facilities, and reasonably formulate charging service fee standards in accordance with the principles of making up for costs, reasonable returns, and good faith, combined with market supply and demand. All localities should encourage market competition and shall not designate charging facility operators by administrative means. At the same time, promote the reduction of charging service fees.

In addition, the market supervision department should combine relevant complaints and reports and the people's feedback, increase the intensity of supervision and inspection, and investigate and punish illegal acts such as not implementing government pricing and not clearly marking prices in accordance with regulations.

The full text is below

Notice of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Regulating the Charging Behavior of Electric Bicycles

Development and Reform Office Price [2024] No. 537

To all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Development and Reform Commission, the Market Supervision Bureau (department, commission), the State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd., and Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd.:

Electric bicycles are an important means of transportation for the masses to travel daily. Guiding the outdoor charging of electric bicycles is an important measure to eliminate potential safety hazards and ensure the safety of electricity. However, at present, the charging charges in some areas are not standardized, and the charging costs are high, which affects the enthusiasm of the masses for outdoor charging. In order to implement the relevant requirements of the State Council on doing a good job in the rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles, standardize charging behavior, guide the reasonable formation of charging service charging standards, and promote the reduction of the charging burden of the masses, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. The charging fee shall be separated from the price and the fee, and the price shall be strictly marked. The charging fee of outdoor charging facilities for electric bicycles mainly includes charging electricity and service fees, and charging electricity and service fees should be marked and priced separately. For charging facilities that do not have the conditions for separate measurement of electricity, local development and reform departments shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, clarify the time node for upgrading and transformation in combination with the actual situation, and require the operating units of charging facilities to fully realize the separate measurement of charging electricity from January 1, 2025 in principle.

The charging facility operator shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the clearly marked price, mark the charging price, service fee items and charging standards in conspicuous positions such as charging places, mobile phone applications, and WeChat official accounts, and shall not charge any fees that are not indicated. Charging facility operators are encouraged to use pictures, animations and other vivid and easy-to-understand ways to display the charging methods and levels, so that users can quickly and accurately understand.

2. Strictly implement the relevant electricity price policies. For the electricity used by electric bicycle charging facilities in residential areas, the power grid enterprises shall charge charging electricity fees according to the electricity price of residential meter users to the charging facility operating units and charging facility operating units to users; If it involves non-grid direct power supply, the power grid enterprise shall charge the charging electricity fee according to the electricity price of the residential metered user to the non-grid power supply entity, the non-grid power supply entity to the charging facility operation unit, and the charging facility operation unit to the user. The electricity consumption of electric bicycle charging facilities outside residential areas shall be implemented according to the electricity price policy of the place where it is located.

Third, the charging service fee is subject to market regulation. The charging facility operator shall fully consider the public service attributes and people's livelihood attributes of outdoor charging facilities, and reasonably formulate charging service fee standards in accordance with the principles of making up for costs, reasonable returns, and good faith, combined with market supply and demand. After the end of a single charge, the charging facility operator shall push information such as the billing mode, charging duration, and charging amount to the user through the WeChat official account, mini program, etc. All localities should encourage market competition and shall not designate charging facility operators by administrative means.

Fourth, promote the reduction of charging service fees. The street office, neighborhood (village) committee, community property rights unit, owners' committee and the property service enterprise entrusted by it with operational capacity can build their own charging facilities on the premise of ensuring safety, and determine the charging service fee from a low level. For charging facilities constructed and operated by third parties, it is advocated that community property rights units, owners' committees, property service companies, etc. do not charge or reduce venue rental fees, do not participate in or reduce revenue sharing, and use the concession space to reduce charging service fees. When property service enterprises and other management units accept the entrustment to sign an operation cooperation agreement with the charging facility operation unit, they shall fully communicate with the owner, select a high-quality charging facility operation unit, and reasonably determine the charging service fee standard. Property service enterprises and other management units should actively assist in the site selection, construction and installation of charging facilities, and telegraph installation.

Encourage qualified localities to reduce the construction and operating costs of charging facilities by giving subsidies for the construction and operation of charging facilities and giving better play to the role of state-owned enterprises. When the relevant parties sign an operation cooperation agreement, the contracted operation period can be appropriately connected with the depreciation period of the equipment, and the operation cooperation agreement of 5 years or more is advocated to stabilize the investment expectations of the charging facility operating unit, dilute the depreciation cost of assets, and create conditions for reducing charging service fees.

5. Promote the direct power supply of charging facilities from the power grid. Power grid enterprises shall, in accordance with the principle of "making changes as much as possible", accelerate the transformation of qualified charging facilities, and realize direct power supply to the operating units of electric bicycle charging facilities as soon as possible. If the existing residential area has not yet realized the direct power supply of the power grid enterprise, the property right unit is encouraged to hand over the power supply facilities to the power grid enterprise as a whole, so as to create conditions for the power grid enterprise to directly supply power to the charging facilities; In principle, the charging facilities of new residential communities built after January 1, 2025 should be directly supplied by power grid enterprises to avoid driving up charging costs due to resupply.

6. Strengthen regulation in accordance with law. All localities should formulate and improve the relevant price policies in a timely manner in combination with local conditions, increase the reasonable determination of service fees by charging facility operators, and the guidance of property rights units, property service enterprises and other management units to take the initiative to make profits, and pay attention to the use of joint interviews, reminders and other ways and means to continuously standardize charging behavior. The market supervision departments should combine relevant complaints and reports and the people's feedback, increase the intensity of supervision and inspection, and investigate and punish illegal acts such as not implementing government pricing and not clearly marking prices in accordance with regulations. Relevant industry associations should strengthen industry self-discipline, consciously standardize charging behavior, and jointly maintain a good market order.

All localities should attach great importance to standardizing the charging behavior of electric bicycles, promoting the important role of reducing charging charges to guide the masses to charge outdoors and ensure the safety of electricity, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen policy implementation, and do a good job in policy publicity and interpretation. Relevant departments in various localities should strengthen coordination and linkage, study and adopt effective policy measures, and promote the reduction of outdoor charging service fees, so that the masses can afford and are willing to use.

General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission

General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation

June 11, 2024

It's about charging electric bikes! The new regulations are →

Fire reminders

How to use an e-bike safely

Minimize the prevention of e-bike fire accidents

The following "five prohibitions" should be kept in mind

"Five Strict Prohibitions" for Fire Safety Management of Electric Bicycles

In order to prevent electric bicycle fires and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, according to the "Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, the "five strict prohibitions" are clarified to strengthen the fire safety management of electric bicycles:

1. It is strictly forbidden to park electric bicycles in public areas such as shared walkways, stairwells, and safety exits in the building, as well as in the passage of fire trucks.

2. It is strictly forbidden to park electric bicycles in crowded places in violation of regulations.

3. It is strictly forbidden to park electric bicycles in housing, underground garages and basement semi-basements that have not implemented preventive measures such as fire separation and guardianship.

4. It is strictly forbidden to charge electric bicycles in the above areas and in ways that do not meet the technical standards and management regulations of fire protection such as privately pulling wires and indiscriminately installing sockets.

5. It is strictly forbidden to use flammable and combustible materials to build electric bicycle parking places.

If the fire caused by violation of the above "five strict prohibitions" does not constitute a crime, it shall be detained for not less than 10 days but not more than 15 days in accordance with Article 64, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the "Fire Protection Law", and may be fined not more than 500 yuan; where the circumstances are more minor, a warning or a fine of up to 500 RMB is to be given. where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is pursued in accordance with law.

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