
The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

Text/Themi Mama (original article, welcome to share and forward personally)

Hello everyone, I'm Themi's mother~

For many new parents, the most headache is to hear their children's cries.

The reason for the headache is because we have insufficient nursing experience, can not immediately solve the child's problem, take myself, just gave birth to the big treasure, as long as the big treasure crying, I nervous brain door sweating, the first time to run to the baby's side, but sometimes exhausted the whole body, the child still crying.

So whenever I heard the baby crying, I was very broken, in addition to the busyness, there were all kinds of heartaches.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

01. Children always cry, have you ever thought about why?

In fact, many new parents may have encountered such a problem as me, as long as the child cries, we go up to coax the first time, but we ignore a very big question, why does the child cry? Is the child crying to convey some information to us?

For example, hungry, peeing, pulling? Or is it too hot, too cold, too uncomfortable to be tied up?

So, as soon as we start to ask such questions, it means that we are one step closer to solving the problem.

Of course, there are some mothers and fathers who will also use the exclusion method to soothe the baby's emotions while trying to find the baby's needs.

In fact, we have a simpler solution to the problem of crying in the face of the baby.

If you study carefully, you can actually find that the baby's crying is actually divided into many categories, and each kind of cry represents a need of them, as long as we can distinguish this cry, we can "prescribe the right medicine" and solve the problem.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

02. The cry of the three psychological needs of babies

In the process of raising two children, I also sorted out the psychological needs behind some cries through looking up information and personal experience, which I shared with you today.

The first: cries seeking attention

Babies use crying to attract their caregivers, is a natural instinct, in the evolution of thousands of years of history, babies are through crying to convey needs to their mothers, and mothers, have also formed a conditioned reflex of hearing crying will help.

So, the cry of a baby seeking attention is a situation we often encounter.

This situation generally occurs when the baby wakes up and there is no one around to accompany him, then the baby will cry while looking left and right, trying to find the person he wants.

Once the mother does not appear for half a day, then this kind of crying will slowly change from weak to strong, until the mother appears, then it will immediately stop crying, which is a typical "attention" crying performance.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

The second kind: the baby does not sleep and cries steadily

Babies are generally in a shallow sleep, so many times, we will see children blink, turn over, and cry in their sleep.

If the baby suddenly cries in sleep, don't rush to coax the child, wait a minute, maybe you will find that the child has entered the sleep again.

This cry is usually more urgent and intense, but it will become weaker and weaker until it disappears.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

The third: the baby is afraid to cry.

As mentioned just now, the baby's sleep state is in a light sleep, this situation is easily disturbed by the outside world, once there is some harsh sound outside, then the baby will burst into crying.

This kind of crying will come more suddenly, and the baby will show a state of self-protection, such as clenching his hands or waving his arms, usually slowly disappearing after 3 months of age.

Psychologically, this condition is also known as the startle reflex.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

03. The cry of the three physiological needs of the baby

For small babies, in addition to psychological needs to soothe, there are also physiological needs.

The first: Mom, I'm hungry.

As we all know, small babies are one or two hours a meal, one or two hours a sleep, eating and sleeping is the most common state in daily life.

Then this kind of crying because we are hungry also needs our extra attention.

So what are the typical characteristics of crying because of hunger?

In fact, careful mothers, as long as a little observation, found that when the baby is hungry, the crying will be better, because it is more urgent, the rhythm is fast, if you touch the child's lips with your fingers, the child's emotions will be eased.

At this time, it means that the baby wants to eat.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

The second: Mom, I'm sleepy.

Many new mothers will ask the question, when is it easiest to coax your baby to sleep?

The answer is when the child has the typical characteristics of drowsiness.

For example, in addition to crying, the child will constantly rub his eyes, blink, yawn, etc., and the crying will convey a feeling of impatience.

At this time, we go to sleep the baby, often with half the effort, it seems that without any effort, the child has fallen asleep.

Third: Mom, I want to change my diapers.

Babies may also cry when they feel uncomfortable in their diapers after defecation.

Of course, everyone needs to observe carefully and need to understand when the baby defecates, so that the baby can change the diaper at the first time.

Under normal circumstances, when the baby defecates, there will be a frown and holding of breath, because it feels uncomfortable, there will be crying.

This kind of crying generally has a feeling of impatience and corruption, which is commonly known as "I am angry and crying fast".

At this time, we should change the baby's diapers, and when we change them, the baby will soon be able to calm down.

The baby's "crying" implies different needs, teaching you to distinguish in 30 seconds, and new parents can easily take the baby

Mother Themi's message:

In fact, all the behaviors of babies represent a certain need of theirs, as novice parents, in addition to continuous learning, we need to experience and summarize in practice, only in this way, can we bring better care to children.

Finally, I also hope that every parent can read the "baby language" and let the baby grow up healthy and strong.

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