
Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

author:Alternative video sharing fungus

When comedies meet meat strips, people can't help but laugh evilly.

Today, share Amway to give you 10 super comedies.

Hilarious, spoofed, teased, driven, restricted.

Without further ado, let's see what's there:

1. "Fort Quest" / "Pig's Head Walking the Streets"

Castle Quest is an 88-minute comedy film produced and distributed by New Line Pictures in the United States. Directed by Danny Rayner and starring John Zhao, Carl Pan, Neil Patrick Harris, Anthony Anderson, Anderson, and Fred Willart, the film was released in the United States on July 30, 2004. After that, the second and third parts were released, and they were very undisciplined.

The film tells the story of Harold and Kuma, two poor losers, who saw an advertisement on television one Friday night, which led to an incredible, crazy buying operation between the two.

The film uses a lot of the American drug trade and racial discrimination, and this critical comedy always brings a refreshing feeling to the audience. Friendly reminder that this movie is R rated, do not watch underage.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

2. The "Scream" series of movies

"Screaming Laughter" is a European and American comedy, which has five horror movie plots interspersed with horror movie plots, spoof horror movies, etc. Scream 1-4 stars Anna Farris, Sean Waynes, Regina Hull and others. Scream 5 is the only film in the series that has changed its starring role. The main actors of the previous films have chosen to leave the crew.

The series spoofs a series of classic horror films such as Scream, The Sixth Sense, and Midnight Bells. Let the audience look at horror movies through comedy, this combination of horror and funny, let people laugh and feel uneasy.

The film is all kinds of nonsense, no discipline, no lower limit.

All kinds of vulgar passages are at hand. Very sand sculpture, very happy, after watching the laughter to tears!

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

3. "The Haunted House Movie"

The Haunted House Movie is a comedy film directed by Michael Tedes and starring Marlon Waynes, Eisens Atkins, and Cedric Kells, released in the United States on January 11, 2013. The film tells the story of a young couple who have moved into a haunted mansion for many years and have encountered chainsaw maniacs, ghost possession, powerful exorcisms and other thrilling events.

The protagonist of this movie is from the above "Screaming Laughter", which is a kind of funny person who pulled out one of the funny people alone to make a similar type of movie, but it is even more undisciplined!

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

4. "This Is Not Sparta"

This Is Not Sparta is an 85-minute comedy film released by 20th Century Fox in the United States. Co-directed by Jason Frederberg and Elon Selzer, and starring Sean Maguire, Ken Davidian, Carmen Electra, Kevin Sauber, and Dedrick Bud, the film was released in the United States on January 25, 2008. Adapted as a parody of the classic war movie "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta".

The film tells the story of the brave and warlike Spartan king Leonidas personally leading 300 Spartan warriors to defend the hot spring pass, the gateway to central Greece, only this time with the persian king Xerxes' army.

In addition to the usual shameless parody, and axe, the comedy elements of the film also added satirical spoofs of many TV shows and celebrities, and the jokes are still quite funny, and they are also very creative than the dance conference.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

5. "The Bald Head Detective"

Bald Detective is a comedy film directed by David Zucker and starring Leslie Nelson, released on December 2, 1988. The film tells the story of frank, the bald-headed detective, who beats up a group of terrorists and foils a conspiracy to murder the Queen of England.

The spoof film "Bald Detective" satirizes the popular movies, hot events and topic characters of the same period. The whole film is full of all kinds of nonsense parodies and spoofs, which have had a profound impact on future comedies such as ferrari brothers, including Stephen Chow's nonsense comedies.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

6. "Twilight Movie"

Twilight Movie is a comedy film co-directed by Jason Frederberg and Elon Selzer, with Jane Prosko, Matt Rantel, and Chris Riggy, released in the United States on August 18, 2010. The film is a parody of the Twilight Series, which tells the story of an ordinary human girl, Becca, who is both adored by Edward the Vampire and Jacob the Chihuahua dog, and she has to choose between the two.

"Twilight Movie" was a box office hit after its release, and its plot and character settings are the same as the movie "Twilight", but it is full of spoof meaning. The film has a lot of laughs, and many of the dialogues and bridges in the film are quite interesting. It is worth mentioning that some fans think that the "cottage version" of the vampire Edward is more handsome than the original version, and Becca imitates the contrived appearance of the heroine bella of "Twilight". Friends who like Twilight must see it.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

7. "Epic Movie"

The Epic Film is co-directed by Jason Fredberg and Elon Selzer, with Adam Campbell, Carl Pan, Gemma Mace, Fanny Selzer and co-directed by Jason Frederberg. An adventure comedy film starring A. Chambers, it was released in the United States on January 26, 2007. The film tells the story of four orphans raised by the director of the Louvre who gather to save the kingdom of "Kinaniya".

After the release of Epic Movies, it performed well at the box office, and Fox once again cultivated a series of films that were not expensive but very popular. Edited and directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Selzer, they follow the subversive spirit of the "Scream" series of movies, targeting Hollywood box office stars and spoofing, not sparing any of them. Although film critics have sent bad reviews, young audiences are not disturbed by film reviews at all, believing that as long as they can bring laughter to people, they are worth the ticket price.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

8. "The Great Movie of Disaster"

The Great Movie of Disaster is a comedy film co-directed by Jason Fredberg and Elon Selzer, starring Matt Rantel and Vanessa Minilo, released in the United States on August 29, 2008. The film tells the story of a group of young people who, one night, suddenly encounter many disasters, including earthquakes and floods, and they must uncover the secrets behind the disasters and prevent greater destruction.

"Disaster Movie" has almost no inappropriate shots for children, beautiful color processing, a good setting off a senseless plot, warm color adjustment makes the picture look more layered, sharp performance is also quite good, in general, it is a work with good visual effects. The film, as always, follows the spirit of comedy and is worth watching.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

9. The Onion Movie

TheOnion, as the world's most unsubstantiated media, the fake news fabricated by "Onion News" has all been collected and turned into this movie with a very "onion" flavor.

It's hard to describe how good this movie really is, but you just have to think about the host who has to broadcast fake news, and you definitely don't want to miss this movie. Friendly reminder that this movie is also R-rated.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

10. "Anti-Fighting Condor"

Condor is a comedy film directed by Jim Abrahams and starring Charlie Sheen, Valerie Gaulino, and Gali Elvis, released in the United States on July 31, 1991. The film tells the story of former Navy pilot Tober Charley who is recalled and on a mission, but participates in Major Braque's "Sleeping Squirrel" program.

The film is very funny, although there are a few dull content, but the overall flaws are not hidden. This film is not only a nonsensical spoof of Top Gun, but also a tribute. Many of the imitation passages in the film are very interesting and unforgettable. The performances of the male and female protagonists Charlie Sheen and Valerie Gaulino are also commendable and add a lot to the film.

Unbridled comedy inventory to rescue your boring weekend

The above is the weekend list brought by the sharing mushroom for everyone, like to bring joy to everyone, if you have your own favorite comedy works are also welcome to comment and share with everyone.

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