
In 1975, Yantai farmers picked up small green bottles in the fields, which turned out to be Qing Dynasty cultural relics, worth about 2 million yuan

Old Li Tou was an authentic farmer in Yantai, Shandong Province, but in 1975 Old Li Tou took a small green bottle to a professional appraisal agency for identification.

At first, the staff didn't care much, and he never dreamed of what kind of value the small green bottle held by Old Li Tou was.

But when he carefully examined the small green bottle in Old Li Tou's hand, his eyes instantly widened, because he knew that it was a very precious item.

In 1975, Yantai farmers picked up small green bottles in the fields, which turned out to be Qing Dynasty cultural relics, worth about 2 million yuan

Therefore, the staff carefully asked Old Li Tou about the origin of this item, but Old Li Tou was always reluctant to answer positively.

So what kind of treasure is this little green bottle? And how did old Li Tou get it? Why was he reluctant to answer head-on?

The matter also began in 1966, the old Li tou was named Li Huanyi, an authentic ordinary farmer. One day he was pulling grass in the field as usual, and suddenly he found several skeletons from the ground, and Old Li Tou was very panicked at first, but then he seemed to think of something, so he calmly continued to excavate.

As he dug deeper, he dug more and more things, including small green bottles and wood slag, and finally he dug out a black plank. Old Li Tou squatted down and carefully examined the black wooden board for a moment, and suddenly he was very alarmed, and it turned out that this black wooden board was actually a coffin.

In the countryside, the ideology of the dead being large is very heavy, and old Li Tou is very worried that he has dug up the ancestral graves of other people's families. So Old Li Tou planned to bury the coffin back.

In 1975, Yantai farmers picked up small green bottles in the fields, which turned out to be Qing Dynasty cultural relics, worth about 2 million yuan

But just then, he found a beautifully crafted little green bottle. Although this bottle is very small, the workmanship is very exquisite. Old Li Tou took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, so he carefully held the small green bottle in his hand and brought it back to his home.

After returning home, Old Li Tou carefully washed the porcelain bottle and carefully examined it for a moment under the oil lamp. The more I look at it, the more I think this small bottle is worth a lot, because the pattern on it is very delicate, and the whole body is turquoise.

At this point, Old Li Tou concluded that this small green bottle was definitely a rare treasure. However, due to the fact that the small green bottle came from the wrong way, Old Li Tou never dared to disclose this matter to others.

In 1975, Yantai farmers picked up small green bottles in the fields, which turned out to be Qing Dynasty cultural relics, worth about 2 million yuan

Other varieties of snuff bottles

So he hid the small green bottle in a relatively hidden corner of his home, and this small green bottle was hidden for nearly 10 years.

Until the autumn of 1975, the Li family village where old Li Tou was located wanted to buy a tractor, but the money of all the people in the village was not enough, so everyone was very anxious.

At this time, Old Li Tou suddenly thought that there was another treasure in his home, and if this treasure was sold, buying a tractor should be a very easy thing, so Old Li Tou decided to take the small green bottle to the cultural relics store to ask for the price.

When the staff saw this small green bottle, they felt that this item was absolutely unusual, so they repeatedly asked Old Li Tou where this item came from.

Old Li Tou originally had a ghost fetus in his heart and was always unwilling to tell the truth. But he couldn't resist the staff's questioning, so Old Li Tou told the staff the origin of this item.

After the staff listened, they told him that the small green bottle was a snuff bottle, which belonged to the cultural relics of the end of the Qing Dynasty. Because this snuff bottle is very valuable, the staff suggested that Old Li Tou find an expert to study it and determine the origin of this snuff bottle.

After receiving the news, the cultural relics unit immediately sent experts to study the small green bottle. When the expert saw the small green bottle, his expression became solemn.

In 1975, Yantai farmers picked up small green bottles in the fields, which turned out to be Qing Dynasty cultural relics, worth about 2 million yuan

Because this small green bottle, according to the appearance and material, is likely to be a cultural relic of the Qing Dynasty, and may even be used by Empress Dowager Cixi.

But why would such a valuable snuff bottle appear in a rural field?

Later, after reviewing the historical materials, the experts finally concluded that this snuff bottle should be given to Empress Dowager Cixi and given to The King yirong of the Guozi Prison.

When Wang Yirong died, his son Wang Chonglie kept the snuff bottle. After Wang Chonglie's death, his descendants buried the snuff bottle in his tomb.

In 1975, Yantai farmers picked up small green bottles in the fields, which turned out to be Qing Dynasty cultural relics, worth about 2 million yuan

Wang Chonglie's tomb happened to be in Lijia Village. Finally, Old Li Tou also led experts to excavate 12 more cultural relics in Lijia Village. Moreover, after later identification, this snuff bottle belongs to the national first-class cultural relics, and its value at that time was about 2 million, which should be tens of millions now.


In this matter, although Old Li Tou had a crooked mind, in the end he did not put it into action, so he was not punished.

When we find cultural relics, we must react like the relevant local departments at the first time to avoid causing certain damage to cultural relics. Because every cultural relic is of great significance to our study of the history of the ancients.

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