
The Ministry of Science and Technology announced the 2020 national outstanding popular science works, and 4 traditional Chinese medicine works were selected

A few days ago, the Ministry of Science and Technology announced the list of 100 national outstanding popular science works in 2020, and 4 Chinese medicine works were selected, including "Chinese Medicine Health Book Series for the People", "National Primary and Secondary School Chinese Medicine Cultural Knowledge Reader", "Poetry Like Picturesque Materia Medica - Meet the Most Beautiful Materia Medica 2", "Chinese Medicine Treatment Guide Series (7 Volumes)".

The Ministry of Science and Technology announced the 2020 national outstanding popular science works, and 4 traditional Chinese medicine works were selected

"Chinese Medicine Health Book Series for the People" is reviewed by Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, edited by Yu Chunquan and Wang Hongwu, and published by China Medical Science and Technology Press, the series of books is a total of 6 volumes, following the concept of life, health, disease and prevention and treatment of Chinese medicine, and systematically summarizes the theoretical techniques and methods of Traditional Chinese medicine health care, disease prevention and treatment. "National Primary and Secondary School Chinese Medicine Cultural Knowledge Reader" is edited by Sun Guangrong, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House, "Reader" is divided into two versions: primary school edition and middle school edition, with the first volume and the next volume, focusing on the dissemination of Chinese medicine culture, so that more young people can understand Chinese medicine, approach Chinese medicine, and enhance the cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence of young people. Written by Chu Lin and published by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House, the work is a sequel to "Meet the Most Beautiful Materia Medica", which looks at the plants from the unique perspective of the healer, selects thirty chinese herbs from the "Book of Poetry", and interprets interesting, flavorful, affectionate and righteous stories. Edited by Zheng Yuling, Wang Yongxia and others, and published by Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, the "Guidance Series on the Treatment of Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine (7 Volumes)" introduces scientific, effective and practical health care methods suitable for people of all ages from the aspects of physiological and pathological characteristics, physique identification and disease prediction, and traditional Chinese medicine health maintenance.

The Ministry of Science and Technology announced the 2020 national outstanding popular science works, and 4 traditional Chinese medicine works were selected

The selection activity aims to deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, carry forward the scientific spirit in the whole society, popularize scientific knowledge, and promote the improvement of the cultural literacy of the whole social science, which has been highly valued and positively responded by all localities and departments, and a total of 434 recommended works (volumes and sets) have been received.

The Ministry of Science and Technology announced the 2020 national outstanding popular science works, and 4 traditional Chinese medicine works were selected

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