
"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar


There are a lot of movies all over the world, there are always one or two impressive movies, so let's share them together!

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Sex Doll Love is a drama film directed by Craig Griespe and starring Ryan Gosling, Emily Modimer, Paul Schneider, Kelly Garner, Patricia Clarkson, and others. The film was released in the United States in October 2007. The film mainly tells the story of pure love between an introverted man Russ and a sex doll Bianca. In 2008, the film was nominated for best original screenplay at the 80th Academy Awards.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

The film tells the coming-of-age story of a 27-year-old otaku. For the movie, the sex doll is just a gimmick, in fact, it is an innocent and warm story, or it should be said that the title is very perverted, and the content is very healing. As for the allegory of the sex doll in the film, what role does it play in the psychological transformation of the protagonist Russ? - The blogger will discuss it again at the end of the article, so I would like to avoid spoilers.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ (Ryan Gosling) is an otaku with a thick and honest personality, taciturn, but especially kind. He is accustomed to being alone and has a more and more withdrawn personality,—— which may be often referred to as social phobia.

Unable to accept the usual affection, Russ lives alone in an icy garage. His sister-in-law came to invite him to breakfast together, but he did not let the other party in the door, and refused for various reasons.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ is an enthusiastic man who helps the neighbor's aunt carry a flower basket, and the other party mistakenly thinks he is gay.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ was not good at dealing with girls, and his aunt gave him a flower. Facing Margot, a girl who likes him, the other party just says hello, and he is so frightened that he throws the flowers away.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

As soon as the new week began, as soon as Russ entered the office, a male colleague told him that a woman could be freely customized according to various heads and limbs on the Internet, which was actually an inflatable doll.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Margot has always had a crush on Russ, and she says that everyone lives in roughly the same direction, and the two people are not as good as carpooling, but he has nothing to say.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Six weeks later, the logistics company delivered a box about the height of the person. In the evening, Ras rushed to knock on his brother's sister-in-law's door and announce a message.

"I have a guest at home."

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Listening to what Russ had said, the kind brother and sister-in-law were overjoyed, and arranged the room and prepared dinner.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

However, when the brother and sister-in-law meet Russ's girlfriend Bianca...

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

My brother and sister-in-law were blindfolded, and even overwhelmed.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

But Russ didn't think so, and after an awkward dinner, they let Bianca stay in a pink cabin, the room where her mother lived when she was alive more than twenty years ago.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Faced with all the suddenness, the brother and sister-in-law used the opportunity to examine Bianca in Kurama Lawton, and they took Ras to the clinic of the psychiatrist Dagmar (Patricia Clarkson).

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

The people who saw the patients in the clinic looked at Russ and Bianca with amazement. The doctor told her brother and sister-in-law that Russ was suffering from paranoia, but she also had a treatment plan in her heart, and she asked Russ to bring Bianca every week for special treatment, which was actually psychological treatment for Russ.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

After hearing this, Dagmar thought that this was an illusion created subjectively by Russ, and the cause of the illusion has yet to be investigated, but in order to avoid the deterioration of the situation, everyone must first follow his brother's wishes and fake it. The doctor also privately told his brother and sister-in-law to get along with Russ and Bianca, pretending that Bianca was a real person and that they had no choice.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Bianca came, and Russ spent more time with his brother and sister-in-law. My brother and sister-in-law carefully helped take care of Bianca, helping bianca to bathe and change clothes. Everyone had breakfast together, they had coffee together, and it was as if Bianca was a real person.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Of course, everyone's ridicule was inevitable, and the brother and sister-in-law, through the priests of the church, asked everyone to try to accept Bianca's existence and help create a good healing environment for Russ. Everyone knew Russ was a good guy, so they all agreed.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

With everyone's enthusiastic help, Bianca became a regular visitor to the church like everyone else. Russ was eager to introduce Bianca to everyone.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

The psychiatrist's treatment began, and Russ slowly opened his heart to the doctor. Russ told the doctor that contact with others can make you particularly hurt. Even if the doctor just touched him lightly, Russ felt the pain so much that he jumped up like a fawn.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Bianca arrives, and Russ becomes sociable, taking Bianca to a family gathering of his colleagues. Everyone is very curious, but good people treat Bianca as a real person.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

At the party, Margot, the girl who liked Russ, flirted with other men, and Gauss looked at it from a distance, and his heart was very unhappy.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

The doctor's medical program continues, and Gauss finally tells her the story of her childhood, because her mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to her, which made Russ suffer from inner self-blame for many years. The father became depressed, and the brother could not bear the silence and gloom of the father and left the house.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Everyone's love has been continuing, and the neighbors have treated Bianca as a real person, helping her choose beautiful clothes and make beautiful hairstyles.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Bianca is also invited to volunteer at the hospital and tell stories to the children at the orphanage.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ saw the girl who liked him, Margo, flirting with other men, so he went home and frantically looked for Bianca, and when he saw Bianca being taken away, he lost his temper and kept chopping wood.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

The sister-in-law told Russ that in fact, everyone in the town cared about him and cared about him, and everything everyone did for Bianca was because they loved him.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Margot, the girl who liked herself, went out on dates with other men, which made Russ sullen.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

In a conversation with the doctor, Russ told her a secret that he proposed to Bianca last week. Surprisingly, Bianca actually rejected Russ's marriage proposal. For this, he had a big fight with Bianca.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ followed the doctor's advice and seriously talked to his brother about his heart. Russ asked his brother: How do you know you're a man?

The brother told Russ, "To be a man is that you will not embarrass the people around you, even if you are hurt, a woman who does not betray herself, and assume the responsibility of the family." ”

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Margot has always had a crush on Russ, but Russ doesn't show anything. She was dumped in love with another man, and her doll, the teddy bear, was tied up by a colleague, so Russ helped her "save" the teddy bear.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ and Margot go bowling together, and Russ meets many new friends. What is even more surprising is that Russ actually took the initiative to ask to shake hands with Margot when he was parting.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

One morning, Russ suddenly screamed loudly in the room, "Wake up! Wake up! ”

Everyone rushed into the room, and Russ eagerly told everyone that ,—— Bianca unconscious.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

An ambulance came and Bianca was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital. Russ told everyone that Bianca was dying.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Russ's psychiatrist told everyone in private that Russ's marriage proposal was rejected by Bianca, and then Bianca's death, from beginning to end, was decided by Russ himself.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Bianca was "very ill" and was about to die. Russ took Bianca home, and at night they slept in each other's arms.

The next day, Russ walked outside his house, and in the hallway were many flower baskets and gifts from everyone.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Everyone chatted with Russ, accompanied him, comforted him.

Russ and Bianca were saying their final goodbye by the lake, and in the face of the parting, Russ wept silently and hugged Bianca tightly,—— maybe he said goodbye not to Bianca, but to himself, an unbearable self.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

In the end, Bianca ended his "life" in the cold waters of the lake.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

The church was holding a funeral in Bianca and many people came. The priest spoke highly of Bianca, saying that Bianca was a teacher, that she had taught everyone what courage is, and that Bianca loved everyone.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

In the crowd, Russ's psychiatrist looked at Russ from a distance and smiled with great satisfaction,—— she successfully helped a young man out of the haze of life.

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

Bianca was buried in the cemetery, and everyone came. The funeral was over, and everyone was almost gone, leaving only Russ and Margot, the girl who had been secretly in love with him. Finally, Russ took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say to Margot next to him:

"Want to go?"

"Sex Doll Love": A film that was ruined by the title but was nominated for an Oscar

[Blogger's Words] This movie actually tells a story that is innocent and full of warmth. For Russ, the death of his mother due to difficult childbirth seemed like a haze that shrouded his entire growth process. Although he was in his twenties, he had no happy soul. I would like to ask, how lonely does a person have to start talking to his own shadow? A person has to be autistic to endure loneliness and pretend to love life. However, Bianca appears, she is actually a microcosm of The Lonely but Longing for True Love, and her death means that the once lonely, unspeakable, unsociable Russ dies, and the new Russ arrives. This movie is actually a small-town person acting with Russ, actively cooperating with the psychologist to slowly peel off the hard shell of Russ's soul, encouraging him to bravely bid farewell to the past and embrace the future. Or rather, this movie is about a process of the protagonist's self-psychological redemption, the sex doll is just a springboard, a tool, Russ finally came out of the shadows, and a new life is about to begin. Do you see yourself alone in the movie?

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