
The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

author:Pavilion Flower House

It is an indisputable fact that the Mongols are very combative. More than 700 years ago, the Mongols marched west, and their armies once reached the banks of the Danube, causing the royal families of Western European countries to tremble.

Although the Western Expedition was repeatedly interrupted for various reasons, the Mongols did not give up, they established the four major khanates in the places they conquered, and also established the Yuan Dynasty in the Central Plains. A hundred years later, its descendants established the Mughal Empire in India.

However, have you found that the countries established by the Mongols have a relatively short lifespan, only the Mughal Empire has jumped out of the short-lived circle, and the country has lasted for 300 years. This is very surprising, it is clear that the country established by the same race, why is the fate so different?

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

First, the empires established by the Mongols were short, and the reasons behind them should be pondered

In fact, after carefully analyzing the ins and outs, it will be found that the short life span of the Mongols is indeed reasonable, because it is actually related to the shortcomings of the Mongols' rule.

First of all, the Mongols only knew about conquest.

It is true that the Mongols' combat effectiveness is very stronger, and it is true that when the Mongols swept through thousands of armies during the Western Expedition, it was almost like entering no man's land, as long as they broke a city, the Mongols would burn and loot in the city.

Especially after attacking the countries of the Middle East, imposing a genocidal system on those regions, and stuffing the last monarch into a blanket to trample the horse to death. Although this method of conquest was cruel, the Mongols had long been accustomed to it.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

In their thinking, conquest is often accompanied by brutal killing, and there is always a primitive concept of martial arts in their bones, which drives the Mongols to continue on the road of conquest without stopping.

Secondly, the Mongols were not good at ruling and governing.

The Mongols were originally a steppe people, they have been grazing on the steppe for a long time, and the internal hierarchy is not particularly perfect, so how to govern after conquering these cities, the Mongols do not have much concept.

In addition, the Mongols do not understand the building of institutions within the state. Even if they emulated other peoples to establish a state, their lack of proficiency in management led to frequent problems, which greatly accelerated the demise of the state.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

Finally, the Mongols lacked organization.

The Mongols have long been nomadic herders in the steppe, and they admire freedom in their bones, lack organization and discipline. Every time they sent troops, the Mongols were like stragglers, but they were loyal to a small group, their discipline was very lax, and they lacked a view of the big picture.

This characteristic also caused the Mongols to suffer a lot of losses when conquering foreign countries, even if they had just conquered a land, and after the army, due to the lack of management, there was a riot in the area not long after. If it were not for the Mongols forcibly suppressing it by force, I am afraid that the rebels would have become a spark of fire.

Some people say that the Mongols actually attach importance to management, otherwise how could the Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongols have stood in the Central Plains for a hundred years. In fact, there are two people behind this, one is Yelu Chucai, and the other is detachment.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

The former was the savior of the Han people, and he vigorously persuaded the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty to reduce killing, let the Han life path, and proposed to develop the Han economy to serve the imperial court. The latter starts from culture, strengthens Mongolian-Han cultural exchanges, and advanced management concepts, which continues to inherit a century-old inheritance for the Mongolians.

If it weren't for the existence of these two assistant talents, the Mongols would not have learned how to manage the Central Plains at all. Unfortunately, despite the help of high-ranking people, the Yuan Dynasty was still short compared to other dynasties, and it was not as good as the Mughal Empire next door.

Second, the same Mongol country, why the Mughal Empire in India lasted for 300 years

The founder of the Mughal Empire was Babur.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

Although he was a descendant of the Mongol royal family, by the time of his parents' generation, the land he received was only a small vassal state left in Central Asia, and the people of the chaos had not lived for many years, so the young Babur decided to change everything after he came to the throne.

When Babur discovered that India in the southern foothills of the Himalayas was leaderless, he decided to find a breakthrough from here and go south to India to launch a "holy war".

He used the Mongols' strong military superiority to quickly break through northern India, and then invaded parts of southern India, thus establishing a powerful Mughal Empire.

However, Babur did not inherit the shortcomings of the Mongols' unruly management, but abandoned the dregs, devoted himself to the development of the empire, and proposed two important management tools to continue the empire.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

The first means is to rule India with India.

India at that time was very chaotic, where small and medium-sized landowners blossomed, and people only obeyed the orders of the landlords, and hung up on the affairs that did not concern them, and the orders of outsiders were never the same.

Babur is an outsider to India, and if he wants to gain a foothold in India, he must pass the barrier of Indian landlords. To this end, Babur proposed to delegate power to Indian landlords, implement a reward and punishment system, and distribute land to Indian landlords, so that landlords can uniformly obey orders while managing their subordinates, and this method of printing and printing greatly strengthens the centralization of power.

The second means is cultural inclusion.

The wars between various ethnic groups and sects in India are very chaotic, and many people always quarrel with others in order to uphold their faith, and even bloody battles often break out between the two sects.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

Considering the diversity of religions, he proposed measures of cultural openness and tolerance, never interfering with India's native religions, and this open and inclusive religious policy quickly gained a wave of goodwill among Indians.

After Babur's death, his son inherited the state and prospered the Mughal Empire.

In 1556, Babur's grandson Akbar, a powerful leader of the Mughal Empire, came to the throne with bold reforms that brought the empire's power to a climax.

The first thing Akbar did was to carry on his grandfather's legacy to attack the Afghans. He had Mongol blood flowing from him. Having a wolf nature in his bones makes him handy in foreign wars.

After defeating Afghanistan, Akbar did not indulge in war, but returned to developing at home. On the one hand, he used the means of royal marriage to stabilize the relationship between the empire and its neighbors and strengthen national integration. On the other hand, vigorous development of the economy and cultural rule is vigorous.

The empires established by the Mongols were short, why did the Mughal Empire in India last 300 years?

When it comes to selecting talents, Akbar is eclectic and appoints believers from different sects.

In order to live with the people, Akbar sent people to measure the land, reduce taxes, improve Indian bad customs, order widows to remarry, and abolish many backward slave martyrdom systems.

Under his reforms, the foundations of the Mughal Empire were more solid, and even if he died in his later years due to imperial turmoil, it did not affect the life of the empire in the slightest.

In short, under the baton of successive generations of emperors, the Mughal Empire existed on the Indian soil for more than 300 years, and it was not until the arrival of the British that the empire was destroyed.

The Mughal Empire was able to break through the short-lived fate of the Mongols for three fundamental reasons: first, proper measures, enlightened emperors, and cultural tolerance, which is also the foundation of many empires.

Imagine, if the Mongols had been well aware of this when governing other countries, surely the Mongolian state would not have been embarrassingly short.


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