
White House spokesperson: There are two kinds of patents in the world, one is the U.S. patent and the U.S. future patent

author:Shadow Penman

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After Huawei broke through the high-end chip sanctions, the United States has been trying to prove that Huawei's technology is stealing from the United States.

However, although the so-called "evidence" could not be found after various investigations, this did not prevent the United States from continuing to make ridiculous statements.

White House spokesperson: There are two kinds of patents in the world, one is the U.S. patent and the U.S. future patent

According to White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre, even if no evidence of plagiarism is found now, "it infringes on the intellectual property rights of the United States after 2025"! The global media and audience were speechless when they heard this.

In the face of such a ridiculous joke (abbreviated:), even their own people can't bear it.

White House spokesperson: There are two kinds of patents in the world, one is the U.S. patent and the U.S. future patent

They even began jokingly suggesting: If we really can't find a reason, please give us a normal and acceptable excuse! It's unbelievable! Is only the United States worthy of high technology? How can China handle those advanced technologies? Obviously, there has long been a prejudice and double standard against China.

It seems that it is correct to say that there are only two patents in the world - that is, belonging to "me" or belonging to "mine" in the future -- in front of the eightfold glasses! You say that you have innovated independently and have your own patent rights, but what about in the eyes of the United States? Hehe, "Yours is mine, and my future is mine!" "It seems as if these remarks have ignited global anger.

White House spokesperson: There are two kinds of patents in the world, one is the U.S. patent and the U.S. future patent

The use of such villain tactics by the United States to protect its own interests has long violated the provisions of international law.

In the past, the electrical industry giant Alstom was forced to accept dismantling and pay high compensation before receiving "leniency", and has been in a slump ever since.

White House spokesperson: There are two kinds of patents in the world, one is the U.S. patent and the U.S. future patent

Mitsubishi, whose fate has also encountered sanctions, is also mastered by the United States in core technology.

It's a pity! For Huawei, they directly fought back! Despite facing pressure for four years and never lowering its head, China's semiconductors began to rise after Huawei finally overcame the technical problems of high-end chips.

Strong panic fire spewed from the mouth of the "Western hegemon"! Because in the global semiconductor field, in fact, only European and American voices are the kings and singing the protagonists.

Now that China's semiconductors are rising, it will mean that a formidable adversary is emerging.

White House spokesperson: There are two kinds of patents in the world, one is the US patent, and the US future patent, [disclaimer] The article description process and pictures are all from the Internet, this article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgar and other bad guidance. If copyright or character infringement is involved, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, delete or change it immediately after contact.

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