
Dizziness, weakness, laziness and don't want to move, most of them are spleen deficiency, and Chinese medicine will send you a famous prescription for the ages

author:Zhang Qi, Department of Andrology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Do you often feel dizzy, always feel cloudy, like a wet towel, not refreshing, every day feel tired, don't want to move, sometimes don't even want to walk, even if it's half a day, don't want to go out, just want to go to the sofa, too lazy to move, even if it's not far to walk tired, don't want to go, and when it's time to eat, there is no appetite, I don't feel full when I don't eat much, I can't eat, my stomach still feels bloated, and my stool is sticky and unformed. If you have these symptoms, most of them are weak spleen and stomach.

Dizziness, weakness, laziness and don't want to move, most of them are spleen deficiency, and Chinese medicine will send you a famous prescription for the ages

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is the foundation of nurture, and the main movement can transform the food we eat into subtle substances, and then transport it to the whole body, so that the organs of the whole body can be nourished, which is the source of nutrition for the tissues and organs of our whole body. If the spleen and stomach are weakened, the ability to absorb and transform food is weakened, the power to transport subtle substances to the whole body is also insufficient, and the source of nutrients for various tissues and organs of the body is insufficient, there will be fatigue, listlessness, laziness and not wanting to move, just want to lie on the sofa, and feel tired when walking.

At the same time, the spleen is also the source of qi and blood biochemistry, the spleen is deficient, the qi and blood biochemistry is insufficient, it will form a deficiency of qi and blood, and people with qi and blood deficiency will appear dizzy, pale, and palpitated.

Dizziness, weakness, laziness and don't want to move, most of them are spleen deficiency, and Chinese medicine will send you a famous prescription for the ages

At this time, you can refer to using Xiao Jianzhong soup to recuperate.

Xiao Jianzhong soup comes from Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases", which can be described as a famous prescription for regulating the spleen and stomach. It is composed of six flavors: jujube, white peony, ginger, cinnamon branch, licorice, and starch syrup. It is a warming agent, which has the effect of warming and replenishing deficiency and relieving urgency.

Fangzhong reuses sweet, warm and moist caramel as the king, warms and replenishes the middle coke, and relieves pain. The minister warms the yang qi with the cinnamon branch of the bitter and warm heart, dispelling the cold and evil, and the white peony of the sweet and sour nourishes the yin, relieves the liver urgency, and relieves abdominal pain. It is accompanied by ginger to warm the stomach and dispel cold, and jujube to nourish the spleen and qi. Burning licorice invigorates qi and neutralizes, and harmonizes all kinds of medicines, which is used as an adjunct. Among them, starch syrup with cinnamon branches, spicy and sweet to turn yang, warm and coke and tonify spleen deficiency, peony with licorice, sour and sweet to dissolve yin, relieve liver urgency and relieve abdominal pain. The combination of six medicines, in the warmth and replenishment of deficiency and urgency, contains the meaning of softening the liver and spleen, benefiting yin and yang, and can make the middle qi strong, and the yin and yang qi and blood biochemical source are active, so it is named "Jianzhong".

Dizziness, weakness, laziness and don't want to move, most of them are spleen deficiency, and Chinese medicine will send you a famous prescription for the ages

If the scorching cold is severe, dry ginger can be added to enhance the power of dissipating cold in the warmth; those with qi stagnation can add wood incense to relieve pain; for loose stools, you can add atractylodes to strengthen the spleen, dampness and stop diarrhea; for those with yellowish complexion and shortness of breath and fatigue, ginseng, astragalus and angelica can be added to nourish qi and blood.

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