
Team equipment management (5) | How to manage the on-site instruments, meters and tools of the team

author:Outsmart the scene

Team instrument, meter and tool management refers to the general term of a series of work such as application, rational use, careful maintenance, maintenance of performance and accuracy, and compliance with various management systems for the instruments and meters required for production.

1. The tasks of team instrumentation, meter and tool management include:

1. Implement the system of instrument, meter and tool management;

2. Reasonable use of instruments, meters and tools to ensure the normal operation of instruments, meters and tools and the reliability and accuracy of data;

3. Do a good job in maintenance, storage, inspection, identification and scrapping, bookkeeping, card establishment, statistics, etc.;

4. Keep the technical data (including the certificate).

5. Handle instrument and meter accidents.

Second, the team instrument, meter and tool management methods

1. Acquisition and accounting of instruments, meters and tools

1) Formulate a plan and submit an application. According to the provisions of the production process documents, the team formulates new product process plans, equipment and instrument transformation plans, which are submitted to the competent department for approval by the workshop instrumenter.

2) Pick it up. After the arrival of the goods, go through the procedures for requisition, establish the account card, and accept the instruments and meters. The inspection items include internal and external inspection, that is, to check whether the shell packaging is damaged, and the complete set of inspection, that is, according to the packing list, the manual inventory of the host, auxiliary equipment, accessories and special tools, random drawings, technical data, instructions and peripheral wiring. At the same time, the drawings and technical data will be submitted to the competent department at a higher level for archiving, and the team generally only keeps the manual (or its copy).

3) Classification and establishment of ledgers. According to the requirements of tool management, the team can divide the tool into classes, species, groups, items and types. Divide all the tools into ten categories, each class into ten types, each into ten groups, each group into ten items, and each item into ten types. For tools (special tools, tooling), accounts should be established to prepare for production.

Team equipment management (5) | How to manage the on-site instruments, meters and tools of the team

4) Register and make records. The team should do a good job of receiving and borrowing tools in accordance with the prescribed procedures. The team should have a tool to use the custody card, and record the model, quantity, name, specification and date of the tool used by the operator. Employees should receive tools in an appropriate amount according to the provisions of the process documents. For shared tools, card management should also be established, and borrowing procedures should be completed for personal use, registered, and returned in a timely manner after use.

2. Correct use and maintenance of instruments and meters.

1) Pay attention to the working environment and working conditions of instruments and meters. General instruments and meters have regulations on working conditions, such as working environment temperature, humidity, etc., which must be strictly observed. Check the certificate before use, and the instruments and meters without the certificate should not be put into use.

2) Use instruments and meters within the scope permitted by the technical specifications. It is necessary to ensure that the instrument and meter do not work "with disease", do not replace the fine with coarse, and do not overload. The general instruments and meters have been adjusted and corrected, and some of the structures have been sealed, and the instruments and meters shall not be disassembled and disassembled without permission.

3) Pay attention to the operating procedures of instruments and meters. Before use, check whether the power supply and other power sources are matched, whether the seal is good, and whether the peripheral accessories are properly configured and ready before starting. Attention should be paid to the process of preheating and stabilizing radio instruments. Other operation sequences, methods, continuous use time, accuracy, use limits, etc., should be carried out in accordance with the regulations.

Team equipment management (5) | How to manage the on-site instruments, meters and tools of the team

4) Comply with the periodic inspection system. In order to ensure the accuracy and consistency of instruments and meters. The team must be in accordance with the provisions of the relevant periodic inspection system of the competent department, on time and according to the amount of instruments and meters submitted for inspection and verification, do a good job in the transmission of measuring instruments, and keep the verification card or form.

5) Do a good job in the maintenance of instruments and meters. The maintenance of instruments and meters mainly includes moisture-proof, anti-corrosion and anti-aging work. The case should be wiped daily with a dry cloth and covered with a cloth cover when not in use. Some instruments also have the requirement of avoiding light, and the dust in the instrument and meter should be removed by relevant personnel regularly.

3. Do a good job in the rectification and use management of tools

1) Rectification of frequently used items such as tooling and fixtures. The principle of "immediate acquisition" before use and "immediate return" after use should be valued and observed. For example, can the nut that is usually tightened with a wrench be changed to a handle that is screwed by hand? This can save tools; consider whether the tool can be placed in the closest place to the production site to avoid excessive walking and bending when taking and returning to the position; it is best to use photocopied drawings, colors, special marks, embedded dies, etc.

2) Rectification of cutting tools. Because these tools are reusable and prone to damage when moving, extra care should be taken when reorganizing. It can be stacked according to the type, size, and purpose of the tool, outlining the traces, and making it easy to return to the position. Pay attention to rust prevention, and spread oil-absorbing flannel on the bottom of drawers or containers.

3) Management of public tools and special tools. For utility tools, you can use the trajectorization management method, that is, a hook is hooked to the "shape" of each tool. When you're done using the tools, hang them back up on the board. If it is a personal tool, it can be painted with color, and the user's name can also be affixed to the special tool to prevent misuse.

Team equipment management (5) | How to manage the on-site instruments, meters and tools of the team

4) Use tools wisely. The use of tools should be in accordance with the requirements of the process, within the scope of the strength and performance of the tool, and it is strictly forbidden to substitute for serial regulations; special tools are not allowed to replace general tools, and the phenomenon of rough use of fine tools should be resolutely prohibited, and attention should be paid to maintaining accuracy and conditions of use in use.

5) Take good care of your tools. Tools should be placed in a fixed place, tools with precision requirements should be supported and cushioned according to regulations; toolboxes should be neat and clean, positioned and placed, unpacked and known, and accounts should be consistent; irrelevant items, especially personal items, are not allowed to be placed in the toolbox, and the tools should be sealed with oil or powder after use to prevent rust and deformation, and the tools that are not used for a long time should be handed over to the team for unified safekeeping.

6) Do a good job of inventory and verification of tools. Due to the frequent use of tools and the change of places, it is easy to forget in the workplace or misidentify each other, so the toolbox should be checked once a day and the accounts should be checked once a week to keep the tools and accounts consistent. Valuable and precision tools should be treated specially, and matters such as use and storage, regular cleaning, calibration accuracy and care should be done well. The measuring tool should do a good job of periodic inspection and identification, and keep it in good technical condition.

7) Do a good job of repairing and scrapping tools. Establish a disposal system for scrapping, loss and loss of tools. Where the tool can be repaired, measures should be taken in time to restore its original performance, such as the grinding edge of the knife, the repair of the measuring tool, etc. For tools that cannot be repaired, they can be scrapped and exchanged for new ones according to the procedures within the quota, and employees who save tools and care for tools should be praised.

4. Placement, daily maintenance and regular maintenance of working tools

Work tools include general tools, fixtures, molds, inspection tools, auxiliary tools, pliers and station equipment, etc., because work tools are the same as machinery and equipment, and are the basis for ensuring the smooth completion of production tasks. Therefore, it is of great significance to do a good job in the storage of work tools to ensure the efficient production of the team and reduce the production cost.

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