
Yongdeng United Front|Yongdeng County organized and carried out the theme activity of "Remembering the Heroic Martyrs and Sacrificing the Loyal Souls and Deepening the Feelings of National Unity".

author:Yongdeng release

The breeze and cypress are accompanied by heroic martyrs, and the Qingming Festival sweeps and sends mourning. On the occasion of the Qingming Festival, Yongdeng County organized and carried out the theme activity of "Remembering the Loyal Souls of the Heroes and Martyrs and Deepening the Feelings of National Unity".

Yongdeng County Cultural Center: Organize and carry out the "Remembering History and Paying Tribute to the Martyrs" Qingming Festival Theme Party Day Activities

The Party Branch of Yongdeng County Cultural Center organized all party members and cadres to gather in the Yongdeng County Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to carry out a far-reaching party day activity with the theme of "Remembering History and Paying Tribute to the Martyrs".

Yongdeng United Front|Yongdeng County organized and carried out the theme activity of "Remembering the Heroic Martyrs and Sacrificing the Loyal Souls and Deepening the Feelings of National Unity".

At the event site, the party members and cadres lined up neatly for a silent ceremony, in order to express their condolences to the martyrs. Subsequently, flowers were presented to the revolutionary martyrs to express their high respect for the martyrs, and the party members took the oath to join the party, and visited the revolutionary martyrs' cemetery together to gain an in-depth understanding of the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs.

Party members and cadres have expressed that they must always remember the great deeds of the revolutionary martyrs, take the martyrs as an example, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, inherit the revolutionary spirit, and internalize the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs in their hearts and externalize them in their actions in their future work and life, based on their own work, and work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Yongdeng County Education Bureau: Organize primary and secondary school students in the county to carry out a series of educational activities of "remembering the revolutionary martyrs and striving to be a new person of the times".

From March 29th to April 3rd, schools in the county organized a series of educational activities of "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Striving to Be a New Man of the Times".

Yongdeng United Front|Yongdeng County organized and carried out the theme activity of "Remembering the Heroic Martyrs and Sacrificing the Loyal Souls and Deepening the Feelings of National Unity".

A themed flag-raising ceremony was held. On April 1, the county's primary and secondary schools carried out the theme flag-raising activities, under the national flag, student representatives told the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs who were not afraid of sacrifice to save the Chinese nation, remembered the unswerving revolutionary fighting spirit and indomitable heroism of the revolutionary martyrs, and stimulated the patriotism of teachers and students to serve the country.

Carry out theme class meetings. All schools in the county organized and carried out class meetings with the theme of "Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Inheriting the Red Gene". Through reviewing poems, displaying pictures, telling stories and other ways, the homeroom teacher led the students to understand the origin and special significance of the Qingming Festival, so that the students received a vivid and profound patriotic education.

Carry out hand-copied newspaper production activities. Zhongbao Town, Longquansi Town, Yongdeng County Chengguan Primary School and other schools organized students to make hand-copied newspapers, record the Qingming customs or heroic stories they know with their own brushes, and use words, brushes and practical actions to remember the revolutionary martyrs and inherit patriotic feelings.

Carry out the "Patriotic Story, I Tell Stories" Qingming Speech Contest. All classes of Yongdeng No. 8 Middle School carefully prepared and rehearsed, and the students were full of energy and their voices were full of emotion during the speech, expressing their nostalgia and reverence for the revolutionary martyrs.

Carry out grave sweeping activities in martyrs' cemeteries. In front of the martyrs' monument, the students bowed, offered flowers and swept the tombs, visited the revolutionary relics, listened to the revolutionary stories, felt the revolutionary pride of countless revolutionary martyrs who were not afraid of sacrifice for the rise of the Chinese nation, and expressed their sorrow and admiration for the revolutionary martyrs.

United Front Work Department of Yongdeng County Party Committee: Organize ethnic and religious circles to carry out Qingming sacrifice and sweeping activities

In order to cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the legacy of the martyrs, carry forward the spirit of patriotism in the new era, forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and enhance the confidence and determination of people in ethnic and religious circles to listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, and follow the party, On the morning of April 3, the United Front Work Department of the Yongdeng County Party Committee organized more than 20 representatives of ethnic and religious circles to go to the Yongdeng Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to carry out memorial activities.

Yongdeng United Front|Yongdeng County organized and carried out the theme activity of "Remembering the Heroic Martyrs and Sacrificing the Loyal Souls and Deepening the Feelings of National Unity".

At the event site, representatives of ethnic and religious circles laid wreaths, bowed and saluted, and mourned in silence for the martyrs, and then visited the monument to learn about the heroes and heroic deeds in the history of Yongdeng, and received a profound ideological baptism and patriotic education. Everyone expressed that they should take the spirit of martyrs as an example, gather the strength to forge ahead, guide all ethnic groups to hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds, continue to carry forward the fine tradition of loving the party, the country and the religion, always adhere to the direction of sinicization of religion in the mainland, and contribute to the strength of ethnic and religious circles to further promote the high-quality development of Yongdeng County.

The holding of the Qingming Festival of "Remembering the Loyal Souls of the Heroes and Martyrs and Deepening the Feelings of National Unity" is not only an important part of the series of activities to build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, but also an important measure to inherit the excellent traditional culture and continuously forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, aiming to further enhance the national unity, centripetal force and cohesion of the people of all ethnic groups in our county.

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