
was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

author:Tomato says entertainment

Jin Xing's words stirred up a thousand waves, directly hitting the commercialization trend of Zhang Yimou's new work

In the middle of the night in October, the online world seems to be injected with a fiery energy that attracts attention. However, the protagonists who have aroused heated discussions this time are not those young actresses, but Ms. Jin Xing, an entertainment critic known for her outspokenness.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

This time, she sharply attacked the much-anticipated film work - "Solid as a Rock" directed by Zhang Yimou, and expressed her heart directly. She expressed her extreme disappointment with this movie in concise and powerful words, using only 20 words: "The subject matter is traffic-oriented, the picture is cyber-like, the circle money is regularized, and the elderly are suddenly probationary."

Reading between the lines, her dissatisfaction is evident - in her eyes, Zhang Yimou has obviously deviated from the pure film path he has always adhered to in order to cater to the market demand.

As soon as this Weibo post was released, it immediately attracted widespread attention on the Internet. Many fans were surprised by Venus's direct remarks, which they thought were too sharp and aggressive.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

However, there are also some viewers who agree, who believe that Venus points to the core problem of the film in one sentence.

As a result, this storm of public opinion triggered by Venus's words spread rapidly. Netizens have joined in this heated debate, some have fiercely criticized Jin Xing, and some have expressed enthusiastic support for her.

The noise on the Internet came and went, and it could not be calmed down for a long time.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

Looking back on Zhang Yimou's glorious history, his directorial talent is amazing

When it comes to Zhang Yimou, everyone knows that he is one of the most outstanding directors in the history of Chinese cinema. As an outstanding representative of the fifth generation of directors and one of the three giants in the current director industry, his strength and reputation are beyond doubt.

Looking back on Zhang Yimou's directorial career, he has always adhered to the purity and uniqueness of films. In the 90s of the last century, his first work "Red Sorghum" showed his unique artistic style vividly.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

Nine years later, his masterpiece "Man Jianghong" pushed his pursuit of pure and simple pictures to the peak.

Under Zhang Yimou's lens, every scene and every character is full of unique charm and beauty. He not only attaches importance to the texture of the picture, but is also good at capturing the unique temperament and personality of the actors.

Just like his performance in the highly influential work "Solid as a Rock", Zhang Yimou takes the trouble to ask the actors to show the real life conditions of all the characters, and does his best to restore the most real human appearance! His insatiable quest for the pure quality of cinema is precisely the key factor that has enabled him to continue to climb new heights and win the highest honors in his directorial career.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

There is no doubt that Zhang Yimou is a well-deserved master at the level of "national teacher", and his achievements and reputation are unparalleled. However, in the current situation, the word-of-mouth of "Rock Solid" is polarizing, and Venus's sharp comments are jaw-dropping.

Despite the talent of director Zhang Yimou, his latest masterpiece "Solid as a Rock" was released, but it faced the dilemma of polarizing word-of-mouth. Although it barely stood out in the fierce competition of the National Day file, the overall box office performance was still slightly regrettable and failed to meet the expectations of the audience.

What is even more surprising is that shortly after the film's release, Venus lashed out at it mercilessly. She criticized this masterpiece, which has been carefully built for many years, as "the traffic of the subject matter and the cyber of the picture", etc., and the sharpness of the words is shocking.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

As the "No. 1 poisonous tongue in internal entertainment", her outspokenness and criticism have always been her best skills. Her comment undoubtedly touched the sensitive nerves of many fans.

After watching the film, many viewers also deeply agreed, and they believed that Zhang Yimou did not hesitate to sacrifice his own artistic pursuit in order to cater to the tastes of young people, and overemphasized the visual spectacle effect.

However, Jin Xing's blunt remarks also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many fans don't fully agree with her, thinking that she is too subjective. They were still looking forward to the work and didn't find any major problems with it.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

From beginning to end, the film has sparked fierce debates between the pros and cons of public opinion, and Jin Xing's sharp criticism is undoubtedly adding fuel to this controversy.

Fourth, partly, Venus is famous for its "poisonous tongue".

The reason why Jin Xing is affectionately praised by the audience as "the first poisonous tongue in domestic entertainment" is inseparable from her consistent outspoken and honest style.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

Just a few months ago, in July, Jin Xing angrily accused female celebrities in deep V dresses but covering them with their hands in a live broadcast, arguing that their behavior lacked self-confidence, and it was better to be more natural and generous than to pretend to be dressed.

As soon as this remark was announced, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet and became the focus of people's attention.

Heated discussions stirred on social platforms, and the majority of netizens joined in one after another, expressing their opinions, and the arguments came and went. Admirers of Venus's sharp views firmly believe that celebrities should not deliberately shape a certain posture; However, there are also those who disagree, pointing out that Venus's remarks seem too harsh and that celebrity dressing should be a free choice for individuals and should not be overly picky.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

However, in the face of all kinds of doubts and criticisms, Jin Xing has always stuck to herself, and she has not weakened the strength of her "poisonous tongue" because of these voices. When evaluating Zhang Yimou's new works, she mercilessly caricatured the "national teacher" as a failed representative of commercialization.

Jin Xing's words are sharp and thought-provoking, which is the reason why she has a "poisonous tongue" to become famous. In the face of her words as sharp as a dagger, few people can retreat with their whole body, even the giants of the directing industry such as Zhang Yimou have not been spared.

5. Silence is golden: Zhang Yimou's way of directing

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

Unexpectedly, in the face of such a direct attack from Jin Xing, Zhang Yimou chose to remain silent and did not respond to this matter. This silent attitude is actually in line with his consistent code of conduct - stick to his original intention, his actions have their own echoes, and prove everything with strength.

In fact, not long ago, there was a rumor about the death of "Teacher Zhang Yimou" on the Internet. For other artists, this is undoubtedly a great insult and hurt, and they may immediately stand up to clarify the facts, or severely condemn the creators of the rumors.

However, Zhang Yimou ignored this, until finally the media came forward to clear his grievances.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

This kind of calm and introverted and calm style is a true portrayal of Zhang Yimou's treatment of people. He has always hated scheming and going with the flow, focusing only on his beloved career of filmmaking.

Just like in the film "Solid as a Rock", he insisted that all actors must play without makeup, which fully demonstrates his unwavering pursuit of pure film art.

Therefore, when Venus launched a fierce attack on him, Zhang Yimou naturally adhered to his long-standing style and chose to be calm and silent. In his opinion, a true masterpiece will eventually speak for itself by virtue of its own qualities and inner strength, without much explanation.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

Sixth, the final chapter: stick to the belief to always be, and take the blame

Some people said that Jin Xing's harsh criticism of Zhang Yimou's film may also stem from a certain "go with the flow" mentality. As she often said, "I am worried that the poor will be moved, and I am afraid that the rich will turn a blind eye."

In her opinion, Zhang Yimou's work this time may have made some commercial concessions and compromises, intentionally or unintentionally, in order to cater to market demand and strive for a higher box office.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

As an industry veteran, she naturally doesn't hesitate to make a blunt opinion on this and lash out at it with anger.

However, it may be Venus himself who is really worried about "the poor being moved". Now, whether it is her or Zhang Yimou, they have long been the focus of attention, and they no longer face the risk of "the rich turning a blind eye".

Zhang Yimou has become a leading figure in the film industry, creating a new chapter in Chinese films; And Jin Xing's performance in variety shows is also unique, leaving an indelible impression on the audience.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

The two of them have achieved remarkable results for all to see, and even if Venus's assessment is slightly arbitrary and biased, the audience will make their own fair judgment. After all, everyone's understanding and interpretation of movies is unique, and there is no one standard answer that is absolutely right.

The key is that no matter what the circumstances, we should stick to our beliefs and moral boundaries. The reason why Zhang Yimou has been able to win today's high reputation is precisely because he has never regarded movies as a mercenary commodity, but pursued the highest level of art with pure enthusiasm.

In comparison, Venus's "sharp words" may indeed seem too sharp. However, it is undeniable that this is the embodiment of her unique and unique personality.

was "the first poisonous tongue in internal entertainment" Jin Xingrui commented on Jiang Lang's talent! Why did Zhang Yimou dare to be angry

Let her show her talent to the fullest, the merits and demerits of her own audience comment.

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