
The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

author:The erudite fourth brother


In the U.S. Lunar Exploration Program, which surveyed the Moon, U.S. lunar probes discovered a narrow and unusually long valley near the northern hemisphere of the Moon.

After some research and analysis by relevant scientists, the pipeline, which is hundreds of kilometers long, may be a collapsed lava pipeline.

There have been cases on Earth where pipes were laid inside cooled volcanic lava, but is the same operation carried out on the frozen moon?

In fact, the scientists of the U.S. lunar exploration team speculated that the direction was different from that of the pipelines on the earth, and they hoped to build an underground base on the moon, because the sky above the moon could not block the radiation of the universe at all, so they should make good use of the underground space of the moon.

They wanted to use this method to build a city under the moon, and the lava pipes would provide all kinds of convenience for the construction of the city.

So how many more such lava pipelines on the moon can be utilized?

1. The discovery and functional analysis of lava pipelines.

On the Earth's surface, volcanoes erupt lava, the most common form of which is folded slips.

And this lava pipe was formed by such a folded flow.

On the moon, such a 48-kilometer-long folded slip stream was also generated, so the American lunar exploration team became interested in it.

However, after exhaustive research and analysis, scientists believe that some anomalies occurred in the formation of this lava pipeline, and it may be the result of the collapse of this lava pipeline.

You know, the width and depth of this lava pipe are very narrow, so there is very little lava in the pipe, so the collapse of this pipe will not cause a large volcanic eruption due to the fall of a large area of lava.

In the process of its formation, it is clear that it cannot produce the sticky lava around the crater as it does on Earth, so this collapsed lava pipe is the first time it has been found on Mars.

The rate at which volcanic mountains are generated on Earth is completely different from the rate of volcanic activity, so the chances of such a slender lava pipe being found on Earth are very small.

So on the Moon, can the number of lava tubes that can be found be multiplied by this ratio?

First of all, on the earth, lava pipes can be formed naturally, and the number is extremely large, and humans can't even reach places, but the lava pipes on the earth have experienced countless years of volcanic eruptions and collapses, during which they have undergone countless changes, so a large amount of lava has accumulated around the mouth of the pipe, and some have even fused with the roots of the pipe, so it is difficult to find.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

The extremely narrow lava pipeline is easy to bury and forget, so the American lunar exploration team can be said to be very successful, and the possibility of discovering such a narrow lava pipeline is much greater than that of the same vast surface on Earth.

Secondly, there is not a single lava pipeline on the moon, but a lot of them, and it is difficult for us to count all the volcanoes or even impossible to count, so the number of lava pipes is even more needless to mention.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

Of course, this does not mean that the theory of using lava pipes to build nuclear hope cities has become unlimited, after all, there are some convenient conditions in the lava pipes, and those lava pipes that are too narrow and too broken will not be taken into account when building cities.

When exploring the moon, scientists have experienced countless failures, not only did the rocket explode, but the vanity of human beings was also folded in half I don't know how many times.

But there are also expected successes, just like landing on the moon, scientists can explore by launching unmanned probes, that is, to verify whether they can do something on the moon.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

2. The construction of the city by the collapsed lava pipeline.

However, there are very few ways to carry out exploration activities on the surface of the Moon, only the same as the point and the screw.

There are very few possible ways to carry out exploration activities on the surface of the Moon, and there are very few ways that humans prefer to carry out activities on the surface, because there is no embodiment of environment and time on the surface of the Moon.

It is also possible to build a city on the surface of the moon, but it is extremely difficult.

It is necessary to resist not only radiation and tiny impacts in the universe, but also constant high and low temperatures, as well as the vacuum environment of the universe.

Moreover, cities need to be constantly maintained and renovated, which is very difficult for cities built on the surface.

The moon is a very unstable planet, and it has a long period of the year, there is no day and night, which makes it very difficult to maintain and transform the city.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

Therefore, when the American lunar exploration team discovered and analyzed this lava pipeline, it directly shifted the direction of the city's construction to the underground.

If the surface is a very unstable weak link in urban construction, then underground space is definitely the most ideal option.

Under the cover of a strict anti-radiation layer, the underground space can completely resist the cosmic radiation from the surface of the earth, and the underground space also has a stable temperature.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

The temperature of the earth's underground space can reach more than a dozen degrees Celsius at a depth of several kilometers, and the underground space on the moon does not need to be several kilometers deep to reach the same temperature, and the temperature of nearby volcanic lava is 1000 degrees Celsius, once such a high temperature is released, the temperature of the underground space will be fixed at about 17 degrees Celsius by circulating into the underground space.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

The temperature in the depths of the earth can be said to have a very good memory, and when you see a high temperature figure one day, you will retain a deep memory when you say goodbye, while the surface of the moon is just the opposite, it is a planet with a good forgetfulness, and the memory is very poor, so it cannot include the temperature changes caused by the change of day and night.

Basically, in the subterranean space of the Moon, the temperature is the average of the lowest and highest days of the year, or even less than that.

So the underground space of the moon can definitely build even better underground cities.

And there is definitely more than one ideal location for the city, with the broken areas on the moon and the lava pipes surrounding the underground space that can be exploited, and even through the lava pipes, you can get an endless deep underground sinkhole, in which you can build a huge rotating city.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

3. The importance of Chang'e.

After studying the use of lava pipelines by the U.S. lunar exploration team, scientists have become intrigued by what other resources exist on the moon that are convenient for humans to use.

When they surveyed the surface of the moon, they also found a lot of Chang'e stone, but Chang'e stone is only a stone on the moon, what is its importance?

Chang'e contains a large amount of helium-3, which is a very precious substance on Earth, but on the Moon, this substance exists in large quantities.

Scientists from the U.S. Lunar Exploration Team have carefully studied helium-3, which is an ideal material for controlled nuclear fusion.

In most cases, the method of nuclear explosion by human beings using atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs is very dangerous, because it is uncontrollable, and in the process of explosion, no one can control the behavior of nuclear weapons, so the use of nuclear weapons is a very risky option.

Compared to this, controlled nuclear fusion will be much slower, but it is a very promising option, because controlled nuclear fusion can be used to generate electricity, and in the universe, with controlled nuclear fusion, human beings do not need to worry about energy shortages.

The difficulty of controlled nuclear fusion lies in the need for a stable substance capable of nuclear fusion reactions, and helium-3 is such a substance.

On Earth, helium-3 is a rare substance that is difficult to obtain from underground fusion volcanoes, but on the Moon, volcanic eruptions will eject a lot of helium-3 directly onto the surface of the Moon.

Helium-3 is very aggressive, and when it encounters the conditions of excitation, nuclear fusion will occur immediately, and there are no such conditions on the earth, and the environment on the moon is very suitable for the development of helium-3, so helium-3 will be produced very much on the moon.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base

After all, helium-3 is still a substance of the earth, so when using helium-3 to generate electricity, helium-3 needs to be transported from the moon.

The first is to transfer the lack of helium-3 on the earth, and the other is to facilitate the use, but the distance between the earth and the moon is very far away, and the transportation cost that human beings can afford at present is very expensive, so it is an efficient and controllable thing to establish a comprehensive research and development base for helium-3 and its required instruments and technologies between the earth and the moon, and make some small changes to the power generation technology of helium-3.

The discovery of the lunar pipeline by the United States, hundreds of kilometers long, is an ideal location for a lunar base


In the process of exploring the moon, the U.S. lunar exploration team not only discovered lava pipes, but also conducted more detailed studies of other resources on the moon, which made mankind more interested in the resources on the moon.

The moon is the main development planet of human civilization in the future, and in the future, we may find a lot of available resources on the moon, and even lay railways and build factories, and then use the resources on the moon to solve the problem of lack of energy and mineral resources on the earth.

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