
Changbaiyuan Community, Changbai Street, Heping District: 30 Studio's "Saturday does not close" anti-fraud publicity activity

author:Shenyang News Channel

In order to truly raise the public's awareness of security precautions, widely disseminate common sense on preventing telecommunications fraud, prevent and reduce the occurrence of telecommunications fraud cases, and ensure the safety of the people's property. The Changbaiyuan community carried out an anti-fraud publicity campaign with the theme of "Saturday does not close" with 30 Studio as the main body.

Changbaiyuan Community, Changbai Street, Heping District: 30 Studio's "Saturday does not close" anti-fraud publicity activity

During the event, the professional advantages of the "30 Studio" team were fully utilized. Distribute anti-fraud leaflets, explain cases, and actively guide the masses to register and install the "National Anti-Fraud Center" app. In easy-to-understand language, combined with vivid cases, the residents were introduced in detail about various fraud methods and prevention skills. They also highlighted the insidious and harmful nature of online fraud, reminding everyone to be vigilant at all times and not to trust strangers' messages and temptations.

Changbaiyuan Community, Changbai Street, Heping District: 30 Studio's "Saturday does not close" anti-fraud publicity activity
Changbaiyuan Community, Changbai Street, Heping District: 30 Studio's "Saturday does not close" anti-fraud publicity activity
Changbaiyuan Community, Changbai Street, Heping District: 30 Studio's "Saturday does not close" anti-fraud publicity activity

The anti-fraud publicity activity of "30 Studio does not close on Saturdays" has improved the public's awareness and ability to identify telecom network fraud, and helped the formation of a publicity pattern of "everyone knows fraud and everyone fights fraud". In the future, Changbaiyuan Community will continue to play the role of "30 Studio" and regularly carry out similar publicity activities to provide residents with more comprehensive and professional safety services. (Contributed by Changbaiyuan Community, Changbai Street, Heping District)

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