
India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

author:Plantains on Jinxi Road

What is the situation in India, which is a crematorium for foreign companies, to announce that it will relax the restrictions on Chinese companies establishing joint ventures in India?

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

India has a reputation as a crematorium for foreign companies, and companies from all over the world are terrified when they hear about India, but why are so many companies sent to the door one after another to be slaughtered? Because India has a huge market in the world after China and the United States, everyone wants to give it a try, and the dream is always there, what if it comes true? Just like every woman wishes that she is the exception of a rich and handsome scumbag, she always feels that the scumbag will change for her, and she will be the last of the scumbag, of course, the result is often not so good.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

India is different from other countries, that is, India indiscriminately harvests foreign companies from all over the world to invest in India, whether you are Microsoft, IBM, or Google in the United States, or Xiaomi, BYD or VIVO in China, they have all been fined a large amount of money in India. Rs 1,300 crore for Apple, Rs 2 billion for Amazon, Rs 620 crore for Microsoft, Rs 1.62 crore for Google, Samsung, Oracle...... and China's Xiaomi was fined 4.8 billion yuan.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

Recently, it has been reported on the Internet that India has made the United States miserable and deceived the United States of nearly 70 billion US dollars, I don't know if it's true, if it's true, India's Modi government is really powerful, harvesting the whole world, sitting on the crematorium of foreign companies, this time it is the United States that is harvested, the grave of a veritable foreign company.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

Here's the thing, the United States keeps raising interest rates, constantly harvesting Asian countries, Japan and South Korea and other countries are suffering, and India is not immune to it, and domestic assets continue to depreciate. The United States saw an opportunity to harvest India and offered to buy a large steel mill in India, but the Indian side agreed without thinking about it, and happily decided to sell a 49 percent stake in the steel company for $35 billion, and the Modi government also agreed to the United States' request for guarantees.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

India has always been a tough refusal to acquire its domestic core industrial assets, and this time it agreed so readily? Sure enough, when the U.S. company was about to take over the company after paying the $35 billion acquisition price as promised, the Indian side told the U.S. that the company's debt was as high as more than $130 billion, and if the U.S. company wanted to successfully close its equity, it would be troublesome to pay off the $75 billion debt that accounted for 49% of the shares.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

The United States was confused, and when it reacted, it exploded, expressed strong opposition, and was ready to withdraw the money, what kind of international joke, and you still want to take back the money that went into India's pocket, isn't it a fool's dream. The Modi government has made it clear that the shares belong to the shares, and the shares will be given to you if you give the money. But the debt is a debt, and the debt is repaid before the shares can be transferred to you.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

In order to avoid a default by the United States, the Modi government of India froze the assets of Citibank in India and demanded that it not run away until it repaid its debts. This is called the wicked have their own wicked grinding, and if the harvest is not successful, it will be counter-harvested, and the United States has now cried and fainted in the toilet.

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

India even dares to harvest the United States, and it is so blatant that all countries are terrified, what is the intention of taking the initiative to show favor to Chinese companies this time? Most people's first reaction is that India is baiting again, relaxing the restrictions on Chinese enterprises investing in India, and when Chinese companies invest a lot of manpower and material resources to build factories and start normal production and operation, they will impose fines on enterprises for various reasons, and if they can't pay the fines, they will be forcibly confiscated. Is there a royal law for India to do this? Is there still a law?

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

What do you talk to the gods about the law? Isn't this playing the harp to a cow? Modi claimed to be the messenger of the gods, and the heavens sent him to govern India. For such a ruffian, the best way is not to go to him to invest, he buys our things and asks for cash pick-up, what do you think of the payment to the delivery?

India, as a crematorium for foreign companies, claims to relax restrictions on Chinese investment in India, what is the situation?

However, India also has a good point that it is particularly protective of locals, requiring all foreign-funded enterprises to hire Indians as corporate executives when investing in India, which should also be a global practice, but it seems that the mainland has no mandatory requirements for this aspect, do you think such a regulation is good?

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