
Caring about cars and caring more about people, JAC 1 card helps teenagers to popularize science about automobiles

author:Jiangqi Group
Caring about cars and caring more about people, JAC 1 card helps teenagers to popularize science about automobiles

On May 20, 2024, Jiangqi Group ushered in the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the factory, which is the Jiazi moment of Jiangqi Group's unremitting struggle. In the past 60 years, JAC 1 Card has always been there, which has not only witnessed the development process of the group, but also contributed to the national economic construction and social development of the mainland. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary, in order to spread the automobile culture and present the 60th anniversary of the birth of Jiangqi Group, JAC 1 Card and the Society of Automotive Engineers of China launched a series of theme activities such as "Youth Automobile Science Popularization Activities", committed to revitalizing the national automobile industry and becoming "China's 1 card and the world's 1 card".

60 years of "new" and walking

JAC 1 card not only cares about cars, but also cares about people

From Chaohu Auto Parts Factory in 1964 to a global comprehensive automobile enterprise group, from scratch to build the first car in the history of Anhui Automobile to open the curtain of the development of Anhui automobile industry, to the simultaneous development of business and passenger vehicles, oil and electricity, and the delivery of nearly 10 million products to global users, the 60 years of Jiangqi Group is not only the development journey of Anhui's "first industry" from scratch and from weak to strong, but also a true portrayal of China's automobile industry.

Caring about cars and caring more about people, JAC 1 card helps teenagers to popularize science about automobiles

Over the past 60 years, Jiangqi Group has never stopped struggling from scratch, from small to large, from traveling all over China to being well-known all over the world. As one of the core strategic businesses of Jiangqi Group, light commercial vehicles have always practiced the original mission of "manufacturing better products and creating a better society", and with the hard core strength of "mastering the key technology of chassis", it has continuously iterated and upgraded, not only becoming the leading brand of high-end light trucks in mainland China, but also selling well in 132 countries and regions around the world, becoming the first brand of light truck exports in China.

It is worth mentioning that as a national automobile brand, JAC 1 Card not only cares about cars but also cares about people, and has consistently helped cardholders get rich, helped rural revitalization and economic development for 60 years, and played an important role in the economic construction and social development of the mainland.

Caring about cars and caring more about people, JAC 1 card helps teenagers to popularize science about automobiles

JAC 1 Card Service Brand Day Customer Care Activities

Up to now, JAC 1 Card has more than 1,700 star-rated service stations across the country, with a service radius of less than 50 kilometers in non-remote areas, and is on call 24 hours a day, so that truck drivers dare to fight and have more confidence. At the same time, JAC 1 Card has widely carried out customer care activities such as "Jiangge Service Journey" and Service Brand Day, which is equivalent to giving truck drivers another "reassurance". For major customers in the industry, JAC 1 Card has also formulated an exclusive all-inclusive service policy, covering the whole life cycle of pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale, with high docking efficiency, no need to worry about regular maintenance, more peace of mind for prevention and maintenance, and ensuring attendance and timeliness, which has been fully affirmed by many industry customers.

Promote car culture

The goal of helping the car to become a strong country will be achieved as soon as possible

In order to further practice the concept of "caring about cars and caring more about people" of JAC 1 Carter, JAC 1 Carter and the Society of Automotive Engineers of China launched the "Youth Automobile Science Popularization Activity" to popularize automotive science knowledge and spread and promote automobile culture.

Caring about cars and caring more about people, JAC 1 card helps teenagers to popularize science about automobiles

According to reports, since its launch in 2021, the "Youth Automobile Science Popularization Activity" has been held for three consecutive years, aiming to carry out automobile knowledge popularization for young people, stimulate children's interest in automotive science and technology, and contribute to the cultivation of a new generation of automotive talents and the vigorous development of the automotive industry. The activity spreads the automobile culture, enhances the attention and love of young people for the automobile industry, cultivates the good quality of young people who are diligent in thinking and having the courage to practice, and encourages young people to strive to be "little car designers" and strive to grow into the pillars of the development of the automobile industry.

This year, the event will continue to start from Beijing, and will successively go to Jingmen, Lingyuan, Baoding, Xiangyang, Lanzhou, Yantai, Ningbo, Hefei, Qingzhou, Zhangjiajie and other places to organize and carry out collective painting, science sharing and other rich automotive science popularization activities, benefiting ten cities and thousands of lives. Through public welfare activities, students will continue to be provided with painting tools, excellent portfolios, automotive science books, car models and other related items, such as spring breeze and rain, to moisten the youth automotive technology literacy and automotive technology dreams.

Caring about cars and caring more about people, JAC 1 card helps teenagers to popularize science about automobiles

Young people are the future of the country, and when the youth is strong, the country is strong, and the youth is wise. JAC 1 Card has always been very concerned about the growth of young people, this time JAC 1 Card will focus on participating in four stations, including Hefei, Anhui, Qingzhou, Shandong, Jingmen, Hubei, Zhengzhou, Henan, etc., and strive to promote the popularization of automotive knowledge and promote the cultivation of automobile talents.

Technology is changing, products are changing, and the brand concept of JAC 1 card "caring about cars and caring more about people" has always remained the same. 60 years is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey, containing infinite possibilities. JAC 1 Card will be determined to build a high-end intelligent truck with a better chassis, wholeheartedly provide better service, more care and care, and work with thousands of young people to create a better life and let more dreams shine.

[Article source: China Automotive News]

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