
The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

author:Guagua Entertainment Clips

"The Wind Chaser" finally responded, Wang Yibo and Wang Yang also posted, Wang Yang's response was tough, and the words revealed this unwarranted disaster.

The iQiyi crew publicly stated that Wang Yibo and Wang Yang both signed up and met the rules of Magnolia.

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

The implication is that both of them are leading actors, and I also signed up, but Wang Yibo's acting skills were not recognized by the judges.

After iQiyi finished posting, Wang Yibo also posted: Everyone understands each other, the success of "Wind Chaser" is inseparable from everyone, everyone understands each other, and said that he will definitely work hard to focus on the role and the work.

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

Wang Yibo's response can be said to be a standard response template, affirming both himself and the main creators of the crew, and saying that he will work hard to do what an actor should do.

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

There doesn't seem to be any problem with this template, but some fans are not satisfied with his attitude, after all, since the nomination, Wang Yibo's fans have reported Wang Yang on the Internet, as well as industry insiders who have not completely spoken only for Wang Yibo. For example, Zhao Dongling, who is in her 70s, affirmed Wang Yibo, but at the same time, she also affirmed Wang Yang, which attracted cyberbullying from fans and affected her family.

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

Not to mention Wang Yang and his family, as well as the crew and other main creative personnel. Therefore, some netizens' fans think that Wang Yibo has not played a role in guiding fans, and there has been no restraint for a few days, but instead connived at the innocent fans to report others online. Even Wang Yibo's fans praised Wang Yibo as a decent person, adults don't remember villains, let it be given to Wang Yang.

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

And Wang Yang also responded to this, expressing his attitude in just ten words: I am down-to-earth filming, and actions speak louder than words.

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

It can be seen from the words that Wang Yang himself is still a little aggrieved, I am filming steadily, who am I provoking? Why did it lead to an unwarranted disaster?

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

To be honest, Wang Yang has indeed been compared by the Internet in the past few days, from his point of view, the same starring role is just a different performance, why can't it be awarded, and this is decided by all the crew members, with his own little relationship, he really won, why is it said that he is stealing?

The three-way response of "Wind Chaser" confirmed the innocent cyberbullying of fans, Wang Yang: Who did I provoke when I filmed steadily?

Anyway, if you are the same male lead, you really can't apply for the award? Can you only report one according to the position, so is this the purpose of some people grabbing the position? But in the end, there is also the possibility that the bamboo basket will be empty, so for the crew, this kind of selfless approach will not agree.

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