
Baby Xu Xu publicly criticized fans: Some jokes really can't be messed around, especially when it comes to family!

author:Game number one

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In the game circle, the number of fans of Xuxu baby is relatively large, and the popularity in the live broadcast room is also very high, many friends just like to watch Xuxu baby's live broadcast, although it is said that it is rare to play games now, but it will often watch Xuxu baby's live broadcast, which feels very interesting, and Xuxu baby often talks about some topics in the live broadcast room, which has attracted a lot of netizens, of course, everyone also likes to joke with Xuxu baby, the interaction in the live broadcast room is still relatively harmonious, but in yesterday's live broadcast, Baby Xuxu rarely publicly criticizes fans, and some jokes should not be messed around.

Baby Xu Xu publicly criticized fans: Some jokes really can't be messed around, especially when it comes to family!

The popularity of Xuxu baby is relatively high, so in the live broadcast room, in order to do some live broadcast effects for everyone, I often interact with some female anchors, especially every week with some female anchors randomly connected to the microphone, many netizens like to watch it very much, in addition, Xuxu baby company has many beautiful female anchors, Xuxu baby also often creates some topics, stir up the heat.

For example, the last time I was live streaming with goods, I interacted with the female anchor Menghan a lot, and I was fed, and I made all kinds of small actions, and it was more common to be an anchor, because the topic of stirring up each other was hot, and it could bring more attention.

Baby Xu Xu publicly criticized fans: Some jokes really can't be messed around, especially when it comes to family!

And during the live broadcast a few days ago, Xuxu Baby talked about another female anchor Mier in the live broadcast room, because Mi Er recently released a video, and the copywriting used in the video is love baby, but I didn't expect to be caught by many Xu Xu Baby's fans, and they all Ai Te Xu Xu Baby, saying that Mi Er wanted to interact with Xu Xu Baby, and even in the comment area, Mi Er also liked the first popular comment, and this matter was known by Xu Xu Baby's wife.

Brother Bao talked about this incident in the live broadcast room, and said that his wife also asked him what was going on, why did he get involved with Mi'er again? According to Brother Bao, there has been no interaction for more than half a year.

Baby Xu Xu publicly criticized fans: Some jokes really can't be messed around, especially when it comes to family!

And in the live broadcast room, he shouted Mi'er to join Xuxu Baby Media, if he can join his company, it must be very hot, this matter is still started by Xuxu Baby, and then many fans of Xuxu Baby began to say on the Internet that the relationship between Xuxu Baby and Mier is not ordinary, and the CP is fried on the Internet, and there are some sliced videos, which are particularly hot, but I didn't expect that there was a problem.

According to Brother Bao, he has now made his wife angry, because he has been arguing with the CP of Baby Xuxu and Mi'er in the past few days, so he made a statement in the live broadcast room.

Baby Xu Xu publicly criticized fans: Some jokes really can't be messed around, especially when it comes to family!

He asked fans to have some anchors who make videos, don't talk about things between the two of them, there is nothing in the first place, and those who do videos, if they mess with CP, their authorization will be canceled, especially now, many comment areas, all kinds of voices on the Internet, have affected him, according to Xu Xu's baby, now his wife is also very angry, and when she encounters such a fan, she will be kicked out of the group directly.

According to Brother Bao, sometimes it's a joke and it's nothing, but now this topic is very sensitive, because it has already involved the family, causing family impact.

Baby Xu Xu publicly criticized fans: Some jokes really can't be messed around, especially when it comes to family!

The main reason is that because Xuxu's baby is not young, he has some of his own cognition of things on the Internet, and his children can also brush up on the Internet when they brush videos, so the impact on children is very large, this joke has involved the family, some jokes can be made, but jokes involving the family can not be opened.

For netizens, they basically know that this matter is fake, and it is also for fun, because those who often watch Xuxu's live broadcast know that there are a lot of jokes in the live broadcast room, and there are also a lot of jokes about Brother Bao in various comment areas. But looking at it now, Brother Bao really attaches great importance to it, so Baby Xuxu rarely makes a public statement in the live broadcast room. What do you think about this?

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