
When a female soldier suddenly wants to go to the toilet while the military is on parade, what should she do? China's approach has been followed by other countries

author:Fun walks the world

The military parade, a solemn and sacred national celebration, is not only an important occasion to show the country's strength and national spirit internally, but also a stage to show the country's image and majesty externally. In this military exhibition, which has attracted worldwide attention, every soldier is a representative of the country's image, and their every subtle movement tugs at the heartstrings of the Chinese people.

You must know that at this time, the global media are all shooting, and some people have bad intentions, and they are specifically looking for faults. Therefore, at such a critical moment where there is no room for error, every detail is crucial, and even the eyes cannot be blinked.

When a female soldier suddenly wants to go to the toilet while the military is on parade, what should she do? China's approach has been followed by other countries

However, even military personnel who have undergone long and rigorous training may encounter some unexpected physiological demands on the day of the parade, such as internal urgency. So, in the face of such a problem, how should female soldiers respond?

As we all know, the parade ceremony often requires soldiers to prepare several hours in advance, usually the parade process is about 3 hours, but from preparation to the end, at least more than 7 hours, in the middle can not leave the team. In this long waiting and standing, even a well-trained soldier cannot avoid the trouble of physical needs.

When a female soldier suddenly wants to go to the toilet while the military is on parade, what should she do? China's approach has been followed by other countries

Especially for those female soldiers who are dressed in military uniforms and have a heroic posture, how to properly deal with this problem while maintaining the strict appearance of the army is indeed a test of the wisdom and humanistic care of the army.

In the past, in order to avoid embarrassing situations during the parade, female soldiers usually chose to reduce water and food before the parade to reduce the probability of physiological needs. However, although this method can reduce the problem to a certain extent, it is not a long-term solution, and it cannot completely eliminate the occurrence of internal emergencies.

After all, anything can happen when people eat whole grains, and besides, on such a solemn occasion, soldiers are very easy to get nervous in the face of great pressure.

When a female soldier suddenly wants to go to the toilet while the military is on parade, what should she do? China's approach has been followed by other countries

With the advancement of technology and humane considerations, the Chinese military has developed a military diaper that provides a practical and decent solution for female soldiers in military parades. This diaper is designed to be thin and lightweight, with excellent ventilation, and it will hardly affect the external image when worn under military uniforms.

At the same time, it can effectively absorb urine and keep it dry and comfortable, so that female soldiers do not need to be distracted to deal with internal emergencies during the parade. By wearing these diapers before the parade, the female soldiers can devote themselves to the intense rehearsals and performances without being distracted by internal problems.

When a female soldier suddenly wants to go to the toilet while the military is on parade, what should she do? China's approach has been followed by other countries

This smart solution has not only been widely praised by domestic soldiers and people, but also attracted international attention. Many foreign military personnel also expressed their appreciation after learning about China's innovation.

It is believed that this initiative not only improves the comfort and performance of soldiers, but also provides useful lessons for other countries. In fact, many countries have followed China's lead and provided more humane protection for their soldiers.

When a female soldier suddenly wants to go to the toilet while the military is on parade, what should she do? China's approach has been followed by other countries

In addition to solving the problem of internal emergency, the Chinese army also showed many other commendable details during the parade. For example, months before the parade, soldiers undergo rigorous physical and posture training to ensure that they look their best on the day of the parade. In addition, the military carefully selects military uniforms and accessories for all weather conditions to ensure that soldiers maintain their best image in any environment.

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