
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day

author:More than three people 4216

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight decreased 0.4Kg from the left day, to 176.4 pounds, continue to work hard to improve the proportion of aerobic exercise, I would have watched the dragon boat race, the weather was too hot and I didn't watch it. #长途耐力骑行# #我要上微头条# #骑行真的快乐吗# #金粉社区# #头条# #爆料#

Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival! 60 kilometers around the lake, constant speed 26.8, average heart rate 138, fat burning 10%, cardiopulmonary aerobic exercise 40%, muscle strength strengthening accounted for a bit more, weight than the left day

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