
It is not reasonable to apply for a temporary residence permit in your own country

author:Jiaodong Peninsula

It is indeed unreasonable to apply for a temporary residence permit in one's own country, and there are many problems and contradictions in this system itself. The temporary residence permit, as a kind of proof document for non-registered residents to live in the city, is in essence a restriction on citizens' right to free movement, which is contrary to the spirit of the rule of law and the concept of human rights in modern society.

First of all, from a legal point of view, every citizen has the right to freedom of movement within his or her own country, which is a fundamental right granted by the Constitution. However, the temporary residence permit system restricts the exercise of this right to a certain extent. Citizens who move to other cities for work or life needs need to apply for a temporary residence permit to prove their legal residence, which undoubtedly increases their burden and inconvenience. At the same time, the temporary residence permit system is also prone to abuse of power and corruption. In order to control population numbers or maintain social stability, some localities may abuse the temporary residence permit system to unreasonably restrict or interfere with the normal movement of citizens. Such abuse of power not only infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, but also damages the credibility and image of the government.

Secondly, from a social point of view, the temporary residence permit system has also brought many negative effects. On the one hand, it exacerbates the dual structure between urban and rural areas, restricts the flow of population between urban and rural areas, and is not conducive to the development of urban-rural integration. On the other hand, the temporary residence permit system is also prone to social injustice and discrimination. Since temporary residence permits are usually linked to the household registration system, some cities discriminate against temporary residents in employment, education, medical care, etc. This kind of discrimination not only harms the legitimate rights and interests of the temporary population, but also affects social harmony and stability.

In addition, with the development of the times and the progress of society, the temporary residence permit system has become less and less suitable for the needs of modern society. In today's informatization and networking, people's migration and mobility are more frequent and convenient, and the temporary residence permit system has been difficult to adapt to this change. At the same time, with the reform and improvement of the household registration system, more and more cities have begun to relax restrictions on population migration, and the temporary residence permit system has gradually lost its meaning and value.

Therefore, we should recognize that it is not reasonable to apply for a temporary residence permit in our own country, and this system should be gradually abolished. Of course, the abolition of the temporary residence permit system does not mean that the disorderly movement of the population will be allowed, but that urban management and social governance need to be strengthened while protecting citizens' right to free movement. Specifically, the following measures can be taken:

1. Improve the household registration system and realize the integration of urban and rural areas. Through the reform of the household registration system, the dual structure of urban and rural areas will be broken, and equal rights of urban and rural populations in employment, education, and medical care will be realized. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of urban infrastructure, improve the carrying capacity of cities, and provide better conditions and environment for population migration.

2. Strengthen population information management and services. Through the establishment of a sound population information management system, the sharing and interoperability of population information will be realized, and it will be convenient for citizens to inquire about information and handle certificates in the process of migration. At the same time, it provides convenient service channels and methods, simplifies handling procedures, and reduces the burden on citizens.

3. Strengthen social governance and public security. By strengthening community building and the development of social organizations, we will improve the level of social governance and maintain social stability and security. At the same time, the management and services of the floating population should be strengthened to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests in the city are protected.

IV. Strengthen the establishment of the rule of law and protect citizens' rights. By strengthening the establishment of the rule of law, improving relevant laws and regulations, and clarifying citizens' rights and obligations to freedom of movement. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and restraint over the exercise of power and prevent the abuse of power and the occurrence of corruption.

In short, it is not reasonable to apply for a temporary residence permit in one's own country, and the system should be phased out. At the same time, urban management and social governance should be strengthened, citizens' right to free movement and social justice should be guaranteed, and the harmonious and stable development of society should be promoted.

However, to truly achieve this goal, we also need to reflect on the root causes of the temporary residence permit system at a deeper level. On the one hand, the emergence of the temporary residence permit system is due to the dual structure and social differences between urban and rural areas caused by historical reasons; On the other hand, it is also due to the excessive intervention and control of population movement and urban management by the government. Therefore, the abolition of the temporary residence permit system is not only a matter of abolishing a supporting document, but more importantly, it is necessary to promote comprehensive reform and innovation in the household registration system, urban management and social governance.

In terms of the reform of the household registration system, we need to break down the barriers of separation between urban and rural areas and establish a unified urban and rural household registration system. This includes abolishing the distinction between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou and achieving equality between urban and rural residents in household registration management; Improve the hukou migration policy, relax restrictions on population migration, and promote the orderly flow of population; Strengthen household registration information management and services, and improve the efficiency and convenience of household registration management.

In terms of urban management, we need to establish a people-oriented management concept and strengthen the construction of urban infrastructure and the improvement of service levels. This includes optimizing the spatial layout and functional zoning of the city to improve the carrying capacity and livability of the city; Strengthen the construction of public service facilities such as public transportation and housing security to meet the basic living needs of the floating population; Strengthen the improvement of the urban environment and the maintenance of public safety, and improve the overall image and governance level of the city.

In terms of social governance, we need to strengthen community building and the development of social organizations, and improve the level of refinement and professionalism of social governance. This includes strengthening community autonomy and democratic management, and giving play to the main role of community residents in social governance; nurturing and developing social organizations and promoting their participation in social governance and public services; Strengthen the comprehensive management of public order and maintain social stability and security.

Finally, we need to strengthen the rule of law and provide a solid legal guarantee for the abolition of the temporary residence permit system. Through the formulation and improvement of relevant laws, regulations and policy documents, the rights and related obligations of citizens to freedom of movement are clarified; Strengthen supervision and restraint over the exercise of power to prevent abuse of power and corruption; Strengthen legal publicity, education and popularization work, and increase citizens' legal awareness and ability to defend their rights.

To sum up, the abolition of the temporary residence permit system is a complex and arduous task, which requires us to reform and innovate from many aspects. Only by comprehensively deepening the reform and innovation of the household registration system, urban management, and social governance can we truly realize the right of citizens to move freely and the goal of social justice, and promote the harmonious and stable development of society.

Of course, there may be some challenges and difficulties in this process. For example, how to balance the relationship between population flow and urban carrying capacity, how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the floating population, and how to strengthen social governance and public safety all need to be deeply considered and discussed. However, as long as we adhere to the principle of combining problem-oriented and goal-oriented, and actively promote relevant reform and innovation work, we will certainly be able to gradually solve these problems and realize the abolition of the temporary residence permit system and the modernization of social governance.

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