
#抽明信片分万元现金#我抽到了限定明信片: The dumpling is divided into two buns, and Ai is tied with a dangerous crown; It is advisable to eat zongzi today. Again I drew to eat zongzi. I have already eaten the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday,

author:Gu Fengchen said


I drew a limited postcard: the zongbao is divided into two buns, and Ai is tied with a dangerous crown; It is advisable to eat zongzi today.

Again I drew to eat zongzi. I have already eaten it during the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday, and I will eat it today, and I will eat one tablet a day, which will not raise blood sugar and ensure health.


Click here 👉🏻 to draw a postcard together and share a prize of 30,000 yuan

#抽明信片分万元现金#我抽到了限定明信片: The dumpling is divided into two buns, and Ai is tied with a dangerous crown; It is advisable to eat zongzi today. Again I drew to eat zongzi. I have already eaten the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday,
#抽明信片分万元现金#我抽到了限定明信片: The dumpling is divided into two buns, and Ai is tied with a dangerous crown; It is advisable to eat zongzi today. Again I drew to eat zongzi. I have already eaten the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday,
#抽明信片分万元现金#我抽到了限定明信片: The dumpling is divided into two buns, and Ai is tied with a dangerous crown; It is advisable to eat zongzi today. Again I drew to eat zongzi. I have already eaten the Dragon Boat Festival yesterday,

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