
The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

Dust Whisperer

2024-06-22 18:10Published in Hunan

At present, the Paris Olympics are just over a month away, and most of the participating teams have announced their final lists for the competition. However, as one of the sports that Chinese people pay the most attention to, the Chinese women's volleyball team has only announced a 25-member squad, and has not yet announced the final 12-man squad. I have to say that the competition for places in the team is indeed very fierce. It's a bit cruel to have so many people eliminated from this 25-man squad. After all, on the big stage of the Olympic Games once every four years, everyone wants to show their style on it. A few days ago, a head coach Cai Bin's favorite general suddenly sighed on social platforms: "An end point means a new starting point, go forward, don't have to look back, meaningless past, fearless future." And accompanied by a video. And this passage and video were thought by many people that she was lamenting that she was not selected for the 12-man list of the Paris Olympics.

The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

The Chinese women's volleyball player is Wang Yunrui. Speaking of Wang Yunrui, I believe that fans who follow the Chinese women's volleyball team know that she is the favorite of head coach Cai Bin. Indeed, since Cai Bin took office, throughout the Paris Olympic cycle, Wang Yunrui has served as the starting and main attack of the Chinese women's volleyball team for most of the time. Even if there are controversies and doubts, Wang Yunrui is still the main player of the iron fight here in Cai Bin, and he is also a key player to cultivate.

The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

However, in Wang Yunrui's main attacking position, the competition in the Chinese women's volleyball team is very fierce. Wang Yunrui has a certain strength, but it has not yet reached the height of being the main starter of the Chinese women's volleyball team. In order to cultivate Wang Yunrui, Cai Bin withstood a lot of pressure, insisted on letting her play as the starter, and gave her a lot of time to perform. Of course, this is also related to the fact that players such as Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning left the Chinese women's volleyball team after the Tokyo Olympics.

The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

But with the return of Zhang Changning, Zhu Ting and other former main players, Wang Yunrui's position in the team is more awkward. After all, in the past two or three years, she has not played at a convincing level. Therefore, this problem has appeared more in the World Women's Volleyball League in Macau. At that time, Zhu Ting returned to the Chinese women's volleyball team, but Cai Bin did not give Zhu Ting much chance to perform, and even let Zhu Ting play for only one minute in two games, that is, she went up to serve a ball, and then was replaced. However, under the doubts of fans and other reasons, Cai Bin finally made a change, promising to give Zhu Ting more opportunities and make changes in employment.

The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

Therefore, when it came to the Hong Kong competition, Wang Yunrui, who had previously served as the main starter in the first two sub-station games, suddenly did not enter the squad and left the team. In the quarterfinals of the World Women's Volleyball League Finals, although Wang Yunrui returned to the Chinese women's volleyball team, she didn't get many opportunities in the game, and was only used to rotate serves. Although he has since made the 25-man squad for the Paris Olympics, he has not had a good chance of going to the Paris Olympics.

The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

After all, although Wang Yunrui served as the starting and main offensive position of the Chinese women's volleyball team most of the time throughout the Paris Olympic cycle, with the return of Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, as well as the growth of Wu Mengjie and Zhuang Yushan, Wang Yunrui's playing time gradually decreased. A few days ago, Wang Yunrui updated social media and posted a video with the caption: An end point means a new starting point, go forward, don't have to look back, meaningless past, fearless future.

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  • The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back
  • The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back
  • The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back
  • The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back
  • The Chinese women's volleyball team Cai Binai will be suspected of losing the Paris Olympics list, and social media posted: Go forward, don't look back

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