
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

author:Super learning dad egg total

Recently, everyone has deeply felt the temper of Mother Earth. Heavy rains and floods raged in the southern part of the mainland. Take Guangdong as an example, it has been raining for more than two months, from April 16 to June 14 for 59 days, a total of 52 days of rain.

So some people sighed, don't go to see the sea when you come to Guangdong, because the sea will come to see you. In April this year, Guangdong's rainfall surpassed that of the Amazon rainforest to become the world's strongest.

The rainy season, which lasted for more than two months in the south, also opened the eyes of netizens in the north, it turned out that everything in the south can be moldy, what walls can be moldy, leather bags are moldy, cotton hair is moldy, shoes are moldy, data cables are moldy, the steering wheel is moldy, and even flowers can be moldy.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

Recently, although Guangdong has been a little better, the pressure has been put on Guangxi, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Anhui. Among them, the water level of the Guilin section of the Li River has exceeded 1998, hitting a record high, the nose of Xiangshan has been submerged, and the Guilin train has also been soaked in water.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

In the past two days, the flood pressure in the mountainous areas of southern Anhui has also been very high. In the mountainous areas, the flood water immediately converged into an irresistible torrent and then poured down, posing a serious threat to the lives and property of the local people.

In stark contrast to the floods in the south, there is a high temperature and drought in the north, let's start with the high temperatures. Since June, the southern part of Hebei and the northern part of Henan have continuously experienced high temperatures of more than 40 degrees. On June 12, the temperature in Ren County was as high as 41.5 degrees.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

On the same day, the national weather stations in Wenxian, Yichuan and Yanshi, Henan Province, experienced maximum temperatures of 42.3 degrees, 42.1 degrees and 41.8 degrees. The mountain and river weather station in Gongyi City, Zhengzhou City, the foreign Chinese weather station in Luoyang City, and the chemical weather station in Mengzhou City experienced high temperatures of 45.4 degrees, 44.9 degrees and 44.9 degrees.

The main reason for the continuous high temperature is that it does not rain all the time. From May to mid-June 2024, rainfall in Henan province was 70% less than the multi-year average. Continuous high temperature baking, coupled with the absence of rainfall, has plunged North China into a severe drought, and some areas have reached the extreme drought level.

The good news is that the recent rains in the north have eased dramatically. But the bad news is also coming, as the rainfall belt moves north, drought and flood are likely to turn sharply in North China, that is, the drought control work will soon be transferred to flood prevention.

The situation in China is a little better, and the situation abroad is also in dire straits. Since the beginning of summer this year, extreme weather has almost swept the northern hemisphere, from Europe to Asia, many countries have encountered climate challenges such as high temperatures, droughts, and floods.

In June this year, Saudi Arabia was hit by extreme heat in the mid-50s, and the temperature in Mecca reached 51.8 degrees on June 17. This month is the month of Hajj, and so far more than 1,000 people have died during the Hajj.


Mexico is also experiencing unprecedented heat and drought. Since March this year, 155 people have died in Mexico due to heat. Twelve cities in Mexico broke heat records in May, and several dams in Mexico have dropped to critical levels.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

Several cities in the U.S. have reported the hottest summer on record, with no signs of easing so far. Due to high temperatures and drought, wildfires in New Mexico, USA, have begun to burn.

Europe is also a pot of mandarin ducks, with unbearable heat on the Mediterranean coast and floods in the Danube Rhine basin. The weather in Greece and Italy has exceeded 40 degrees this month, and many tourists have already died from the heat.

In Asia, India experienced the longest duration of hot weather on record. Since May 14, New Delhi, the capital of India, has been above 40 degrees for 38 consecutive days, with highs of 52.9 degrees.

What's even more exaggerated is that in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and other places in India, the maximum temperature has been around 50 degrees for a long time, and the minimum temperature at night is also around 40 degrees. Due to the high temperature, even the mosquitoes are gone.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

A small number of wealthy people are better (only 5% have air conditioning) and can hide in the air-conditioned room without coming out. The poor can only find a way to soak in the water, but they can turn on the faucet, and the temperature of the water can be as high as 40 degrees.

Indians on the banks of the Ganges are happy because they can soak in the nutrient-rich water of the Ganges. In the eyes of Indians, the water of the Ganges is sacred and inclusive, tolerant of sediment, tolerant of pollution, tolerant of dead bodies, and now tolerant of Indian men, women and children.


In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

People are a little more convenient, and the animals that wear fur coats all year round are even more unlucky. In the Paramu district of the eastern state of Jharkhand in India, villagers found nearly 40 monkeys drowned in a well.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

The cause of death was because the heat was unbearable, and the monkey had to go down the mountain to escape the heat. When the hot and thirsty monkeys saw the well, they jumped into it. It was indeed cool and thirst-quenching, but new problems came, and they couldn't climb out, and finally they all drowned in the well.

The birds that wore down jackets all year round also suffered a great sin. Walking on the streets of India, you have to worry not only about bird droppings but also about the whole bird falling, because many birds are also stunned by the heat.

Even more frightening is this trend. In recent years, extreme weather has become more frequent around the world, and in 2020, Europe suffered heavy losses from the storm of the century; In 2021, the western United States was hit by the worst drought crisis "since 1200 years", and in July of the same year, Zhengzhou was hit by heavy rainstorms that occurred once in a thousand years......

In 2022, some parts of Australia were hit by "once in 500 years" floods; In 2023, Beijing and Hebei will experience the strongest rainstorm in "140 years"; Floods in 2023 wiped out 13,000 lives (3,958 dead and 9,000 missing) in Libya, a perennial drought.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

In recent years, under the superposition of multiple factors such as global warming and El Niño and La Niña events, extreme meteorological disasters that occur once in a century and once in a thousand years are becoming more and more ......

We really should do something to save our homeland and save humanity. The bad news is that the Western countries, which had been the most vocal in the past, have finally torn off the mask of hypocrisy and forced developing countries to sign their pledges to reduce emissions, but they have chosen to retreat.

France and Denmark were the first to pull back, showing the reopening of several mothballed coal-fired power stations and the fact that Germany is drafting a draft law to scrap its 2035 carbon neutrality target. Third, Germany has repealed the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles in 2035.

On September 21, 2023, British Home Secretary Suella Braverman said: We are not going to save the planet by bankrupting the British people. When you asked developing countries to reduce emissions, you didn't care if they went bankrupt or not.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

There is one person who has seen through all this a long time ago, and this person is Academician Ding Zhongli. In 2021, Academician Ding Zhongli predicted that these countries in the West are just letting off empty cannons, do you think they will really reduce emissions? We'll see.


China is the only country in the world that is seriously fulfilling its commitments. Why is there only China, first, because the Chinese Communist Party's words count. second, it is determined by our national spirit and national character; The third is because technology is in the hands of civilization.

Academician Ding Zhongli once pointed out that China (dual carbon goal) is what China needs to do, because our Communist Party leadership has said that it must be counted. It is not only a traditional virtue of the Chinese, but also a fine character of the Communist Party of China.

As far as the Communist Party of China is concerned, only by making a promise can it win the trust of the people and win the respect and love of the people. This is where the strength of the party lies, and it is also where the confidence lies in not being afraid of any risks and challenges. This is in stark contrast to the empty promises of Western politicians.

Looking back at the 100-year history of the party, we can find that the party's goals at all stages have basically been achieved as scheduled. In particular, the three-step strategy is simply fascinating, and the Communist Party's ability to plan goals and decompose and implement tasks is worth learning from each of us.

So the party said that it would land on the moon in 2030, and it would basically be nine out of ten. The party said that if the complete reunification of the motherland is realized, the Taiwan issue will definitely be resolved. The party's promise to the dual carbon goal shows that it not only has determination, but also has an executable roadmap.

Let's talk about the national character first. The high temperature in India has made many Chinese netizens very emotional. Many people are grateful to the Himalayas and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Saying that the Himalayas is like installing an air conditioner in China, and India is the outdoor unit of the air conditioner.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

Some people also thanked the ancestors, saying that the ancestors chose a piece of feng shui treasure land for us (worthy of the strict selection of the ancestors). But some netizens disagree with this statement, saying that it is not that the ancestors chose well, but that for thousands of years, only our ancestors have been transforming the environment.

He said that if there was no Zheng Guoqu, there would be no eight hundred miles of Qinchuan; Without Dujiangyan, there would be no land of abundance; We have turned the flooding middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River into a granary, Yunmengze into a land of fish and rice, and the miasma-covered rainforest into a water town in the south of the Yangtze River......

In the end, he came to the conclusion that only we (the Chinese civilization) are a constructive civilization, and all others are predatory civilizations. Where our civilization was born, it is the best place.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

No way, who made our civilization an agrarian civilization. Agrarian civilization had two major enemies, the first was the harsh natural conditions, and the second was the invasion of foreign enemies. Therefore, in the period of 5,000 years, that is, 10,000 years, a unique national character has been formed.

The feeling of family and country is unique to the Chinese cultural circle. Because land is, after all, real estate, after all, it is the family property that has been saved by ancestors for generations, and it is also the foundation of life, and it must be loved. Why did the Chinese relocate to their land, and this is how they came.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

Diligence is also carved into the bones of the Chinese, because labor seems to be a matter of course in agricultural civilization. For the arrival of the autumn harvest moment, the Chinese are willing to work for most of the year with their backs to the sky facing the yellow earth.

Therefore, since ancient times, the ideas of leisure, hard work, and robbery and plunder have been spurned by morality, attacked by law, and even played a little clever to make a difference, and the idea of valuing agriculture and suppressing business has been deeply rooted.

Chinese have very low requirements for politicians, as long as they can live and work in peace and contentment; The Chinese do not have high requirements for immortals, that is, the wind and rain are smooth, and in other words, they can be satisfied if they can farm with peace of mind.

The personality of our nation is very special and dialectical, and in simple terms, it means both wanting and wanting, such as reverence for nature and the courage to fight heaven and earth. To put it simply, we and the gods and God are still the first to salute and then the soldiers, you respect me, I respect you.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

You bless me, we can discuss anything, and we will provide you with good food and drink. If you don't bless me, I'm sorry, then I'll flip the table. Therefore, we are a nation that fights the heavens and the earth, and we are the true fighting nation.

Some people say that Chinese have endured hardships and endured hard work since ancient times, and even went against the grain, but the premise is that you don't delay him from farming. If you can't get him to plant the land properly, then he may plant you in the field. Ancient Chinese history is also a history of peasant uprisings and resistance to foreign aggression.

This is our nation, which both conforms to and transforms nature; not only respects the heavens and ancestors, but also fights the heavens and the earth; is not only gentle and frugal, but also full of martial virtue. The words "the revenge of the tenth world can still be avenged" turned out to be said by Confucius.

In modern times, our ancient nation has fallen into the abyss of a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and is facing an extremely serious existential crisis. Thanks to the Communist Party of China, the Chinese nation was pulled out of the abyss, and it took only 28 years.

Among them, Mao Zedong has the greatest credit, and this is undisputed. And under his leadership, the Chinese revolution was the most thorough. Why was Mao Zedong able to achieve this immortal feat? It is because he has penetrated the essence of Chinese society and found the key to a thorough solution to China's problems.

In 1919, he predicted that the reform of the Chinese nation would be more thorough than that of any other nation, and that the society of the Chinese nation would be brighter than that of any other nation. The basis is that the Chinese, especially the Chinese peasants, are the most oppressed.

In his words, it is: the deeper the oppression, the greater the resistance, and the longer it lasts, the faster it will begin. To put it simply, the more than 400 million peasants in old China could no longer farm quietly.

After talking about national characteristics, let's talk about science and technology in the hands of civilization. Technology is a double-edged sword, and the key depends on who holds it. In the hands of robbers, it becomes a tool of robbery, and in the hands of criminals, that is the means of crime.

In the same way, technology is in the hands of capitalists, which is a tool for exploiting people; In the hands of imperialism and hegemonism, it is a tool to harvest the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The simple fact is that when the West forced developing countries represented by China to reduce emissions, the purpose was to impose carbon taxes, sell carbon indicators, and earn technology transfer fees, which is still exploitation to put it bluntly.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

And the ability to build infrastructure and scientific and technological innovation is in the hands of the Chinese, that is the tool to defend peace, that is the tool to transform the homeland, that is the tool of human development.

For example, through technological innovation, China has brought photovoltaic products to the price of cabbage, and the cost of power generation is less than a dime, opening up a way for mankind to solve the problem of clean and cheap energy.

After China hit the price of photovoltaic to the price of cabbage, the desert that was previously hated by everyone suddenly turned into a treasure. The area of the double bed has an energy of 10,000 calories per day. As a result, the Three Gorges Power Station has sprung up in the desert. Photovoltaic power plants have also found new ideas for desert management.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China
In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

In addition to photovoltaics, China is also vigorously developing clean and cheap energy sources such as wind power and hydropower. Due to the decline in the cost of electricity, it has also created conditions for the development of electric vehicles, and in the future, the cost of land transportation can be greatly reduced, and land rights may usher in a revival.

According to this line of thinking, the vast Sahara Desert in North Africa may become another Middle East, another sweet and sweet, another world energy center, and another place where soldiers must fight.

The cost of photovoltaic has been greatly reduced, which has greatly reduced the cost of power generation, which in turn has also reduced the cost of electrolysis of hydrogen, which has greatly promoted the development and utilization of hydrogen energy. At the same time, the cost of seawater desalination is greatly reduced. With water, many things are easier to do.

In short, the commitment of the party and the country, the national character of the Chinese nation to fight the heavens and the earth and transform the homeland, coupled with the possession of the infrastructure madness and the science and technology madness, the hope of Bluestar is in New China.

In the face of extreme weather, the hope of all mankind is in New China

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