
One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

author:Chinese veterans
One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

Recently, Yunnan Provincial Rongjun Hospital

Use 18 million yuan of the central special lottery public welfare fund

More than 90 items of medical equipment were purchased at one time

Fill the gap that the hospital has no large-scale medical equipment for more than 70 years

Let's witness together!

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

The "hematopoietic" function is significantly enhanced

25 degrees, 35 degrees, 45 degrees...... As the electric standing bed slowly rose, Wang Zhihong, a disabled soldier with waist muscle atrophy due to paraplegia, felt that the muscles in his waist were slowly tightening.

After 4 months of rehabilitation, his waist muscle strength has increased significantly, and after comparative measurement, he has grown 5 cm taller.

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

Thanks to the lottery community chest, the hospital purchased a batch of electric standing beds. Preferential care recipients like Wang Zhihong have embarked on the road to recovery faster.

In addition, the hospital also used the lottery public welfare fund to carry out an all-round quality improvement of the internal and external environment, further improve the functional settings of the hospital's departments, expand diagnosis and treatment and medical insurance charging projects, and improve the ability of medical service security.

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

After the upgrading and transformation of the hospital, its own "hematopoietic" function has been significantly enhanced, the advantages of characteristic specialties have been initially presented, and the medical needs of the preferential care objects have been better met. Many social patients have come here, and the outpatient and inpatient rates have increased significantly.

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

Earn "golden" healing time

One night, retired soldier Yuan Chaohai suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and after a while, the severe pain made him sweat profusely and breathe rapidly. In a panic, the family immediately called a doctor.

Thanks to the fast and accurate diagnosis of the newly purchased equipment, Yuan Chaohai's condition was effectively alleviated in the first time, escaping the "clutches" of death.

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

In the past, when the people of centralized support and preferential care suddenly fell ill, due to the incomplete medical equipment, the doctor could not make a clear diagnosis at the first time, and could only send them to a higher-level hospital for examination, which not only delayed the condition, but also threatened the safety of life.

Now, with the support of the Lottery Community Chest, the hospital has purchased a number of highly efficient medical equipment. This batch of equipment can quickly and comprehensively examine and diagnose patients, and win the "golden" treatment time.

"Now we finally have new equipment, some of which are even more advanced than the equipment of big hospitals, so we can see medical treatment at home without having to go out and toss!" Chen Jinhua, a disabled soldier, said.

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

Not long ago, 160 people who came to Kunming for recuperation experienced these equipment. These devices have also followed the medical staff and participated in the rounds carried out for the key preferential care recipients, providing them with better diagnosis and treatment services.

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

The old squad leader was delighted to see it

With the support of the Community Chest of the Central Special Lottery

Invalides hospitals in many places have purchased a number of efficient medical equipment

Today, these devices are in operation

Ability to quickly and thoroughly examine and diagnose the patient

Earn "golden" healing time

Send love and warmth to the "loveliest people".

Ask the canal that is as clear as promised

For there is a source of living water

The 18 million yuan central special lottery public welfare fund

It is the "source of living water" that cares for veterans

For the majority of veterans and other preferential care objects

Provide better diagnosis and treatment services


It also promotes the improvement of the diagnosis and treatment level of invalides hospitals in various places

The expansion of medical resources and the all-round high-quality development of hospitals

It has gradually realized the transformation from a single service to a preferential care object

Provide diversified services for social patients

One-time purchase! More than 90 items of medical equipment are dedicated to serving veterans!

Article source: Chinese veterans (ID: zgtyjr). The reprint must be indicated from the WeChat public account of "Chinese veterans", otherwise it will be regarded as infringement.

Source: Yunnan Provincial Department of Veterans Affairs, China Veterans Comprehensive

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