
The Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of 15 pilot cases of comprehensive land consolidation

author:iNatural omnimedia

On June 25, the Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of pilot typical cases of comprehensive land consolidation. The 15 typical cases announced this time have their own characteristics, and they all explore a series of practices that can be used for reference in combination with the actual local needs and resource endowments, and achieve significant comprehensive benefits. In order to learn and apply the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project", in 2019, the Ministry of Natural Resources launched a pilot project for comprehensive land consolidation. In view of the problems of fragmentation of rural cultivated land, disorderly spatial layout, inefficient use of land resources, and degradation of ecological quality existing in the land space of rural areas, the pilot project comprehensively uses policy tools such as the balance of occupation and compensation, and the linkage between increase and decrease on the premise of scientific and reasonable planning, and coordinates the implementation of agricultural land consolidation, construction land consolidation, ecological protection and restoration, historical and cultural protection, etc., so as to optimize the land spatial layout in rural areas. Since the launch of the pilot, the Ministry of Natural Resources has supported 25 provinces to implement 356 township-based pilot projects, as well as 56 pilot areas at different scales, such as Ningbo in Zhejiang, Conghua in Guangzhou, Quanzhou in Fujian, Chongai Expressway in Guangxi, and cross-township in Zhejiang. In addition, 892 township-based pilot projects have been carried out on their own. By the end of 2023, a total of 3.78 million mu of comprehensive renovation has been completed in 1,304 pilot projects across the country, 470,000 mu of new cultivated land and 120,000 mu of construction land have been reduced. The relevant person in charge of the Department of Land and Space Ecological Restoration of the Ministry of Natural Resources introduced the highlights and characteristics of 15 typical cases. The first is to optimize the spatial layout of the territory and improve the efficiency of territorial space governance. The case of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province proposes to "promote resource reorganization, functional remodeling, spatial reconstruction, industrial reorganization, and environmental rebirth through global rectification, and build a more reasonable ecological-living-ecological space". The case of Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, focuses on solving the problem of "small concentration and large dispersion" after the withdrawal and merger of townships and towns. The second is to help the "trinity" protection of cultivated land quantity, quality and ecology. Henan civil rights case to build 3 thousand acres of fields and solar greenhouses, manage grain bags and vegetable baskets; In the case of Liuyang, Hunan Province, 1,700 acres of non-grain cultivated land were transformed into high-quality fertile land. The case of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province promoted the transformation of broken fields into whole fields, and built the largest and highest quality Tianfu 10,000 mu square in the province, with an average increase of 100 catties per mu; Shanghai Jinshan case innovation integrates "construction land, facility agricultural land, permanent basic farmland, forest land" and other agricultural standard land. The third is to optimize the allocation of resource elements and promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas. In the case of Songjiang, Shanghai, the inefficient industrial plant adjacent to the residential area was transformed into a science and technology park, which is a win-win situation for land conservation and intensification, and the people's income increase. The case of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province integrates 6,000 acres of scattered industrial land into 3,500 acres of industrial communities to realize "industrial upstairs" and build a headquarters economic science and technology innovation park. Fourth, coordinate ecological protection and restoration, and improve the living environment in rural areas. The Baihe case in Shaanxi Province has made up for the shortcomings of rural infrastructure through rectification, and the rural living environment has been improved; The Jiangxi Ruichang case focuses on building "a demonstration road, ten miles of ecological rivers, 100 beautiful villages, 1,000 acres of characteristic industries, and 10,000 acres of high-standard farmland"; The case of Xiaonan, Hubei Province has been built into an eco-friendly and high-quality modern agricultural development zone with a wetland park as the core; The Guangzhou Conghua case has formed four remediation models: source restoration and ecological value realization, urban-rural integration development, new vitality of old cities, regional coordination and industry-city integration. Fifth, improve the public participation mechanism and promote the realization of the sharing of public interests and win-win results. The case of Yujiang, Jiangxi Province has built 6 "industrial sinking" workshops, which has driven more than 140 people to find employment, and realized that the masses have increased their income and become rich at their doorsteps; The case of Jiulongpo in Chongqing attracted more than 120 young laborers to return to their hometowns to start businesses, creating a characteristic citrus industry, red culture and rural research, and receiving a total of 240,000 tourists; The case of Yuhang, Zhejiang Province used "a camphor tree" to activate the enthusiasm of villagers for co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and formed a remediation model with comprehensive land consolidation + grassroots governance as the core. The person in charge said that from the perspective of effectiveness, the comprehensive land consolidation of the whole region has played an important role in protecting the agricultural texture, retaining the nostalgia of the countryside, releasing the development space, helping rural revitalization, restoring the ecological base, improving the living environment, deepening institutional reform, and sharing land dividends, and has become an important platform for rural revitalization in the field of natural resources.

The Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of 15 pilot cases of comprehensive land consolidation

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Reporter: Zhao Ning Poster: Xue Liang New Media Editor: Liu Chuan

The Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of 15 pilot cases of comprehensive land consolidation
The Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of 15 pilot cases of comprehensive land consolidation
The Ministry of Natural Resources released the first batch of 15 pilot cases of comprehensive land consolidation

iNatural omnimedia

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