
The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities

author:Green Qingpu
The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities
The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities

Today (June 25), the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee held a meeting to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Qinghai and Ningxia, the spirit of the Shanghai Party Discipline Study, Education and Warning Education Association, the relevant spirit of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and listen to the report on the formulation of the relevant plans for the "July 1st" series of activities in the district. Xu Jian, secretary of the district party committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities

We should make more thorough preparations and take stricter measures to do a good job in flood prevention and typhoon prevention

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, with a high sense of responsibility, do a good job in the implementation of various flood control measures, put an end to luck psychology and lax mentality, and effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the safe and orderly operation of the city. At present, Qingpu has many construction sites, many popular spots, and many waterfront spaces, and some construction sites and new projects have not experienced the test of heavy rainfall. With regard to possible emergency situations, it is necessary to strengthen monitoring and early warning and actual combat drills to ensure that no major casualties occur.

Consolidate responsibilities, draw inferences from one case and promote the rectification of feedback problems from the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors

The meeting pointed out that the ecological and environmental protection departments should take the lead, and the relevant departments and towns should strictly follow the rectification and sales mechanism to form a closed loop of rectification work and ensure that the rectification is in place. It is necessary to strengthen the analysis of the causes of problems, learn lessons, comprehensively consider the current and long-term, cost and benefit, individuality and commonality, etc., optimize the rectification plan, and promote the solution of a class of problems by dissecting a problem.

Find the right point of convergence, and deepen high-quality east-west cooperation and counterpart assistance

The meeting pointed out that under the overall deployment of the Party Central Committee and the support of the policy of opening up along the border, the east-west cooperation has a lot to offer, and the key is to find the convergence point of the advantages of both sides, realize the optimal allocation of resource elements, and promote the effective connection between the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. It is necessary to seize the opportunities such as the entry of collective construction land into the market, the "two old and one village", the new regulations on land change investigation, and the creation of five good and two suitable and beautiful villages, so as to stimulate industrial vitality, release development space, improve functional support, and promote Qingpu's own comprehensive rural revitalization with high quality.

Carefully organize and arrange to carry out a series of "July 1" activities

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to carry out the "July 1st" series of activities as an important starting point to encourage party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels to strive and strive for the first in the construction of "strategic empowerment area, digital innovation highland, happy and warm home", highlight the development orientation, encourage cadres and motivate people. It is necessary to combine the "July 1st" series of activities with the study and education of party discipline, learn and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, strengthen the orientation of "reality", do a good job of comprehensive coverage, and better guide party members and cadres to get up and do it at the moment. It is necessary to pay attention to ways and means, carefully organize and arrange, grasp the orientation of the grassroots level, make good use of the positions of the party and the masses at all levels, create a good atmosphere, and ensure that it is effective and orderly.

The meeting also looked at other matters.

Reporter: Li Yanli (chief)

Editor: Zhu Renjie

Editor in charge: Zhang Qiang (famous)

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities
The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities
The Standing Committee of the District Party Committee conveyed the spirit of these important meetings and studied the "July 1st" series of activities

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