
If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

author:Study in Australia

The University of Technology Sydney is located in the heart of Sydney, Australia, one of the most vibrant, friendly and liveable cities in the world.

In the 2025 QS World University Rankings, UTS rose two places to 88th in the world and 9th in Australia.

In terms of subject rankings, many of UTS majors are ranked in the top 100 in the world.

● Nursing: 24th in the world and 3rd in Australia

● Library and Information Management: 31st in the world and 2nd in Australia

● Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: 40th in the world and 3rd in Australia

● Art & Design: 46th in the world and 2nd in Australia

● Sports-related disciplines: 47th in the world

The excellent geographical location, the rising ranking year after year, the strength and potential of education are the main factors for the University of Technology Sydney to be selected as a hot choice.

If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

At the time of the 2024 college entrance examination scores and voluntary filling, UTS accepts direct admission of college entrance examination results, and the college entrance examination score requirements for different majors are about 450-550.

So how should students who do not have enough or no college entrance examination results apply to the University of Technology Sydney?

UTS College

If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

悉尼科技大学学院 UTS College

If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

· Coverage for progression to UTS

· Diploma Courses, Foundation Courses, English for Academic Purposes, Cambridge Accelerated Courses are available

· UTS College 开设的所有课程都可直升UTS


Diploma of Engineering、Diploma of Business、Diploma of Science、Diploma of mmunication、Diploma of Design & Architecture、Diploma of IT、Diploma of Animation;

Through the above 7 diploma courses, you can connect to 8 professional fields such as engineering, business, science, media, design, information technology, law, and animation.

• One diploma program in the world, with a history of more than 30 years, accepting local and international students

• Transfer up to 48 undergraduate credits for most majors to ensure entry into the second year of the undergraduate program

Extended Course (4 semesters - 16 months)

Admission requirements: Graduated from the third year of high school, with an average score of 68.5%;

IELTS: 5.5 overall, with no band less than 5;

Start-year: February/October; Bridging UTS: July/February;

学费:AUD 44,000(2024)

Standard Course (3 semesters - 12 months)

Admission requirements: Graduated from the third year of high school, with an average score of 68.5%;

IELTS: 6.0 overall, 6.0 or above in writing;

Start-year: February/June; Articulation to UTS: February/July;

学费:AUD 35,000(2024)

Accelerated Program (2 semesters - 8 months)

Admission requirements: Graduated from the third year of high school, with an average score of 68.5%;

IELTS: 6.0 overall, 6.0 or above in writing;

Articulation to UTS: February/July; Start-year: June/October;

学费:AUD 35,000(2024)

【Preparatory Course】

• Only international students are admitted

• The Foundation Program leads to most undergraduate majors at UTS, with no background or work requirements

• The score required for admission to the first year of UTS is basically between 6.2 and 7.4, with a maximum score of 10.

• If the score is not enough, you can connect to the Diploma and provide a variety of pathways to further education

Extended Foundation Year (3 semesters per year)

Admission requirements: Completion of the second year of high school with an average score of 60% or above

IELTS requirements: 5.5 overall, with no less than 5 in writing

Start-year: February/June

Articulation to UTS: February/July

Tuition: AU$43.000 (2024)

Standard Foundation Year (2 semesters, 8 months)

Admission requirements: Completion of the second year of high school with an average score of 80% or above

IELTS requirements: 5.5 overall, with no band less than 5

Start-year: June/October

Articulation to UTS: February/July

Tuition: AU$30,000 (2024)

【Scholarship (2024)】

UTS Diploma Program Progression Scholarship for International Students 20% Undergraduate Tuition Fee Waiver!

Students who are interested in this world's top 100 universities, especially those who have already obtained the college entrance examination results, plan B to study in Australia with their life plan B, and it will be too late if they don't prepare!

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If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!
If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!
If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!
If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!
If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

(Exhibit only)

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If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

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If you don't have enough college entrance examination scores, you can also apply to the world's 88th ranked Australian university - University of Technology Sydney!

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