
Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

author:Science Jun, under Beacon Mountain

"Sooner or later, you will have to pay it back," the Philippines' words finally came true, and the situation in the Philippines has once again attracted attention in recent days, due to the clashes between the Philippine military and the rebels, and eventually seven people were unfortunately killed.

In Southeast Asia, the Philippines has always been a "close ally" of the United States, and now the situation in the Philippines is fluctuating again, which is related to the interests of the United States, so how will the United States respond next?

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

The hegemony of the dollar has been hit.

The United States has always been a hegemonist, but now the hegemony of the United States has begun to waver, which makes the top level of the United States very anxious.

Recently, due to changes in the situation in Ukraine, Russia began to wage war against Ukraine, so in this war, American weapons were naturally used.

However, the situation in Ukraine has not been eased, and American weapons have been consumed, which makes the United States very anxious.

It was at this time that Russia publicly stated that if the United States did not stop providing weapons support to Ukraine, then Russia would target the United States for an attack.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

In response to this threat, the United States said it did not care, but said in a harmonious tone: "We will not stop supporting Ukraine."

But what the United States did not expect was that in this war, after their weapons were used, they did not bring them any benefits.

Instead, it led to another blow to the dollar.

Relations between Russia and Ukraine have become increasingly tense due to the war, which has also led EU countries to impose sanctions on Russia.

And these sanctions also have a direct impact on the share of the dollar in global settlements.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

According to statistics, over the past 20 years, the share of the dollar in global settlements has declined dramatically.

On the one hand, because European countries have imposed sanctions on Russia, and on the other hand, because some large economies have begun to seek ways to bypass the dollar settlement.

It is for these reasons that the pace of global "de-dollarization" is accelerating.

However, in the face of such a situation, the United States has no intention of changing.

They continue to impose sanctions on countries such as Russia, and they also constantly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.

This kind of behavior will undoubtedly make more countries resentful, and preventing countries from challenging the hegemony of the dollar has become a challenge that the White House has to face.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

New variables in the EU.

In addition to the crisis facing the dollar, there are also new uncertainties in EU politics.

The results of the recent European Parliament elections were announced, and none was more noticeable than the post of EU foreign minister.

In the end, it was Callas who was elected, and although she was not a big name, she was known as the "New Iron Lady".

On many occasions, Kallas has publicly stated that she is very disgusted with Russia, and has called on EU member states to reduce their dependence on Russian energy and increase sanctions against Russia.

As the EU's new foreign minister, she will be a major variable in EU politics.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

In addition, there is another person who stands out in the European Parliament elections and is von der Leyen.

As a relatively young and ambitious woman, she achieved very good results in the election.

And being a woman and having such a lot of influence is very rare in the European Parliament.

And her ideology is clear: she argues for a tougher approach to issues in the European Union, and more sanctions against countries like China and Russia.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

Although she is not an Iron Lady-level character, she has the kind of tough attitude that an Iron Lady should have.

It can be said that the emergence of two hard-line women in the European Parliament will undoubtedly bring great variables to the European Union.

A fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines.

In addition to the above two major events, there is also an unexpected event in Southeast Asia.

Recently, clashes broke out between the Philippine military and rebels, resulting in the tragic death of seven people.

Although the outbreak of civil unrest in the Philippines is nothing new, it has aroused the concern of many people.

The first thing to say is the rebel side, why are they clashing with the Philippine military?

In fact, the United States is involved behind this.

As a hegemonist, the United States has always liked to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and has often resorted to various means to achieve its own goals.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

The Philippines has become the best "pawn" of the United States, because the Philippines has always been a close ally of the United States.

In order to gain more control over the Philippines and gain more benefits from it, the United States began to look for rebel groups in the Philippines and support them with money and weapons.

And it is precisely because of the support of the United States that these rebel groups dare to go to war with the Philippine authorities.

Although these groups are often defeated by Philippine forces, they will continue to rise again as long as the United States is willing to continue to provide support.

It is precisely because the United States has been interfering in the internal affairs of the Philippines and supporting rebel groups on its territory that the situation in the Philippines has once again fluctuated.

Although the incident did not cause many casualties to the Philippine army, it was a wake-up call.

At present, the Philippines is facing all kinds of serious challenges, if they continue to stir up trouble, then the result will inevitably be self-inflicted.

Think about it, if you can't even solve something as simple as a backyard fire, how can you deal with the more complex and difficult challenges that follow?

In other words, in the current period, the United States will not only have no ability to help the Philippines solve its problems, but will also create more problems for the Philippines.

I think

Economically, economically and militarily, we cannot avoid conflict and competition with other countries.

Only by abandoning the hegemonist ideology and establishing relations of equality and mutual benefit can we achieve common development in the true sense.

Alerts! The United States conceded a major defeat, a new Iron Lady appeared in the European Union, and a fire broke out in the backyard of the Philippines

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