
Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

author:Entertainment Tokuko
Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

When you stand on the never-ending theater stage, every actor is a flesh-and-blood individual, with his or her own wonderful story and rich inner world. Speaking of the question I was just asked, that is, "What should I do if I have a physiological reaction during the filming of a kiss scene?" Liu Yifei's answer was calm and calm, which suddenly made the reporters present fall into thinking and made the host shy. There is an otherworldly power hidden in her words – that is, the professional qualities that a good actor should have, to be able to find the right balance between the emotional world of the character and the control of personal emotions, while also showing great respect for the performing arts and a responsible attitude towards the audience.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

At the filming site of movies and TV series, "don't open your mouth when filming kiss scenes" has gradually become a default rule for everyone. Actors need to grasp the scale of emotional expression in front of the camera, which is not only a respect for the performing arts, but also a responsible performance for their partners and the audience. Big-name stars like Wu Yanzu have encountered similar troubles during filming, but they have carefully adjusted their emotions and tried to restrain their physiological reactions, and finally showed professional acting skills.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

The affectionate images on the screen are always so touching, but you may not know how much hard work and ingenuity is hidden behind them. That kind of persistent pursuit of professionalism really makes people involuntarily have a deep respect. In real life outside of the stage lighting, these characters, dressed in various costumes and performing various aspects of life, also have to face the critical gaze of critics and all kinds of doubts about social ethics and morality.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

The contest between emotion and reason is always a psychological struggle that actors must go through when facing kiss scenes. The sudden physiological reaction during the filming process often makes people feel unprepared. This is not only a severe test of the actors' psychological endurance, but also a major challenge to their professionalism.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

When the reporter asked Liu Yifei about the physiological reaction that the kissing scene might trigger, her response shocked everyone: "I think every performance action should start from the role, and the feelings should be truly invested in the role." This calm and calm attitude not only fully demonstrates her accurate self-awareness and profound acting strength as an actor, but also reveals her deep love and respect for this industry.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

Wu Yanzu also encountered the same problem during the filming of the movie "Disciple", in the passionate kiss scene, he needs to constantly adjust his emotional state to match the development of the plot and the rhythm of emotions. Such an experience is undoubtedly a very precious grind in their careers – it prompts each actor standing on stage to dig deeper into the emotional world of the characters and explore the more complex aspects of human nature.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

The actors had to learn to face the invisible eyes behind the camera – the eyes of the audience. Their evaluations, expectations, and interpretations will have a profound impact on each of the actors' performances. Sticking to that initial enthusiasm and perseverance under the attention of the public has become an ideal realm worth pursuing.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

Although each professional performance may be disturbed by various voices from the outside world, it is those who have always adhered to their original intentions - they have firmly moved forward on the path of art.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

No matter how time passes, the true feelings behind the characters can always touch the softness in people's hearts. Just like Liu Yifei's character growth process shown in different works, every attempt she makes in front of the camera is a reinterpretation of the character's deep understanding.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

From the role of Zhao Linger in the TV series "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", to the more and more flavorful female artist on the big screen, each character shows a variety of mood ups and downs, as well as various reflections of personal experiences. Take Liu Yifei as an example, we can see in the drama "The Story of Rose" that she and Peng Guanying hugged each other tightly, and their eyes were full of affection, which is a strong proof of the gradual improvement of her acting skills.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

In this drama, every emotion conveyed by Liu Yifei seems so real and unpretentious, as if she has integrated herself into the role. Whether it's her genuinely empathetic smile, her tears of genuine affection, or even the difficult choices she has to make in her tormented life, all of these accurately portray the emotional curves of the character's heart.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

The audience's memories of these wonderful moments are so vivid, such as the hug that suddenly appeared in the elevator, the passionate kiss on the wall, and the emotional eye contact in the room. No matter how small the movements, or those emotional transitions hidden in the details, Liu Yifei can use her eyes and heart to tell the bits and pieces hidden behind the story.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

It is precisely because she has such a delicate and nuanced ability to express emotions that she can remain calm and calm even if she encounters sudden physiological reactions when filming intimate scenes. This kind of stable mentality and clear career orientation made the staff present admire her so much.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

In addition, in the drama "The True Story of Hot Mom", Sun Li was worried that Deng Chao's presence on the scene might have an impact on her performance, which caused heated discussions among everyone, which is also a topic that has attracted much attention in both the industry and outside the industry. The level of attention people pay to the private lives of actors, even the small details they inadvertently mention are infinitely magnified. In fact, what is reflected behind this phenomenon is precisely the public's extreme curiosity and expectation that celebrities can maintain their true emotional expression.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

Under the illumination of magnesium lights, there are thousands of flashing lights, which bring endless pressure to the emotional world of the actors. Ordinary people can look at these actors unscrupulously, which undoubtedly gives them a new social identity in real life, but such exposure also brings them a heavy psychological burden.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

When it comes to the plot in a TV series, we often overlook those moments when we are very emotionally invested, and when they are actually just ordinary people, with the fragility and truth of ordinary people. Take actors like Zhang Duo and Sun Li as examples, their performances on the screen are full of passion, which is actually the embodiment of their years of hard work and professionalism.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

When the audience sees these wonderful plots, they will have their own feelings and expectations. Sometimes, this kind of attention may excessively invade their private space, and even spark some unnecessary online public opinion or discussion.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

is like the topic of "kiss scenes are really difficult", which has caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet, which shows that everyone cares about the love life of celebrities, and the plot of TV series is becoming more and more demanding.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

What drives the industry to move forward and develop is the understanding and support of the audience. For example, Liu Yifei and many other actors, they have shown with practical actions how to protect their private lives while enjoying the freedom of artistic creation in the media environment, and not let it be overconsumed or misunderstood.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

Whether it's reacting to individual events or starting a heated discussion on the TV plot, every entertainment-loving friend in this social environment full of expectations and thought-provoking must learn to evaluate things from an objective and fair perspective, rather than worrying about it like a headless fly.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush

Those artists who have profound artistic accomplishment and can sincerely express themselves have undoubtedly become an important force in promoting the healthy development of the contemporary entertainment industry; Just like Liu Yifei, who has a stable and mature temperament, but also dares to challenge himself and step out of his comfort zone, this professional attitude is exactly the bright spark we expect to see, and it is also the vane that we should set up in our cultural land.

Liu Yifei was asked: What should I do if there is a physiological reaction to the kissing scene? Her answer made the host blush
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