
Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

author:Coke talks about the past and the present
Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?
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Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

In the Chinese film and television industry, there is such an unforgettable story: in 1999, a movie called "No One is Missing" shocked the audience. In the film, a 13-year-old village girl instantly became the focus of attention with her innocent and moving performance.

However, just when everyone thought she was about to embark on a star journey, an unexpected turn of events occurred.

This girl is Wei Minzhi. She is not a beauty in the traditional sense, but she has won the favor of director Zhang Yimou with her simple and natural acting skills. After the film was released, the aura of "Mou Girl" shrouded her, and it seemed that a bright future was already beckoning to her.

However, just as Wei Minzhi was standing at the crossroads of her life and looking forward to her acting career, Zhang Yimou gave her an unexpected suggestion: leave the entertainment industry and focus on her studies.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Wei Minzhi's story is not only a legend of an ordinary girl, but also a revelation about choice and persistence. Her experience tells us that true success lies not in momentary fame and fortune, but in the process of continuous learning and growth.

From remote villages in China to prestigious universities in the United States, from obscurity to fame in the academic world, Wei Minzhi has used her life to explain what real transformation and success are.

In 1999, the Chinese film industry was in a special period. The famous director Zhang Yimou, after trying to fail in the commercial blockbuster "Something to Say", urgently needs a work to revive his momentum.

He chose the film "No One is Missing", which is adapted from "There is a Sun in the Sky", hoping to win the hearts of the audience again through this film that focuses on rural education.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

In order to present the most authentic local atmosphere, Zhang Yimou decided to use an all-amateur lineup. In this process, 13-year-old Wei Minzhi accidentally entered the director's sight.

This rural girl from Xinyang City, Henan Province, although her appearance is mediocre, she has an innocent temperament, which just meets Zhang Yimou's preference for "white paper" actors.

Interestingly, the crew initially took a fancy to Wei Minzhi's twin sister. However, the younger sister is introverted, while Wei Minzhi is more bold and confident, and finally wins the casting opportunity.

This fortuitous opportunity became a turning point that changed Wei Minzhi's fate.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

In the next few months, Wei Minzhi relied on her own life experience to vividly interpret the resolute and kind rural substitute teacher in the play. Her performance not only moved the audience, but also won Zhang Yimou's high appreciation.

Although she is not outstanding in appearance, Wei Minzhi conquered everyone with her sincere and moving acting skills.

After the movie was released, Wei Minzhi became famous overnight. The media flocked and praise poured in. Some even predicted that she would become the next Gong Li.

However, just before this seemingly bright future, an unexpected turn of events awaits her.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

14-year-old Wei Minzhi stands at the crossroads of life. She is both excited about her sudden fame and confused about the unknown future. At this moment, a key figure appeared, pointing out the direction of her life.

This person is the director Zhang Yimou who made her.

When Wei Minzhi became popular because of "No One is Missing", she was faced with a major choice. Major film and television companies and advertisers have thrown olive branches to this new "Mou Girl", and the praise of the media is endless.

However, at this critical moment, Zhang Yimou found her.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

The director's words are like a basin of cold water, dousing the 14-year-old girl's longing for the entertainment industry. Zhang Yimou bluntly told Wei Minzhi that she was not suitable for the profession of an actor, and her appearance was not outstanding.

These words were undoubtedly a heavy blow to the young Wei Minzhi. But then, Zhang Yimou's words were like a beacon, illuminating her way forward.

He told Wei Minzhi that the film was just a small episode in her life journey and should not be seen as an opportunity to change her fate. He encouraged Wei Minzhi to focus on her studies and not to be blinded by short-term fame and fortune.

This earnest teaching made Wei Minzhi fall into deep thought.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Just when Wei Minzhi was hesitating, an unexpected opportunity appeared. Zhai Zhihai, the chairman of Shijiazhuang Elite High School, was moved by Wei Minzhi's performance in the movie.

When he learns that Wei Minzhi chooses to continue her studies instead of entering the entertainment industry, he decides to provide her and her sister with a rare opportunity to study.

Zhai Zhihai not only promised to exempt the sisters from tuition and other fees, but also said that he would give a certain monthly living allowance. This generous offer pointed out a new path for Wei Minzhi.

Faced with this opportunity, Wei Minzhi made a decision that surprised many people. She resolutely rejected all invitations from the entertainment industry and chose to continue her studies.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

In an interview with the media, she firmly expressed her determination to put her studies first.

During her career in the elite high school, Wei Minzhi lived up to the expectations of all walks of life. Not only did she excel academically and was successfully admitted to the high school in the main school, but she also aspired to study the directing department of the Beijing Film Academy.

However, when she made this decision, she was opposed by her family.

In the minds of Wei Minzhi's parents, they prefer their daughter to have a stable job. But when they learned that this decision was inspired by director Zhang Yimou, they finally chose to support their daughter's dream.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Wei Minzhi's choice not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also laid the foundation for her future success. She proved with practical actions that real success does not lie in temporary fame and fortune, but in the process of continuous learning and growth.

This decision also became one of the most critical turning points in her life.

Wei Minzhi took the exam with confidence with his longing for the Beijing Film Academy. However, fate seems to have played a joke on her. In the retest, she failed to achieve the desired results, and the news of her failure was like a hammer, which not only hit her self-confidence, but also triggered a wide discussion on the Internet.

The news of "Mou Girl's Fall from Nortel" spread quickly, and various questions and criticisms followed. Faced with this situation, Wei Minzhi chose to remain silent. She was not defeated by setbacks, but turned this loss into motivation to learn, and resolutely embarked on the road of repeating.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Just when Wei Minzhi was fully engaged in preparing for repetition, an unexpected opportunity extended an olive branch to her. The School of Western Film and Media of Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese noticed this former "Mou girl" and sent her an invitation.

The school promised that if Wei Minzhi was willing to study, it would waive up to 11,000 yuan in tuition and fees for her.

This proposal undoubtedly gave Wei Minzhi great encouragement. Not only did it open a new door for her, but it also opened her eyes to the possibility of continuing to pursue her film dreams.

Wei Minzhi did not miss this opportunity, and she threw herself into her studies with even more determination.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

After unremitting efforts, Wei Minzhi not only successfully passed the art examination of the School of Communication and Communication of Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese, but also was successfully admitted with an excellent performance of 200 points above the score line in the cultural course.

This result not only proves her strength, but also discourages those who once questioned her.

On the campus of Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese, Wei Minzhi found a new stage. She made the most of her experience and talent to write and direct her debut film, Mother's Wish.

This work not only showcases her talent in the field of film, but also opens up new opportunities for her.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Wei Minzhi's experience tells us that setbacks on the road of life are not the end, but a new starting point. With her persistence and hard work, she proved that as long as she doesn't give up, there is always the possibility of realizing her dreams.

From Nortel's failure to successfully enroll in Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese, Wei Minzhi's story has inspired countless young people to pursue their dreams.

Her experience also reaffirms the truth that the road to success is often not easy, and the real victory belongs to those who can persevere in the face of adversity.

Wei Minzhi uses her actions to explain what true resilience and determination are.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Wei Minzhi's life ushered in a turning point again, stemming from an unexpected encounter. While studying at Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese, she met Chen Ergang, a professor at Brigham Young University in the United States.

Professor Chen is conducting academic exchanges in China and is also in charge of a special scholarship program to help underprivileged but talented students gain admission to Brigham Young University.

When Chen Ergang learned about Wei Minzhi's background, he was deeply moved by her experience. From a rural girl to a movie protagonist to a hard-working college student, Wei Minzhi's story exemplifies her extraordinary perseverance and potential.

Professor Chen saw the potential in her and decided to give her a chance to change her fate.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

He told Wei about BYU's student program in detail and made an exciting promise: give her two years to improve her English, and if she meets the standards, he will personally write a letter of recommendation to help her get into BYU.

This commitment undoubtedly gave Wei Minzhi great encouragement and motivation.

Faced with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Wei Minzhi did not hesitate at all. She began to study English assiduously, working day and night. Her diligence and persistence eventually paid off.

Not only did he successfully enter Brigham Young University to study, but he also received a full scholarship. What's even more surprising is that she successfully stayed in school and worked with excellent performance when she graduated, realizing the transformation from student to educator.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

In 2010, Wei Minzhi's life was once again connected with movies. The organizers of the Hawaii International Film Festival invited her to attend a press conference as an interviewer. On this stage, she once again met the person who changed her fate - director Zhang Yimou.

When Zhang Yimou heard Wei Minzhi's fluent American English, he couldn't help but feel emotional. What was once a little girl from rural China has grown into a knowledgeable and well-behaved international talent.

At this moment, it seems to go back in time, and it seems to be the best confirmation of past choices.

Time flies, and 24 years have passed in the blink of an eye. The 13-year-old village girl who used to be known as the "ugliest girl" has now transformed into a learned scholar.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Wei Minzhi not only achieved great success in her career, but also found her life partner and formed a happy family with a Chinese-American. Her life trajectory, in stark contrast to other Mou girls, also provides us with a unique perspective on what success really means.

Looking back on the development trajectory of previous Mou Girls, it is not difficult for us to find that the appearance of each Mou Girl will cause a heated discussion. However, there are very few Mou girls who can really rely on this opportunity to continue to climb the peak of their careers.

Among the many Mou girls, only Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi have successfully entered the international film industry and become well-known actors all over the world. Their success is not only due to the aura of their debut, but also to their continuous efforts and persistent pursuit of acting career.

Other Mou girls who are still active in the entertainment industry, although they have not been able to go to the international stage like Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, they still have a place in the domestic film and television industry with their own efforts and have a broad mass base.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Their experiences show us that even if you can't become a top star, you can still reap fruitful results by sticking to your dreams.

However, in this complex film and television industry, there are also some controversial cases. Taking Liu Haocun as an example, although she was extremely appreciated by director Zhang Yimou, her acting skills and some words and deeds aroused questions and criticism from the audience.

This situation reminds us that resources and opportunities alone are not enough, and that real success requires strong strength and the right attitude.

Wei Minzhi's story shows us a different path to success. She chose to leave the glamorous entertainment industry to focus on her studies and personal growth, and eventually achieved excellence in the academic field.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Her experience teaches us that true success should not be narrowly defined as becoming a star or gaining great fame and fortune, but should be based on the realization of personal values and social contributions.

In the highly competitive entertainment industry, artists with a high starting point abound. However, whether or not you can always stay at the top of your game ultimately depends on your true talent and continuous efforts.

Wei Minzhi's story reminds us that no matter what industry we are in, only through continuous learning, reflection and growth can we truly recognize our own shortcomings and better improve ourselves.

For the younger generation in the entertainment industry, Wei Minzhi's experience is undoubtedly a mirror. It teaches us not to blindly follow opportunities when faced with them, but to think carefully and choose the path that suits us best.

Wei Minzhi: I was persuaded to quit the entertainment industry by Zhang Yimou at the age of 13, and after many years, what is the current situation?

Only by continuously accumulating inner quality and real talent can we move forward steadily in this rapidly changing industry and finally realize the value of our life.

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