
Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

author:Guoguo aesthetic space
In a quiet little town, I, named Linda, have been living a quiet life. My job is to work as a front desk in a design studio, receiving visitors and handling some administrative tasks every day, and my life is monotonous but very comfortable. However, this peaceful life was shattered one day.
Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

On that day, there was a big party in the company to celebrate the completion of a big project. At the end of the party, I met him - Mark, an old colleague who has been working in the company for many years, always smiling and very kind.

"Linda, you're really beautiful tonight." Mark walked up to me and said to me with a smile. There was a deep meaning in his eyes that I couldn't decipher.

"Thanks, Mark. You're handsome, too. I responded, trying to keep a professional smile.

"By the way, the solution you designed before is really good, and I admire your talent." He changed the subject and began to talk about work.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Mark might just be trying to compliment himself on his work. However, I was wrong.

Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

After the party, Mark popped up on my way home. In the night, his figure appeared a little mysterious and hazy.

"Where do you live? I'll take you home. He said softly, with a hint of determination in his tone that could not be refused.

I wanted to say no, but he had already walked up to me, and I could only nod my head in agreement. Along the way, we talked about our respective interests, and I found that Mark is actually a very substantial person. There was a gentle temperament in his words that I couldn't resist.

When I delivered it to the door, he suddenly grabbed my hand: "Linda, I've actually liked you for a long time. I think we're very compatible, would you like to give me a chance? ”

I was stunned, I didn't expect things to come to this point. My heart was racing and my mind was in turmoil.

"I'm sorry, Mark. We're just colleagues, and I don't really want to bring that kind of thing to work. I tried to break free of his hand, but his hand was gripping tightly.

Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

"Why can't you give it a try? I think you're lonely too, right? Mark's eyes deepened.

"I ......" I was speechless and didn't know how to answer.

At that moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of my house. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was my boyfriend, Jack. He walked over and looked at us with some confusion.

"Linda, why did you come back so late? Who is this person? Jack asked.

I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately told Jack what had happened. After listening to my explanation, Jack's face softened a little.

Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

"Forget it, I'll let you go this time. But remember, no matter what happens, I'm here to help. Jack gave me a gentle hug and turned away.

Watching Jack's back disappear into the darkness sent a warm current to me. Turning to look at Mark, his eyes still burning with anticipation.

"Linda, don't you really think about it?" He asked again.

I was silent for a moment, then shook my head firmly: "I'm sorry, Mark. I can't do that. We have our own responsibilities and bottom lines that cannot be crossed easily. ”

After saying these words, I felt Mark's body stiffen slightly. He let go of his grip on me and nodded, "I see." Sorry for being a little impulsive just now. We're still colleagues, right? ”

I smiled slightly: "Yes, we are just colleagues. ”

After saying this, I turned and walked into the house. Behind him, Mark gradually melted into the darkness. I know that although this incident is in the past, it will leave a deep impression on our hearts.

Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

Since then, I have started to re-examine my life and work. I decided to focus more on my career and stop letting my feelings get the better of me. At the same time, I also began to cherish my relationship with Jack more and worked hard to manage our relationship.

Mark, on the other hand, still maintains his smile and kindness, but the line between us is clear. We started to get along in a more professional way, respecting and supporting each other.

Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

Through this experience, I learned a lot about relationships and emotions. I learned that I need to be cautious and rational when dealing with feelings, and not to be swayed by impulsive emotions. At the same time, I also learned how to find a balance between work and relationships without letting either party get hurt.

Looking back now, that experience was a bit embarrassing and troublesome, but it also served as an opportunity for me to grow. I believe that in the days to come, I will become stronger and more mature because of these experiences. And the relationship between me and Mark will become more harmonious because of our clear boundaries.

Linda refuses to love her old colleagues and sticks to the bottom line of her career!

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