
In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

The 19-year-old daughter failed in the college entrance examination, and her parents did not find someone to tutor their daughter, and second, they did not help their daughter find a good school to repeat, but found a monk to give their daughter "to bad luck".

I thought this was ridiculous enough, but I didn't expect that even more ridiculous was still to come.

The monk is not only a fake monk, but also a flower monk, after sending his parents out of the door, in the name of driving away bad luck, he used his hands and feet to the 19-year-old girl, and even stripped and molested him......

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Did the girl escape from his clutches in the end, and did he be punished by the law?


The girl's name is Tongtong (pseudonym), and in 2022, she took the college entrance examination with other classmates, but the final results were quite unsatisfactory. #2024头条高考季##高考查分##女孩高考726分轰动全小区#

Tongtong was quite disbanded for this, and his parents were also anxious, after all, a 19-year-old girl, the best way out, besides going to college, what else is there?

For the sake of Tongtong's future, his parents decided to send Tongtong to repeat his studies, and Tongtong accepted it well, and reviewed at home all day long, hoping to get a satisfactory result in the next year.

Tongtong calmed down and reviewed, but her parents couldn't calm down, they were always afraid that their daughter would fail the college entrance examination again after repeating, which would affect the fate of her life.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

However, no matter how anxious they were, they couldn't do anything about it, until one day, they met a "master" with a solemn appearance.

As soon as they met, the master frowned at the couple, saying that they were full of bad luck, could it be that something bad had happened in the family recently?

When the couple heard this, they immediately became excited, this master is a man of Taoism!

They immediately told the master about Tongtong's failure in the college entrance examination and asked him if he had a solution.

When the master heard this, he was embarrassed: "This fate is all predestined, why should you embarrass me as a monk?" ”

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Seeing that the master refused to help, the couple immediately became nervous, begged him to be accommodating in every possible way, and said that the child was the lifeblood of the couple, and as long as the child could improve his score in the college entrance examination next year, they would definitely be grateful.

Hearing the word "heavy thanks", the master was relieved: "The poor monk is not greedy for money, but is just moved by the strict father and mother heart of the two donors!" ”

Subsequently, the master told the couple that he had a unique secret trick, as long as she could hold a secret ceremony for the child, the bad luck on the child's body would be removed, and everything would go well in the coming year, and the college entrance examination would not be a problem.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

"The college entrance examination is not a problem", these eight words are no different from the nuclear bomb level for the lethality of the candidates' parents.

The couple immediately thanked the master and led him back to their home, but they never imagined that they were actually luring a wolf into the house.

Undressing Obscenity

Tongtong was a little resistant to the master her parents found at first, but under the persuasion of her parents, she gradually felt that a stupid child like herself, if I used some extraordinary means, how could I do well in the exam?

Seeing that Tongtong accepted, the master suddenly showed a kind smile, and then asked Tongtong's parents to prepare willow branches and clear water, and he wanted to go to Tongtong's bad luck and pray for blessings.

At the same time, in order to be blessed not to be defiled, only he and Tongtong could be present during the entire ceremony.

The couple didn't dare to slack off, so they immediately prepared things, and respectfully sent the master into Tong Tong's room, and Tongtong obediently followed in, but they didn't expect that as soon as the door was closed, the master asked her to take off her clothes.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Tongtong couldn't accept it for a while, but the master said solemnly that this was to allow Tongtong's body to fully contact with the pure water, so as to remove the bad luck from her body. As for him, Tongtong doesn't have to worry, he is a monk, how can he do something that violates the canons.

Tongtong thought about it, would there be a problem with the master invited back by her parents? So she endured her shyness and took off her clothes.

Next, the master asked Tongtong to close his eyes and pray to the gods and Buddhas, and Tongtong obediently did so.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

However, just as Tongtong prayed earnestly for the Buddha to make her wiser, a black cloth ribbon wrapped around her eye.

In an instant, the world was completely darkened.

Tongtong was a little scared, and immediately wanted to tear off the tape, but was stopped by the master.

The master claimed that the belt was to cut off Tongtong from contact with the world, so that she could be baptized with pure water in a purer manner. Once Tongtong ripped it off, everything would be wasted.

Half intimidated and half persuaded, Tongtong compromised again, and she endured the discomfort, hoping that this strange ritual would pass as soon as possible.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Gradually, a string of cold water splashed on her skin, and she knew that this was the water purification ceremony, but strangely, these water droplets were always sprinkled on the intimate body of her body.

Tongtong, who felt uncomfortable, was just about to open his mouth to stop it, but a pair of rough big hands actually touched it.

Tongtong was so frightened that the six gods had no master, and immediately shouted loudly, and the master saw that Tongtong resisted so fiercely, and he didn't dare to do anything more, so he turned around and was about to flee.

Tongtong, who lost her restraints, immediately ripped off the bag from her eyes, and then ran out of the door crying while putting on her clothes, and threw herself into the arms of her parents who were guarding the yard.

The parents originally blamed Tongtong for not ending the ceremony, why did they run out, until Tongtong cried and told them about his experience, and they woke up like a dream - they were deceived!

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

The good daughter was taken advantage of by a flower monk, and the couple were furious and immediately called the police.

After receiving the report, the police immediately dispatched and quickly arrested the fake master monk Hua.

This person confessed to his crime, and even Tongtong's family was not the first victim, he took advantage of parents' concern for their children, and cheated around every time he took the college entrance examination, and many little girls were molested by him, but he was finally arrested until today.

Knowing the true face of the "master", Tongtong's parents were shocked and scared, if their daughter hadn't struggled to escape in time, I am afraid that she would have been bad.

Waiting for this fake monk is naturally the severe punishment of the law, but the psychological damage he once caused to those little girls can never be repaired.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Alarm bells rang for a long time

Every time there is a college entrance examination, this kind of scam emerges in endlessly, scammers take advantage of parents' concern for their children, I don't know how much money they have been cheated of, and how many children have left a shadow for a lifetime.

In April 2021, a brain tonic drug suddenly became popular on the market in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, and the drug seller claimed that it could improve children's memory and expand their brain thresholds, thereby improving their grades.

At that time, many parents of senior high school candidates were so excited that they bought them in large quantities for their children and forced their children to drink them.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

These parents never imagined that these so-called smart drugs are actually composed of methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine and other ingredients, and their main role is to treat mental diseases such as ADHD and narcolepsy, which are the first class of psychotropic drugs strictly controlled by the state.

Once candidates take this medicine for a long time, they are prone to dizziness, vomiting, and even rapid heartbeat.

This is not the most serious, the most serious thing is that this drug has a certain addictive nature, once withdrawn, it will produce a manic reaction, and even embark on the road of drug use.

Scammers don't stop there.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

In May 2024, Mr. Shen from Zhejiang Province suddenly received a request for help from his daughter, who claimed that the school had opened a Tsinghua training class, and as long as he could enter the class and achieve the corresponding results, he could be directly admitted to Tsinghua University.

As soon as Mr. Shen heard that he had received a treasure, he immediately added the WeChat of the so-called Tsinghua admissions teacher according to the information given by his daughter.

This teacher is full of authority, and as soon as he came up, he scolded Mr. Shen with a face, saying that the registration time was about to end, and he didn't care enough about his daughter's grades as a parent, and once he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult for his daughter to study at Tsinghua University.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Mr. Shen was said to be guilty, and under the strong urging of his daughter and the teacher, he first transferred 47,400 yuan to the teacher's account to buy training for his daughter in three subjects other than language and mathematics.

But then my daughter sent another message, saying that several of her classmates bought all the general subjects, and there would be a 50% discount on the payment of the whole subject.

Mr. Shen felt that he could not let his daughter fall behind other classmates, so he gritted his teeth and successively transferred more than 60,000 yuan of training fees and 10,000 yuan of equipment fees to the account, plus a deposit of 70,000 yuan, Mr. Shen transferred a total of nearly 180,000 yuan to the account.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

In Mr. Shen, it seems that these are worth it, as long as his daughter can go to Tsinghua University, what is 180,000 yuan?

However, the tutor then came to Mr. Shen to sell the guaranteed class to Mr. Shen for a fee of 300,000 yuan.

At this time, Mr. Shen finally found out that something was wrong, and he immediately called his daughter's class teacher to ask about Tsinghua University's class, but the teacher said that he had nothing to do, and his daughter also claimed that she had never sent such a message to her father.

Only then did Mr. Shen realize that he had been deceived, and he immediately called the police, and the case is still being heard......

The list goes on and on.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

Children are the future of the family, and the college entrance examination is a watershed in a child's life, and it is completely understandable that parents are worried about their children's college entrance examination results.

But in addition to worrying, parents of candidates should also maintain basic sanity and vigilance.

Whether you know a master who can help your child transfer, or an insider who can help your child tamper with their grades and get to college, they are all complete liars and must not be trusted.

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

It's another year of college entrance examination season, and I hope that parents can be vigilant and don't believe that there is a pie in the sky, grades, and ...... future In the end, everything is in the hands of the children themselves.

Reference Sources:

[1] The city scene was released on July 9, 2022, and the 19-year-old daughter failed in the college entrance examination, and her parents actually found someone to do things, but they didn't expect to be stripped and molested by a fake monk

[2] Cover news released on December 25, 2021, can this smart drug improve college entrance examination scores?

[3] China Police Network released on June 11, 2024, 300,000 escorted to Tsinghua University? Fake!

In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?
In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?
In 2022, her 19-year-old daughter failed to score in the college entrance examination, and her parents asked a monk to do something, what was the result?

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