
Good news! Xiangjiang Group's financial sector has won a number of industry awards

author:Xiangjiang Group
Good news! Xiangjiang Group's financial sector has won a number of industry awards

On June 18, the 9th Annual Meeting of Local AMC was held in Hangzhou. With the theme of "Implementing the Spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and Contributing to the Strength of Local AMC for the Effective Prevention and Resolution of Risks in the Economic and Financial Fields", more than 200 guests from local governments, regulatory departments, local AMC institutions and academia attended the meeting. Xiangjiang Group Xiangjiang Asset Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the conference and won a number of industry awards, which is the third consecutive year that the company has won the important award of the local AMC annual meeting.

Good news! Xiangjiang Group's financial sector has won a number of industry awards

After the preliminary evaluation of the expert team, the voting of 59 local AMC institutions across the country and the approval of the liaison unit meeting, Xiangjiang Asset Management Company won two collective honors of "Outstanding Contribution Award" and "Best Case Award" of local AMC in 2023 and one individual honor of "New Development Award". The "First AMC Listed Company Bankruptcy Reorganization Investment Project in Hunan Province" and the "First Small and Medium-sized Financial Institution Reform" cases landed by the company were both selected as the "Top Ten Events" in the local AMC industry in 2023; Zhang Zhongyi, assistant to the general manager of the company, was hired as a researcher of the local AMC industry research team.

Good news! Xiangjiang Group's financial sector has won a number of industry awards

During the meeting, representatives from 59 local asset management companies across the country, as well as relevant persons in charge of some provincial and municipal financial regulators, jointly conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the business operation and future development of local AMCs.

Good news! Xiangjiang Group's financial sector has won a number of industry awards

In 2023, Xiangjiang Asset Management Co., Ltd. will focus on its main responsibilities and main businesses, accelerate the disposal of non-performing financial revenues, increase project investment, strengthen post-investment management, and go all out to adjust its structure, control risks, stabilize growth, and promote the company's transformation and development. In 2023, the two key indicators of investment volume and net profit will hit a record high, the credit rating will reach a new level (AAA main credit rating), six breakthroughs in business innovation, and 5.51 billion yuan will be invested in serving the real economy throughout the year, effectively fulfilling the mission of preventing and resolving financial risks, boosting industrial transformation and upgrading, and serving the local real economy.

Looking forward to the future, Xiangjiang Asset Management Co., Ltd. will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and make practical moves in deepening reform and transformation, promoting the integration of industry and city, serving the real economy, and embodying responsibility, new districts and the development of the group.

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