
Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

author:White sand media

On the afternoon of June 26, the Baisha County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision held the 31st (expanded) collective study meeting of the theoretical study center group, and Fu Chuande, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the County Supervision Commission, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. (County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On June 25, Han Yu, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, led a research team to the Baisha Li Medical Association to conduct research and understand the development of Li medicine in our county through on-site inspections and symposiums. (County People's Congress Office)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On June 26, Fu Jianyou, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, went to Yacha Town and Jinbo Township to carry out campus food safety supervision. (County People's Congress Office)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On the afternoon of June 26, Rongbang Township held the 2023 national assessment and evaluation feedback and provincial and county self-inspection and rectification work deployment meeting, and Wang Yongzhen, deputy county magistrate of the county government and captain of the Rongbang Township Rural Revitalization Strategy Implementation Brigade, attended the meeting. (Rongbang Township)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On the morning of June 26, Yacha Town held a special rectification action deployment meeting for outstanding problems in the supervision of rural "three capitals". (Toothfork Town)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On the morning of June 26, the Party Branch of Qifang Town organized Party members to carry out the Party Day activity with the theme of "Remembering the Revolutionary History and Continuing the Red Blood" in the old revolutionary base area of Fulong Township. (Qifang Town)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On the morning of June 26, Nankai Township launched the 2024 "6.26 International Anti-Drug Day", stay away from illegal fundraising, and prevent drowning. (Nankai Township)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On the morning of June 26, Rongbang Township and relevant departments carried out the "cherish life, stay away from drugs" and 6.26 International Anti-Drug Day publicity and law popularization activities in the Furong Tian Farmers' Market. (Rongbang Township)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

On the morning of June 26, Baisha held a meeting to promote the evaluation of institutional integrity to study and deploy specific work. (County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision)

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

White Sands Weather Forecast

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

◎Source: Baisharong Media Center Comprehensive

Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)
Pak Sha Daily Work Update (27 June 2024)

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