
Spend a warm birthday party together, Maluan Street adds color to the life of the elderly in the jurisdiction

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Client Reporter Liu Yuluan Correspondent Zheng Kejian Ma Shizhan

Recently, Maluan Street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen, has continuously carried out the action of caring for the elderly in the district, building a platform for the elderly in the jurisdiction to gather together happily and send good wishes by holding birthday parties in the community and community, and through various forms of related activities in the birthday party, the elderly can gain fun experience and add color to the lives of the elderly.

The years are like a song, looking back on the past and remembering the affectionate

A few days ago, a unique birthday party for the elderly was held at the Dongguan Junfu Community Friendly Neighbor Station in Jiangling Community. With the theme of "Party Building Leading, Time Like a Song", the event presented a special birthday gift to the elderly in the community.

Spend a warm birthday party together, Maluan Street adds color to the life of the elderly in the jurisdiction

The staff of the Community Party and Mass Service Center took the historical process as a clue and skillfully integrated the learning and sharing of party history knowledge into the activities, and through an interesting and educational Q&A session, the elderly were led to review history and relive the eventful years in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Along with the memories and stories of the elders, the struggles of countless ancestors and the progress of people's lives are presented in front of everyone. The 91-year-old Granny Lin pushed the atmosphere to a climax with a passionate song "Ready". The love of life in her singing voice infected everyone present. In a joyful and high-spirited atmosphere, the elders gained a different kind of birthday experience.

The program is varied, and the birthday is celebrated with laughter and singing

In Pinghuan Community, the Community Party and Mass Service Center, together with the Community New Era Civilization Practice Station, carried out the "Cultural Pension, Happy Sunset" Pinghuan Community Six Evergreen Old Partners Birthday Party in Zengwu Residents' Group and Huangshakeng Residents' Group, with a total of more than 100 elderly people participating in the activities.

Spend a warm birthday party together, Maluan Street adds color to the life of the elderly in the jurisdiction

In the activity room of the Zengwu Residents' Group, the leader of the residents' group took the stage to deliver a speech, expressing his sincere blessings and respect to the birthday stars present. Immediately afterwards, the Hakka folk song team of Pinghuan community presented a wonderful performance "I Respect My Relatives with Mountain Songs", which showed the unique charm of Hakka culture with passionate singing and beautiful dancing, and won the applause of the birthday stars on the scene. Subsequently, the Xinhai City Rouli team brought the softball performance "Bang Hai Cutting Reef", the players were vigorous and smooth, perfectly combining the softness and strength of the softness and strength of the softness of the ball, bringing a visual enjoyment to the birthday stars. In the Wong Sha Hang Residents Group, the activities were equally warm and lively. In order to make the birthday stars have more fun, the social workers and the birthday stars played the game of "drumming and passing flowers" together, and the whole activity room was full of laughter. The Pinghuan community dance appeared in gorgeous national costumes, and won the applause of the birthday stars with the dance "auspicious" full of wishful wishes.

Spend a warm birthday party together, Maluan Street adds color to the life of the elderly in the jurisdiction

The series of activities not only made the elderly in the jurisdiction feel care and warmth, but also enhanced the communication and exchanges between neighbors, and enhanced the centripetal force and cohesion among the residents. In the next step, Maluan Street will coordinate various communities to continue to carry out more forms of elderly activities, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the elderly, promote the style of loving and respecting the elderly, provide more intimate services for the elderly in the jurisdiction, and do more practical things for the elderly group with practical actions, so as to realize "the elderly have fun, the elderly have support, the elderly have dependence, and the elderly have something to do", and continuously improve the happiness index of the elderly in the jurisdiction.

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