
Jinhe Community: "Three-color Governance +" Let the grassroots micro "network" matter, and there is temperature outside the "grid".

author:Helan County Rong Media Center

In recent years, Jinhe Community, Fuxing Street Street, Helan County, has continued to deepen party building to lead grassroots governance, build a governance model of "red party building + blue governance + green ecology", and build a "three-color governance practice base" in Jinhe community in combination with the actual situation. Actively explore the grid governance model, fully mobilize party members, volunteers, building chiefs, people's congress deputies, etc., to work together, and use micro-facts, micro-governance, and micro-services as incisions to promote the discovery of residents' needs in the grid, the resolution of people's livelihood in the grid, and the resolution of contradictions and disputes in the grid.

Jinhe Community: "Three-color Governance +" Let the grassroots micro "network" matter, and there is temperature outside the "grid".

The "red" grid builds a strong red fortress and makes care more warm. In order to further promote the work of party building to lead grassroots governance, and promote the integration of the party building grid and the governance grid, in the community grid management, establish a democratic consultation and autonomy system led by the community party branch and participated by the four parties, including the co-construction unit, the property company and other social organizations, and carry out free clinics and scissors on a regular basis, and care for the elderly and the young. Create a "Red Grid Alliance" to unite civil affairs, justice, trade unions, youth league committees, community health service stations and other units to carry out comprehensive law enforcement, entrepreneurship training, volunteer service and other service management work, and promote the integration of grassroots governance resources and interconnection and co-governance. At the same time, let party members become the "red cells" of the grid, guide party members to actively participate in community governance, assist the community in carrying out work such as safe production, policy publicity, conflict and dispute mediation, and inject "red vitality" into grassroots governance.

Jinhe Community: "Three-color Governance +" Let the grassroots micro "network" matter, and there is temperature outside the "grid".

The "green" grid creates a livable environment and makes micro-governance highly efficient. Based on the needs of residents, the community has established a long-term mechanism for grid-based volunteer service activities, and created a social governance community where "everyone is responsible, everyone is responsible, and everyone enjoys". Build a volunteer platform, set up 10 volunteer service teams such as "Red Bond", "Olive Green" and "Hand in Hand", build the volunteer service team into a co-construction team gathered in various fields and at all levels, organize and carry out environmental protection publicity activities, build green public facilities, etc., improve residents' awareness of environmental protection, and make green the background color of community governance. Every Friday is designated as the grid volunteer activity day, and the grid leader organizes volunteer service teams to carry out volunteer service activities in the three communities to ensure that all volunteer teams in the grid participate in volunteer service activities at least 4 times a month; Refine the incentive and exchange mechanism for volunteers, and exchange corresponding items in the "points supermarket" according to volunteers' participation in volunteer services, so as to effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of volunteers to participate in grid volunteer service activities.

Jinhe Community: "Three-color Governance +" Let the grassroots micro "network" matter, and there is temperature outside the "grid".

The "blue" grid optimizes convenient services and enables the orderly development of microservices. Jinhe Community combines "one-door" service with grid management, and handles high-frequency matters such as old age allowance, subsistence allowance application, and disability certificate in one stop, providing residents with efficient and fast grid agent services. The head of the grid leads the grid staff to visit the masses regularly, comprehensively and accurately collect the demands of the masses in all aspects of production and life, sort out the emerging hidden dangers in contradictions and disputes, public safety, etc., give early warnings, and timely discover and report for processing. "I'm old, my legs are inconvenient, and my children are working outside the home, so when I have trouble, I call the grid worker and ask her to help." Grandma Liu said that now the relationship between neighbors is also more harmonious, and if there is a conflict, she will first find a grid worker to solve it. Jinhe Community Grid staff answered more than 100 calls from residents every month, visited more than 40 times, solved more than 60 residents' complaints, and benefited more than 230 people, truly realizing "more services and less errands for the masses".

In the next step, Jinhe Community will continue to explore and improve the "three-color governance +" work model under the leadership of party building, adhere to the interactive integration of grassroots party building and grassroots governance, build a solid foundation for the harmonious development of the community, and draw a new picture of community happiness.


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