
The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

author:Director Xu Health said

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In a beautiful town in Dali, there is a grocery store owner named Sister Wang. Sister Wang is nearly fifty years old and has always been known for her strong body and full of energy.

Her shop is not only a supply center in the village, but also a lively place for neighborly exchanges. When Sister Wang was preparing dinner, she decided to surprise her family by stir-frying some beans. However, the kindness was not rewarded, and the meal left the whole family in the predicament of food poisoning.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Beans, a seemingly ordinary vegetable, actually contain a natural toxin, plant hemagglutinin, before they are fully cooked. This toxin, even in small amounts, can cause symptoms of food poisoning such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.

Although Sister Wang is a master cook, she doesn't know that the beans need to be heated and cooked enough to destroy the toxins in them. That night, her happy time with her family quickly turned into an urgent night of rushing to the hospital.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

This incident not only made Sister Wang deeply aware of the importance of food safety, but also prompted her to start paying attention to the risks that may be hidden in her daily diet. This summer, food safety experts at local hospitals issued a broader warning about the incident: when cooking certain vegetables, especially beans, it is essential to ensure adequate cooking to avoid food poisoning.

Experts explain that phytohemagglutinin in carob is able to aggregate these red blood cells by binding to carbohydrates on the surface of human red blood cells, a process known in medicine as agglutination and one of the biological mechanisms of food poisoning. In addition, undercooked beans may also contain other natural toxins, which need to be destroyed by high-temperature cooking.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Therefore, for the sake of her family's health and safety, Sister Wang began to post cooking tips in the grocery store and took the initiative to share the correct cooking method of beans with customers.

Not only does her shop sell fresh ingredients, but she now has a sense of responsibility for food safety. Through this experience, Sister Wang not only increased her understanding of food poisoning, but also improved the awareness of food safety among her neighbors.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

After Wang's unfortunate experience, she began to pay more attention to dietary safety, especially when handling and cooking vegetables that can easily cause food poisoning. In the process, Sister Wang learned a lot about how to handle and cook vegetables safely, which not only made her table safer.

The handling of vegetables such as beans does require special attention. The natural toxin phytohemagglutinin contained in beans can only be effectively destroyed by high temperatures.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Therefore, the beans must be thoroughly washed before cooking and then boiled in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. This process minimizes the potential harm of toxins to the human body. Moreover, similar cooking measures should be taken for all similar vegetables, such as green beans, to ensure that they are safe to eat.

In addition, for other vegetables that may cause food poisoning, such as lettuce, spinach and other leafy vegetables, Wang learned that they can also carry harmful bacteria, such as salmonella and E. coli.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Therefore, these vegetables must also be thoroughly washed before eating. Use running water to wash the surface of the vegetables and, if possible, use a small spoonful of edible white vinegar to soak in water for a few minutes, which can help kill more bacteria.

Further, Sister Wang also learned that the way vegetables are stored is also important. Vegetables should be stored in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated environment to avoid excessive accumulation to reduce the chance of bacterial growth. In particular, vegetables that have been cut or damaged should be eaten as soon as possible or properly stored in the refrigerator to prevent bacteria from multiplying rapidly at the incision.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

In addition, an important point promoted by Sister Wang is that hands and kitchen utensils should be kept clean when handling food. Different knives and cutting boards should be used when handling raw and cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination. Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before and after each food handling to ensure that your hands are clean.

Through these measures, Sister Wang has not only improved the level of food safety in her own family, but also gradually affected the entire community. Her grocery store has become a small hub for food safety education in the community, and she often shares these valuable cooking and food handling tips with customers.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Through Wang's efforts, her neighbors have become more concerned about food safety, and residents have a healthier and safer eating environment.

Sister Wang's experience and efforts have gradually formed a positive food safety culture in the neighborhood. She not only promoted the correct vegetable handling and cooking methods through her personal practice, but also actively participated in the activities and organized food safety lectures to enhance the residents' attention to food safety.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Sister Wang emphasized the importance of seasonal food handling. As the seasons change, different types of vegetables and fruits and vegetables will become the mainstream of the market, and each ingredient has its own specific way of processing.

Summer is the harvest season for fruits and vegetables, and these ingredients often need to be eaten or stored properly as soon as possible after harvesting to avoid natural degradation or bacterial contamination. She teaches the community how to identify fresh fruits and vegetables, how to wash and preserve these seasonal foods, and how to use refrigerators and other preservation tools to keep food fresh.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

Wang also advocates the use of natural and healthy food preservation methods. For example, she describes ways to use natural vinegar or lemon juice to help sterilize and preserve food. These natural ingredients are not only effective in reducing bacteria on the surface of food, but also increase the flavor of food. With these simple and easy-to-follow tips, residents can easily practice at home and improve the health of their daily lives.

Sister Wang's efforts have also gradually been supported by the medical and public health authorities. Doctors and dietitians began to get involved in her activities, providing more professional health and nutrition guidance. This multi-faceted cooperation has greatly improved the residents' awareness of food safety and nutritional health, and has also led to a significant improvement in people's health.

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

It shows how individual efforts and neighborhood cooperation can work together to build a healthier and safer living environment. Together, Sister Wang and her community have proved that food safety is not an unattainable science, but an art of life that everyone can practice and improve through the small details of their daily lives. (All names have been changed)

What do you think about eating beans? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Li Cunfeng. An Analysis of Dietary Nutrition and Health of the Elderly, Food Safety Guide, 2024-04-05

The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day
The elderly want to stay away from beans? The doctor appealed: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't eat these vegetables every day

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