
The results of the women's college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and her parents asked her to feed the pigs at home: If you can't pass the exam, you can raise pigs!

author:Good smell picked

"Hmph-" The shrill pig cry cut through the silence of the early morning, and Xiaoyan suddenly woke up from her dream. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked out the window, where the sun was already shining in the yard. Another day began, and she sighed and slowly got up.

Such mornings have been going on for more than a month for Xiaoyan. A month ago, she was a high school junior with a dream, dealing with books and test papers every day. But now, her "companions" have become a herd of pigs waiting to be fed.

The results of the women's college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and her parents asked her to feed the pigs at home: If you can't pass the exam, you can raise pigs!

"Xiaoyan, get up and feed the pigs!" Outside the door, there was the sound of his father's impatient urging.

"It's coming, it's coming." Xiaoyan answered, hurriedly put on her clothes and ran out.

When she came to the pigsty, the pungent smell came to her face, Xiaoyan frowned, but she still endured the discomfort and started the day's work. Looking at the crowded herd of pigs in front of her, she couldn't help but think of the day that changed her fate a month ago.

On that day, the results of the college entrance examination came out. Xiaoyan clicked on the score website with trembling hands, and when she saw the score displayed on the screen, her heart was half cold. This score is far lower than she and her parents expected, and she may not even be able to get into an ordinary undergraduate.

With apprehension, Xiaoyan told her parents about the results. Her parents' reaction was even more intense than she had imagined.

"You kid, we expect so much from you, and that's how you repay us?" My father was so angry that his face turned pale.

"We save money for you to study, just so that you can have a good life and don't have to work as hard as us. But look at you, all these years of hard work have been in vain!" Mother also said disappointedly.

Xiaoyan lowered her head, not daring to look into her parents' eyes. She knew she had let them down, but she really did her best. Those days and nights of hard study, those entertainment hours that were given up for learning, did it go down the drain?

"Since you can't read, don't read it! From tomorrow onwards, you can feed the pigs!" Her father's words completely shattered Xiaoyan's dream.

In this way, Xiaoyan began her "pig breeding career". She has been pampered since she was a child, where has she ever done such dirty and tiring work. By the end of the first day, she was sore and her hands were covered in scratches. Lying in bed at night, she couldn't help crying.

The results of the women's college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and her parents asked her to feed the pigs at home: If you can't pass the exam, you can raise pigs!

"Am I really done with this? Am I going to have to deal with these pigs for the rest of my life?" Xiaoyan's heart was full of despair.

However, life still goes on. As the days passed, Xiaoyan gradually adapted to the work of pig farming. She learned how to feed the pigs, how to clean the pen, and even some simple veterinary knowledge.

In the process, Xiaoyan also began to reflect on herself. Perhaps, failing the college entrance examination is not the end of the world. Perhaps, the value of life is not just reflected in a diploma. She began to understand the hard work of her parents over the years, and she also began to think about what she really wanted.

One day, while cleaning the pigsty, Xiaoyan found a sick piglet. It curled up in a corner, dying. Xiaoyan felt pity and decided to try to save it. She flipped through the veterinary books at home and treated the piglets according to the methods in the books.

The results of the women's college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and her parents asked her to feed the pigs at home: If you can't pass the exam, you can raise pigs!

After a few days of careful care, the piglet miraculously recovered. Watching the little pig bounce around again, Xiaoyan felt an unprecedented sense of accomplishment. This feeling is even more wonderful than her high score in the exam.

This incident gave Xiaoyan a new idea. Perhaps, she could become a veterinarian. This can not only take care of the family's pig farm, but also realize its own value. Thinking of this, Xiaoyan decided to talk to her parents.

"Dad, Mom, I have something to say to you." That night, Xiaoyan plucked up the courage to speak.

Her parents looked at her in surprise and motioned for her to continue.

"I know I let you down, and I'm sorry for that." Xiaoyan took a deep breath, "But the experience of this time has made me understand that there is not only one path to go in life. I want to become a veterinarian so that I can help my family's pig farm and realize my own value. What do you think?"

After hearing this, the parents were silent for a moment. Finally, my father spoke: "Xiaoyan, we have been reflecting on this time. Maybe we expect too much from you and put too much pressure on you. We're glad you can have such an idea. If you really want to study veterinary medicine, we have your back. "

Mother also nodded: "Yes, as long as you find your own direction, we are relieved."

After listening to this, Xiaoyan's eyes moistened. She didn't expect her parents to be so supportive. At that moment, she felt as if she had been given a new lease of life.

From that day on, Xiaoyan had a new purpose in her life. She helps take care of the pig farm and teaches herself veterinary knowledge. She signed up for a distance education course and used her free time to study. Although it was hard, she felt fulfilled and happy.

Slowly, Xiaoyan became more and more comfortable working on the pig farm. Not only can she take care of the daily life of the pigs, but she can also detect and deal with some common diseases in time. Parents see it in their eyes and are relieved in their hearts. They found that their daughter seemed to be more mature and stable than before.

The results of the women's college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and her parents asked her to feed the pigs at home: If you can't pass the exam, you can raise pigs!

One day, the county's veterinary station came to inspect and was amazed to see Xiaoyan's skillful operation and rich knowledge. They even invited Xiaoyan to intern at the veterinarian station, which Xiaoyan gladly accepted.

In this way, Xiaoyan's life began a new chapter. She is no longer the student who worries about the college entrance examination scores, but a young person with a clear goal. The road is still tortuous, but she has found her own direction.

Looking back on this experience, Xiaoyan is full of emotion. The failure of the college entrance examination once made her think that her life was over, but it turned out that it was just a new beginning. She understands that the value of life is not how far you go, but whether you are on the right path.

Xiaoyan's story tells us that there is no fixed pattern in life. Everyone has their own path, and the important thing is to find the one that suits you and work tirelessly for it. Perhaps, we should be grateful for those seemingly frustrating experiences, because it is they that give us the opportunity to re-examine ourselves and discover more possibilities in life.

The results of the women's college entrance examination were not satisfactory, and her parents asked her to feed the pigs at home: If you can't pass the exam, you can raise pigs!

For Xiaoyan, the pig farm is no longer a punishment, but a starting point for her to realize her dream. She believes that as long as she sticks to her choices, one day, she will become an excellent veterinarian and bring health and hope to more animals.

And for every young person who is confused about the future, Xiaoyan's story may bring some enlightenment. Life will always give us unexpected tests, but as long as we maintain an open and positive attitude, we will definitely find our own light in the face of adversity.

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