
The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

author:Financial Bagua Woman

At the same time as the hot search, on June 26, Zhu Bingrentong's official flagship store was launched at 2 p.m., with a live broadcast of 11 hours and live broadcast sales of nearly 500,000 yuan, while before that, the daily sales in June were only around 10,000 yuan, a 50-fold increase in one day.

Edit丨Sugar Candy

Synthesized from 丨Beijing News, Blue Whale News, Brokerage China, etc

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With a score of 700 in the college entrance examination, the young master "Maybach" is completely popular!

During this year's college entrance examination, a video of "Maybach, a college entrance examination student", sparked heated discussions among netizens.

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

I thought it was just an ordinary "young master from a wealthy family going to the college entrance examination", but I didn't expect the recent results to come out, this "young master Maybach" actually scored 700 points, and what is even more surprising is his family background:

He is the grandson of Zhu Bingren, a master of Chinese arts and crafts and a representative inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage bronze carving skills. His father, Zhu Junmin, is the fifth-generation descendant of the national intangible cultural heritage "Zhufu Copper Art", and single-handedly founded the "Zhu Bingren Copper" brand, which enjoys a high reputation in the copper art world. Their family even built the famous scenic spot "Jiangnan Copper House" in Hangzhou, bringing copper art to the extreme.

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

Immediately, the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren appeared on the hot search, and netizens said:

"I'm most afraid that his father will drive a Maybach, and his grades are better than mine!"

"The young master not only has money in the family, but also has good academic performance, in the end, will he give ordinary people a way to live!"


/ "The same style of the young master" sells 500,000 per day,

A family company is about to go public? /

At the same time as the hot search, on June 26, Zhu Bingrentong's official flagship store was launched at 2 p.m., with a live broadcast of 11 hours and live broadcast sales of nearly 500,000 yuan, while before that, the daily sales in June were only around 10,000 yuan, a 50-fold increase in one day.

The top three products in terms of sales in the live broadcast are small money bags, ingots, and small blessing bags, all of which have added the label of "the same style as the young master".

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

There are also bamboo pens and Wenchang pens, marked with the keyword "send students":

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

even made a complete video of the initially popular video combined with the college entrance examination results and interviews and put it on the homepage of Taobao's official flagship store, with the text "The young man is ambitious, and the Zhu family is happy." 700 high scores, thanks to copper powder", this splashing traffic is really stable:

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

Judging from public information, Zhu Yetian's family environment is relatively good, Zhu Junmin himself is the fifth generation of "Zhufu Copper Art", Zhejiang Province Arts and Crafts Master, it seems not surprising to be able to drive Maybach.

At the same time, Zhu Junmin's company is still sprinting for "the first share in the arts and crafts industry".

On January 10 last year, Hangzhou Zhu Bingren Copper Art Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhu Bingren Copper Art") was accepted by the Securities Regulatory Bureau for the listing counseling record, and the counseling agency was Huatai Securities.

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

Founded in August 2011, Zhu Bingren Copper Art is a copper carving art brand, focusing on copper handicrafts, and its products cover home life, copper art ornaments, Buddha art, Zen furnace art and other series.

Zhu Bingren Copper Art is named after Zhu Bingren and founded by Zhu Junmin. Tianyan check shows that Zhu Junmin holds 58.794% of the shares of Zhu Bingren Copper Art and is the controlling shareholder of the company. At the same time, he also served as the chairman of the company.

Tianyancha shows that since 2019, Zhu Bingren Copper Art has completed multiple rounds of financing, and the latest round of financing comes from Wusan Zhongda. In January 2022, Zhu Bingren Copper Art cooperated with Wusan Zhongda and obtained tens of millions of yuan in Series C financing. The financing will be invested in product digital marketing, brand promotion, team building, etc.

Wusan Zhongda said at the time that the mainland is currently undergoing a transformation and upgrading from "universal" consumption to "brand" consumption, and people's spiritual pursuit and yearning for a better life have brought unprecedented opportunities to many domestic brands.

In March this year, the list of key companies to be listed in Hangzhou (February 2024) was announced, and Zhu Bingren Copper Art was among them.

Zhu Bingren Copper Art is expanding production on a large scale. In mid-March this year, with a total investment of 500 million yuan and a total construction area of more than 14 million square meters, the construction of the "Zhu Bingren Copper" headquarters park of the Copper Art Industrial Park and the expansion project of copper art products with an annual output of 2,000 tons officially started in Hangzhou Linping Economic and Technological Development Zone. It is said that the project is one of the largest copper art production bases in mainland China, and has the largest copper art museum in China. After completion, nearly 10,000 pieces of copper art treasures will be displayed.


/ It's a rich second generation and a scholar,

The goal of the college entrance examination is Peking University /

Zhu Yetian has such a family background and such a good academic performance, no wonder netizens ridiculed:

"It's really 700 points and 7 million, he has it."

The birth of every scholar can't avoid the topic of "how to raise a scholar", for the cultivation of children, father Zhu Junmin said in an interview:

Zhu Yetian has maintained the first place in his class since junior high school, and then he was sent to the best middle school in Hangzhou - Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School. When he was a sophomore in high school, he only thought about taking the road of competition, which was much later than others, and from the moment he made up his mind, it became different from before. For most of the year, I threw away all other studies, hobbies, and rest time, and prepared for the competition.

"I'm still a little distressed by that level of concentration."

Zhu Junmin feels that the specific problems of children in the subject should be handed over to the school and teachers to solve, and parents should manage their children's emotions and attitudes well.

The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

If you have to sum up some experience, in Zhu Junmin's view, it is more about teaching by word and deed. For example, more than ten years ago, their family never watched TV, their children were there, and their parents couldn't look at their mobile phones, Zhu Junmin said that he also learned this from his father, who taught him this way when his father Zhu Bingren taught him, and he also taught him through words and deeds.

At the art transfer press conference of grandfather Zhu Bingren, the happiest person was his father Zhu Junmin, who held his old father in one hand and his youngest son in the other, and proudly joked:

"Today I am the happiest person, I can gnaw the old at the top and the small at the bottom."
The identity of "Young Master Maybach" is exposed! The three generations of wealthy families scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the family company will be listed?

It is understood that Zhu Yetian not only scored 700 points, but also won the gold medal in the Olympiad in chemistry and signed the "Strong Foundation Plan" with Peking University.

Zhu Yetian media said that he was still quite excited when he was 700 points, and the ideal university was Peking University. Faced with the nickname and doubts of "Maybach Boy" on the Internet, Zhu Yetian responded that he didn't like this title, and said that he would realize his personal value through his own efforts and strive to take off the label of "no learning and no skills".

"In many people's stereotypes, the rich second generation is easy to associate with the words 'no learning, swaggering, and spending lavishly', but the classmates and friends around them have a good family background, and most of them are low-key and pragmatic, humble and polite. I'm always on the lookout for myself. ”

In the comments of netizens, the most frequently asked question is: "So why do you have to suffer from the college entrance examination if you are rich?" ”

Zhu Yetian told the Chao News reporter that many people think that they can live a prosperous life by inheriting the family business, but he wants to study at Peking University, but he has not been able to obtain the qualification for escort, so he can only honestly fight for the college entrance examination.


/ Don't let the "wealthy young master" label,

Ignoring the effort behind 700 points /

Even children from very wealthy families still need to work hard enough to learn and control their own destiny.

According to the "Beijing News Review", the label of "Maybach Teenager" is certainly eye-catching, but people must see the efforts behind the teenager.

In all fairness, society's portrait of the college entrance examination seems to be prone to a kind of "hard reading" narrative, and people are looking forward to a dramatic plot like "carp jumping over the dragon gate". Just like a few years ago, there was a candidate who received a notice from Tsinghua University when he was moving bricks at the construction site, and countless people were touched at that time.

But with the development of society today, there will definitely not be only one template for the college entrance examination story. Among them, there are children from ordinary families who have overcome many difficulties to be admitted to the ideal university and change their destiny; But there are certainly many stories like "Maybach Boys", who come from a well-to-do family and are self-disciplined and hard-working enough to go one step further in the starting point of the family's paving. This kind of pluralistic narrative is closer to the social background of today's college entrance examination.

The emergence of the "Maybach Youth" should also inspire people to form a new social expectation and atmosphere: even children from very wealthy families still need to work hard enough to study, to control their own destiny, to maintain the family's door, to further consolidate the social consensus of "God rewards hard work" and "no hard work and no gain".

Therefore, compared with conspicuous luxury cars, people should still focus on the teenagers themselves, and people should encourage young people to take the most practical and fair life path no matter what situation they are in.

The economic situation of each family is very different, but every family and every child believes in those unbreakable simple values, and everyone is full of the belief of striving for upward, which is the ideal situation that people want to see.

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