
726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

author:Yantian culture
726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

Recently, the national college entrance examination scores have been in full swing, and the high scores in various places have appeared one after another, and they have also been instantly swiped by the joy of the big guys......

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

△ Teachers, parents, students, and principals contributed to the "Score Checking Scene" △

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

This joy is contagious! Then I would also like to congratulate all the candidates and students: they have been admitted to the ideal university and gained a wonderful life!

The top students in the college entrance examination every year, and the winners with high scores

Not only is the knowledge reserve excellent, but also a good hand blessing!

Let's take a look at their handwriting:

↓ In 2023, Jiangxi will score 726 points

Yang Yiming's handwriting ↓

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

↓ In 2022, he was admitted to Tsinghua University with a score of 696 Xu Wutong handwriting ↓

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

↓ In 2020, Hubei champion scored 725 points and was admitted to Peking University Tang Chuyue's handwriting ↓

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

↓ In 2019, 613 points were admitted to Tsinghua University, and the talented woman Wu Yishu handwriting ↓

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

↓ 2018 Shenzhen Champion Essay Full Score Wen Excellent Handwriting ↓

726 points high school exam paper exposure: neat and clean, good writing! Practicing calligraphy is indeed a plus!

Practicing calligraphy can not only bring a good hand

It can also cultivate precious qualities such as cultivation

It will help you in your studies, work and life, and benefit you for a lifetime

I hope every student

You can pay attention to writing and start practicing calligraphy as early as possible

Only by laying a good foundation can we achieve satisfactory results in the future

High school in one fell swoop!

Good way, good writing

Expert in practicing calligraphy in the middle and high school entrance examinations


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Transferred from: Calligraphy homework

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