
Party Discipline Study and Education (51)丨Engaging in Formalism and Bureaucratic Behavior and Its Punishment Regulations

author:Healthy Ningyang
Party Discipline Study and Education (51)丨Engaging in Formalism and Bureaucratic Behavior and Its Punishment Regulations

  Article 132 of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China" stipulates that those who engage in formalism or bureaucracy, causing serious damage or serious adverse impacts, shall be given corresponding sanctions.

  Formalism and bureaucracy are characterized by being "virtual" and "floating" and not seeking truth from facts. Opposing formalism, the emphasis is on solving the problems of floating style, untruthful work, superficial articles, greedy for false fame, and deception; In opposing bureaucracy, the emphasis should be on solving the problems of detachment from reality and the masses, passivity, prevarication, domineering work style, and obsession with privileges.

  Formalism and bureaucratic behavior are mainly manifested in the following ways:

  (1) Keen to engage in public opinion and build momentum, floating on the surface

  Engaging in public opinion to build momentum and floating on the surface is concretely manifested in creating momentum and showing off, and arranging for leaders to make speeches and organize news distributions and television as the top priority.

  In the course of discipline enforcement and supervision, some people do not do things that are difficult to impress the leaders, do not do things that do not have much impact, and do not do things that do not look beautiful in work reports or year-end summaries. The ceremonies were one after another, the summaries were one after another, the awards were one after another, and in the end, the work was lost.

  This reflects that some party members and cadres have a floating style, are greedy for fame, only want to be officials and do not want to do things, only want to be brilliant and do not want to take responsibility, and are satisfied with superficial things.

  (2) Simply using meetings to implement meetings and documents to implement documents, but not taking action in actual work

  Holding meetings and issuing documents is a necessary way to convey the spirit, and it is also necessary to create a strong atmosphere, but it is necessary to prevent the phenomenon of implementing meetings with meetings and documents with documents.

  In the supervision of discipline enforcement, it was found that some of the implementation of the spirit of the higher-level meeting and the requirements of the document were only held as soon as the meeting was held and the document was issued, which was a mere formality, hypocrisy and coping; Some simply emphasize that the communication will not be overnight, but there is no follow-up after that, lacking practical action and no practical effect.

  These party members and cadres have not put their minds and energies into studying problems in the light of the actual conditions of their own localities and units and vigorously grasping implementation, and in essence they are "hanging in the blanks" and going through the motions in the spirit of their superiors.

  (3) Detached from reality, without in-depth investigation and research, engaging in arbitrary decision-making and mechanical implementation

  This content is newly added to the revised Regulations. This kind of behavior is mainly manifested in the formality of investigation and research, and going through the motions, so that decision-making is divorced from reality and has no purpose, and has become an ungrounded "air policy" and a "standard policy" that fights with each other. In the implementation of policies, they do not pay attention to listening to the feedback of grassroots cadres and the masses, do not understand the specific implementation situation, and engage in mechanical implementation.

  Investigation and research are the basic skills for doing a good job. Correct policy decisions are inseparable from in-depth investigation and study, and correct implementation is also inseparable from in-depth investigation and study. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should take the lead in in-depth investigation and research, and devote themselves to doing practical things, seeking practical measures, and seeking practical results.

  In the supervision of discipline enforcement, it was found that some party members and cadres engaged in "dragonfly and water" type research, and they were glimpsed or people could not reach their hearts; Some engage in "Qincha" type research, giving more instructions and less humbly seeking advice; Some of them engage in research and investigation in the style of "disliking the poor and loving the rich," and only go to places where they have made outstanding achievements in their work, and do not go to places where the situation is complicated and where contradictions are prominent. In the process of decision-making and implementation, party members and cadres do not go deep into reality, go deep into the grassroots, and go deep into the masses to investigate and understand the situation, and it is easy to blindly rely on personal experience and subjective judgment, engage in decision-making, or implement the decisions of the superiors, simplify, and "one size fits all", resulting in relevant work being divorced from reality and difficult to take effect.

  (4) Violating the relevant provisions of the Jingwen Reduction Association to engage in a meeting of mountains and seas

  This content is newly added to the revised Regulations. This kind of behavior is mainly manifested in the failure to fail to issue unrealistic and empty documents, and not to hold meetings that are appropriate to the situation and solve problems.

  The "Notice on Solving the Outstanding Problems of Formalism and Reducing the Burden on the Grassroots" and the "Notice on Continuously Solving the Problems of Formalism Plaguing the Grassroots to Provide a Strong Work Style Guarantee for the Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects" and other documents put forward requirements for sticking to the hard bar of fine literature and reducing the number of meetings, and effectively preventing the invisible mutation and rebound of Wenshan Huihai.

  Judging from the situation of discipline enforcement and supervision, some localities and units have not strictly implemented the relevant regulations, and the number of meetings and documents is large; Some did not strictly control the scale of the meeting, the length of the meeting and the length of the document in accordance with the regulations, and often held long meetings, spoke long speeches, and issued long articles; Some violated the regulations by holding meetings at various levels, preparing and issuing supporting documents at various levels, or simply copying and copying when preparing and issuing supporting documents, and so on. It takes up a lot of time and energy for party members and cadres, increases costs, consumes resources, and harms the party's cause.

  (5) In the work of supervision, inspection, and assessment, we should increase the number of layers and leave excessive traces, and increase the burden of grassroots work

  This content is newly added to the revised Regulations. This kind of behavior is mainly manifested in excessive and excessive frequency of supervision, inspection and assessment, repeated requests for materials, filling in forms, picking up "formalism on the fingertips", and grasping simple machinery, excessive work marks, and increasing tasks layer by layer.

  The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots, and has issued documents on many occasions around standardizing the work of supervision, inspection, and assessment and reducing the burden on the grassroots, so as to promote the liberation of Party members and cadres from some meaningless affairs, so that Party members and cadres have more time and energy to grasp the implementation.

  In the supervision of discipline enforcement, it was found that in some places, the standards were raised step by step, unrealistic index assessments, or the time limit for task completion was compressed layer by layer, and the implementation was forcibly pushed out regardless of the actual situation, which seemed to conduct pressure layer by layer, but in fact it violated the law and was impatient and rash; Arbitrarily require the grassroots to fill in the form and report the number of materials, and simply take whether there are leadership instructions, meeting documents, ledger records, work notes, etc. as the standard for whether the work is implemented, and replace the evaluation of the actual work with WeChat work groups, government affairs application uploads + screenshots or recorded videos, etc., which seems to focus on work procedures, but in fact, the "traces" are regarded as "political achievements".

  Formalism and bureaucracy are incompatible with the nature, purpose, and fine style of our party, and are the great enemies of our party and the people. All work must be done in a down-to-earth manner and achieve practical results, and it is not necessary to be ambitious and far-sighted, not to deviate from reality, and to guard against formalism and bureaucracy. Party organizations, party members, and cadres must fully understand the harm of formalism and bureaucracy, consciously abandon and resist formalism and bureaucracy, resolutely rectify the conspicuous problems that are strongly resented by party members and the masses, and tackle tough problems at every turn and seek practical results.

Source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

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