
Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

author:Greenhouse nets

If you talk about which country has the most serious education involution and the most academic pressure on children, I believe that the Chinese will say "it is none other than China". Even if they immigrate overseas, the Chinese still want to continue to roll the baby, and not let their children lose at the starting line in a foreign country.

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

However, there is a Chinese who has lived in the United States for a long time, but he said amazingly: "To be honest, the United States is more serious than China's involution, because the way of rolling is different." ”

Let's start with the facts: the United States is recognized as the center of global education, and the most on the list in the annual QS World Top 100 University Rankings must be the United States, and the top universities are also the majority of American universities, such as MIT, Harvard, etc.

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

If the United States is not a country with serious educational involution, how can it give birth to so many prestigious schools, so many Nobel Prize winners, and so many Wall Street elites?

In addition to these facts, what else can prove that the involution of American education is greater than that of China?

Take a look at the views of netizens.

If you enter a prestigious school, you need to work harder

This netizen believes that China's papers are mainly concentrated in middle schools, and as long as they work hard to squeeze into prestigious schools, they have already succeeded for more than half of them. In 985 colleges, as long as you can keep it, don't "pull across" too much, don't "let yourself go", even if you don't work hard, you still have more advantages than those students who work hard in ordinary colleges and universities after graduation.

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

This netizen's original words were: If you go to a prestigious school in the college entrance examination in China, then you will almost crush the high school classmates who went to Shuangnon in all aspects. Even if you have an average score of 80 during college, and your classmates have an average score of 90+, you can still maintain your advantage, after all, graduates from prestigious schools are golden signs.

But in the United States, including Canada, the most stressful time is after entering a prestigious school: making sure that you go the extra mile without parental supervision. Because students with a GPA of 3.0 from prestigious schools may not be as good as students with a GPA of 4.0 from general schools in the workplace!

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

This netizen said: "It's the same after work, in the United States, students from general schools have many opportunities to catch up with you from a prestigious school. A lot of people say that the U.S. has a high margin for error, but it seems to me that this is actually encouraging you to roll all the time. ”

There are many good schools, just go in?

Some people may say: There are more top schools in the United States than in China, and the population of the United States is only a quarter of that of China, so isn't it much less difficult for American children to go to prestigious schools than for Chinese children to go to Tsinghua University and Fudan University?

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

This is an illusion.

On the one hand, the admission of prestigious American schools is extremely strict, even in some top private high schools, only two or three students in a class enter the "big vine"; On the other hand, the tuition fees of elite American schools are expensive, and there are some unspoken rules, such as "money can make ghosts grind", which not everyone can afford.

Some Chinese Americans said with a smile: "If you want your child to go to a prestigious school in China, as long as you want to roll up the baby, you have to roll yourself in the United States, because you have money, status and influence, and you can also contribute to your child's admission to a famous school." ”

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

Don't forget, how many people from other countries have the American dream? Elites from all over the world gather in the United States to grab places in prestigious schools for local Americans, and how to stand out without "rolling"?

After the work, sometimes it is necessary to "go back to the furnace and rebuild"

International students studying in the United States and Canada, especially graduate and doctoral students, will find a phenomenon: some students in the class are already not confused, and some have even gray hair. Why do you want to go back to school at such an old age? The answer is: workplace involution.

In this netizen's view, although Europe and the United States seem to have developed in place, the workplace in Europe and the United States advocates lifelong learning - if your concept and technology are no longer suitable for this era and cannot compete with young people, then you must go back to the furnace and reinvent the wheel.

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

As a result, many people will choose to reapply for graduate or doctoral students from a prestigious university for better employment opportunities, and then spend one or two years, or even three or four years patiently studying. You must know that when people reach middle and old age, their learning efficiency is definitely not as good as that of young people, let alone supporting a family.

But for the sake of your future in the workplace, in order to keep up with the trend of the times for a long time, it is also necessary to be an older student. This netizen believes that "as long as you graduate and find a good job in China, many of them will be golden jobs, but in the United States, they will always face elimination." ”

The "leading role" of the Chinese promotes the atmosphere of involution

There was a report that sparked heated discussions among the Chinese, saying that Irvine, California, USA, has become another Haidian District in Beijing, because Chinese elite parents are here to "roll up their babies with passion", hoping that their children will be Silicon Valley elites and business leaders in the future.

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

The Chinese have worked so hard and squeezed the space of the locals, so how can the locals sit idly by? Los Angeles is not a "flat" city. Driven by the involution of Chinese education, native Americans will join the competition.

To some extent, it is more difficult for Chinese people to roll up their babies in the United States than in China, although there are more people competing in China, but after all, it is their home field; In the United States, it is someone else's territory, someone else's home field, and you have to fight the locals as an outsider.

Because of this, the Chinese will redouble their efforts and "fight chicken blood" in the United States, and after bringing up the atmosphere of involution, its intensity may indeed exceed that of China.

Old overseas Chinese said frankly: The "educational involution" of the United States is even more serious than that of China!

These truths do sound true, but in the comment section, people's opinions are still quite divided. People who have experienced rolling babies in China think that this netizen is "sitting in a well and watching the sky", but more people have not experienced both domestic and American rolls, so it is difficult to draw conclusions.

The United States and China, as the world's largest and second largest economies, actually think about it and understand - how can Taifo and Tai "lie flat" live a good life in these two countries?

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