
Hong Bixia, secretary of the Wuning County Party Committee, presided over the collective study of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee and the special study meeting of party discipline study and education

author:Wu Ning release
Hong Bixia, secretary of the Wuning County Party Committee, presided over the collective study of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee and the special study meeting of party discipline study and education
Hong Bixia, secretary of the Wuning County Party Committee, presided over the collective study of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee and the special study meeting of party discipline study and education

On June 27, Hong Bixia, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the 14th collective learning and party discipline learning and education special study meeting of the county party committee's theoretical learning center group in 2024. She stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and comprehend General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction and the spirit of the provincial and municipal leading cadres warning education meeting, solidly promote the study and education of party discipline, and constantly enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of abiding by rules and disciplines, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth with stricter discipline.

Hong Bixia, secretary of the Wuning County Party Committee, presided over the collective study of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee and the special study meeting of party discipline study and education

Zhang Yufeng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Li Liwei, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, Wang Renhua, chairman of the county CPPCC, and Shuai Zhonghua, Huang Lan, Ma Cheng, Chen Jianfei, Huang Zhi and other members of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee participated in the study.

The meeting conveyed and studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction and the spirit of the provincial and municipal leading cadres warning education meeting, and focused on studying the "Anti-Organized Crime Law". The members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee made exchange speeches around the theme of learning.

Hong Bixia, secretary of the Wuning County Party Committee, presided over the collective study of the theoretical study center group of the county party committee and the special study meeting of party discipline study and education

Hong Bixia exchanged learning experiences and put forward work requirements. She pointed out that it is necessary to work "true study" and more consciously promote party discipline in the mind and heart. Party members and leading cadres should go to school at the above rate, and regard General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" as a "hand file" and "desk book", pondering and understanding sentence by sentence. It is necessary to integrate into daily learning, and combine discipline education with "three meetings and one lesson", theme party day activities, and organizational life meetings. It is necessary to use cases to warn and learn, and use the typical "sobering agent" on the negative side, so that party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, and know and respect; Make good use of positive typical "textbooks", publicize the advanced deeds of outstanding Communist Party members, and continue to transmit positive energy.

Hong Bixia stressed that it is necessary to work "true faith" and more resolutely build a strong self-defense line. Keep a clear head, firmly grasp the "lifeline" of party discipline with theoretical sobriety, put yourself in, put your responsibilities in, and put your work in, deeply find your own gaps, and make up for deficiencies and promote improvement in a targeted manner. Maintain a firm stance, profoundly grasp the top priority of strengthening discipline construction, highlight political discipline and organizational discipline, drive the discipline of integrity, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline to be strict in an all-round way, and constantly enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and be a politically clear person. Maintain self-denial and prudence, connect "within eight hours" and "outside eight hours", consciously purify the circle of friends, social circles, and life circles, fasten the first button, guard the first pass, and guard the first line of defense, so as to enhance the immunity against corruption and degeneration.

Hong Bixia emphasized that it is necessary to work "real use" and more effectively promote responsibility. It is necessary to handle the relationship between "public" and "private", sincerely serve the people and seek good benefits, launch a number of policies and measures to benefit the people, and do a good job in a number of major practical projects for people's livelihood, so that people's livelihood and well-being will be warmer and happier life will be more qualitative. It is necessary to deal with the relationship between "for" and "fear", enhance the "sense of responsibility" of the use of power, enhance the "sense of boundary" of the use of power, respect the party rules and party discipline, and promptly discover and correct the signs and tendencies of problems; It is necessary to handle the relationship between "strict management" and "love", insist on paying equal attention to incentives and constraints, take responsibility for those who are responsible, be responsible for those who are responsible, and support those who do, so that the majority of party members and cadres can let go of their hands and feet and start a business without distraction.

Hong Bixia stressed: It is necessary to make efforts to "really grasp the situation" and more systematically deepen the healthy style and discipline. Persist in enforcing discipline and investigating violations, thoroughly investigate clues, solidly carry out centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, and investigate and deal with a number of "flies, greed, ants, and corruption" problems that the masses have strong reactions to. It is necessary to consolidate the main responsibility of party committees (party groups) at all levels to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and the supervision responsibilities of discipline inspection commissions at all levels, and promote the secretaries of party committees (party groups) at all levels to shoulder the responsibility of the first responsible person, and other members of the leadership group to earnestly shoulder the "one post and two responsibilities". It is necessary to tighten the cage of the system, give full play to the role of discipline construction as a sharp tool for treating both the symptoms and the root causes, let the system "grow teeth" and discipline "live", and continue to build a "dam" of uprightness, discipline and anti-corruption. (Ke Youkai, Xiong Yiming)

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