
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

author:The Great Wave of Cities

Recently, in the evening,

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,

Suddenly appeared in Pacific Place,

Participate in the Asian Food Festival Night Market!

Many Chinese people have met them up close!


A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Xiaohongshu @ Yichen

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Xiaohongshu @ Helmet Corgi Cake

Live video display,

As soon as Trudeau appeared,

It caused bursts of cheers,

Onlookers flocked to it,

Compete to shake hands with him and take selfies.

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Xiaohongshu @ Yichen

Trudeau with his signature smile throughout,

Greet the people around you warmly:

"Hey Guys!"

"How are you guys?"

"So great to see you guys!"

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Little Red Book@Faye Toronto Household Cleaning

I also visited the stalls in person,

Take the initiative to shake hands with Chinese stall owners.

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Xiaohongshu @ 38°6

For requests for group photos from the public,

is also responsive,

Very affectionately hugged the people and took a selfie!

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Xiaohongshu @ Dolphin House SMART-LINK

Judging from the scene picture,

Trudeau appeared in the Chinese community this time,

seems to be the "heartthrob" that everyone loved before,

The majority of the population is still very excited and excited.


Despite the good atmosphere of the scene,

But on social media,

Trudeau has long been "disliked by everyone",

In the comment section of each "chance encounter" post,

Without exception, there was a lot of scolding...

"Swire's Asian Food Festival,

What are the potatoes doing here?

Bring a bunch of cops to follow,

wasting taxpayers' money,

No matter how hard you try, it's useless. "

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: Xiaohongshu @ Look at Canada

"To cheat the votes of the Chinese."

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

"Bo favors the votes, don't be fooled by him. He doesn't do good things. "

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

"The Chinese are still too nice.

Unwilling to tear it in person.

He also felt like he was very popular. "

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

"He's still in his final struggle, knowing that everyone is annoying him."

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

In fact

A poll earlier this month found that

Trudeau's approval rating is close to the "bottom",

Nearly 70 percent of Canadians want him to step down.

A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!
A large number of Chinese people met by chance! Justin Trudeau appeared at the Pacific Place Food Festival, "heartthrob" turned into "everyone's suspicion"!

Source: PM.GC.CA

It seems that this time,

Trudeau is really in danger!


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