
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

author:Anhui Education Online

Listening to the cicadas, accompanied by the breeze, in the flow of time, the sixth-grade students of the third primary school of Anqing Road in Hefei City ushered in their important moment - the sixth-grade graduation ceremony of "Teenagers are promising, chasing dreams to the future".

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

At the beginning of the ceremony, President Wu Rong used her warm and firm voice to convey encouragement and blessings to the graduates. She encouraged the students to be brave enough to pursue their dreams and move forward bravely despite the difficulties ahead. The representatives of the graduates took the stage to give a speech of gratitude with their deep attachment to their alma mater, expressing their gratitude to the teachers and their bright expectations for the future.

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

In the awarding session, President Wu Rong awarded honorary certificates to the students who won the municipal "three good students" and "outstanding team cadres", which is an affirmation of the students' hard work in the past six years. Deputy Secretary Wang Yan presented a certificate of merit to the district-level "Advanced Class Body", and Vice President Zou Wenjing awarded a medal to the students of the "Red Scarf Medal" school-level one-star medal, and each award was accompanied by warm applause and cheers.

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

Immediately afterwards, the teachers of the sixth grade graduating class took the stage, and the student representatives presented flowers to all the graduating class teachers, thanking them for their hard work and selfless dedication in the past six years. The faculty representatives delivered a speech and sent sincere blessings and expectations to the graduates.

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

In addition, the student representatives also presented flowers to the school's security and cleaning staff, thanking them for their hard work in making the campus safe and tidy.

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

As the ceremony progressed, the ceremony came to the most exciting part, the principals presented graduation certificates to the representatives of the graduates of each class, and the student representatives came to the stage to receive this valuable honor. At the end of the ceremony, all the graduates sang the school song "We Are the Future of the Motherland" of Ansan Primary School, expressing their gratitude to their alma mater with singing, which drew a successful end to the six-year primary school life.

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future
Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

After the ceremony, each class returned to their classrooms for a graduation party. In this session, the teachers and students said goodbye and left messages, recalling the bits and pieces of the six years of primary school together, so that the students once again felt the footprints of growth and precious friendship.

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

Recall the past and send the future

Six (1) shifts

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

Six years have passed, and in the blink of an eye, we are about to bid farewell to this campus full of laughter and hope, farewell to the teachers and classmates who get along day and night, and farewell to this carefree childhood. Looking back on the past six years of study, we have experienced countless challenges and difficulties, but each time, we have overcome them bravely with the encouragement and help of our teachers and classmates. These experiences not only taught us knowledge, but also taught us how to face difficulties, how to persevere, and how to get along with others.

——Sang Peichang, the representative of the graduates of Class 6 (1).

Six (2) shifts

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

The six years of primary school are the most innocent journey of our life. In the past six years, we have gained knowledge, friendship, and growth. We listen carefully in class and study hard; Sweat it out on the playground and enjoy the sport; Show your talent and bloom your youth at the event. These precious experiences will always be the best treasure in our lives. We met in the summer, and the summer never ended. Work hard, and the time pays off. Our persistence will win the rewards of time. Looking back, it was a period of innocence and joy; Looking ahead, it is a blossoming future. Thank you to our parents for raising us, to our teachers for giving us skills, knowledge and love, and to thank our friends for accompanying each other!

——Yin Chenxiao, the representative of the graduates of Class 6 (2).

Six (3) classes

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

We would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere thanks to the hard-working teachers, and wish them a smooth work, a happy life, and a full world of peach and plum! I wish you a happy graduation, graduation is not the end, but a new starting point, and I wish you to set sail and have a bright future! I also wish our alma mater a more brilliant tomorrow!

——Yu Ruisi, the representative of the graduates of Class 6 (3).

Six (4) classes

Ansan Education Group Headquarters Campus: Teenagers are "finished" and promising, chasing dreams to the future

Dear students, today, we are about to bid farewell to primary school life and embark on a new journey in junior high school. We should take the experience and knowledge accumulated in primary school, and use our wisdom and courage to create a wonderful future of our own. Goodbye alma mater! Goodbye classmates! May we all be the best versions of ourselves when we say goodbye!

——Chen Lifan, the representative of the graduates of Class 6 (4).

The teacher's kindness will always be with you

The graduation ceremony is the last lesson, let us listen to the advice and blessings of the teachers, and go to their brilliant lives with these expectations and spurs:

The future is measured step by step, whether it is thorns or smooth roads, as long as there are dreams, enthusiasm, and perseverance in our hearts, then the future can be expected.

- Zhu Xiaofeng

Be a kind person, an upright person, and a Chinese who stands up to the sky. No matter where you are, never forget your original intention and be a better version of yourself.

- Wang Qiong

Be a man with virtue, respect for virtue,

Learning depends on diligence, and diligence can win.

- Chen Hongmei

With determination, confidence, perseverance, and patience, may these four "hearts" always accompany you in your life!

- Chen Lei

May you always carry that innocence and passion, move forward firmly, and pursue your inner dreams. Even if the future is full of unknowns, please believe in your own strength and believe that tomorrow will be better. May you never forget your original intention, keep moving forward, and achieve your dreams.

- Wang Huaizhou

The unknown road must be full of sunshine, and I hope that all the waiting will be fulfilled and the wish will come true.

- Li Cuiyu

The road ahead is long,

Cheng Men Lixue is particularly strong.

Like water, the years pass by in a hurry,

The bright future has not moved.

- Zhang Suwan

Don't work hard, leave no regrets, and run towards a high and wide tomorrow

- Liu Longxiang

Chase your dreams never stop trying.

never stop learning.

Live life to the fullest and give it nothing but your best.

Chase your dreams.

Never stop trying.

Never stop learning.

Live life to the fullest and give it only the best for you.

- Kan Limin

Wherever you go,

no matter what the weather is,

always bring your own sunshine.

No matter where you go,

No matter what awaits you in the future,

Please set off with a sunny heart.

- Zhao Yu

Art is the soul of human beings and a part of life. I hope that you will always maintain your love and pursuit of beautiful things, sketch a colorful life with a brush, and write an extraordinary story.

- Tang Wenping

May you have something to love and shine brightly; May you have a distant place in your heart and ride the wind and waves; May this go to blossom like flowers, and goodbye is still youthful!

- Fu Lina

With dreams, surpass yourself, and achieve the future.

- Jin Ling

Peng Beihai, Feng Chaoyang, and the road with books and swords. May you sail thousands of miles and sail, and goodbye is still youthful!

- Zheng Rong

Graduating from primary school is a new starting point for you! Your life has just begun, and may your future life be as brilliant as a flower, always facing the sun, striving to grow, maintaining your true colors, and being impartial. I sincerely wish you all a bright future and shine on the journey of life.

- Huang Xiangqin

Students, childhood is not over, dreams set sail again, may you move forward bravely, the future can be expected! (Written by: Liu Longxiang Photo: Zhang Suwan, Fu Lina)

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