
The Provincial Education Examination Institute issued a notice! It's about admissions

author:Suzhou High-tech Zone released

Recently, the Provincial Education Examination Institute issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Admission of Ordinary Colleges and Universities in 2024", deploying the enrollment and admission of ordinary colleges and universities in 2024, let's take a look at the relevant content!

1. Admission method

The enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province implements remote online admission, and the important information of enrollment and admission is released through the information interaction platform of the online admission system of Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as the information interaction platform). From July 1, all colleges and universities can log in to the admission server and information interaction platform of our province to understand the relevant requirements for admission. The user name, password, address and other information of the admission server and information interaction platform can be downloaded and obtained by using the blue master key access website From July 2nd to 4th, the Provincial Education Examination Institute carried out an online admission simulation exercise, and all enrollment institutions were invited to actively participate.

Before the start of each batch of admission, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will release the enrollment precautions, admission schedule, admission site contact information, and the source of students from relevant colleges and universities in our province on the information interaction platform. Relevant colleges and universities can log in to inquire and make various preparations before admission.

During the admission period, each recruiting university must designate a special person to pay attention to the information interaction platform, guard the contact number of the admission site of the university, and properly handle all kinds of information in a timely manner to ensure the smooth progress of the admission work.

2. Admission batch and time arrangement

In 2024, the admission batches and time arrangements for each subject category of ordinary colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province are as follows.

(1) General category

Undergraduate Early Batch: July 8-14 admission;

Undergraduate batch: July 18-25 admission;

Specialist batch: Admission from August 1 to 7.

The undergraduate early batch includes military academies, public security and political science and law colleges (majors), navigation colleges (majors), local special programs, rural teacher orientation training programs, rural order-oriented medical student free training programs, and other colleges and universities.

The enrollment of the strong foundation plan, the recruitment of flight cadets by military academies, and the comprehensive evaluation enrollment (Class A universities) and other types of admissions will be arranged to be completed before the undergraduate batch is submitted in advance. The admission of special programs for colleges and universities, comprehensive evaluation enrollment (Class B universities), high-level sports teams and other types of admissions will be arranged after the early batch admission of undergraduates and before the submission of undergraduate batches.

(2) Sports and arts

Undergraduate early batch: admission from July 8th to 17th, of which, the art class is divided into 2 small batches;

Specialist batch: July 29-31 admittance.

Please refer to Annexes 1, 2 and 3 for the specific schedule of admission for each subject category and batch. After the completion of the unified enrollment and admission work, the junior colleges and universities that have not completed the plan will be organized to make up the records. The specific measures will be announced separately.

3. Voluntary setting

The voluntary filling adopts the mode of "college professional group + major (class)". The professional group of colleges and universities is set up by colleges and universities according to the talent training needs of different majors (or professional categories) and the requirements of selected subjects, and is the basic unit for voluntary filling. Candidates must meet the requirements of the elective subjects of the professional group of the institution they are applying for before they can apply for the relevant application.

(1) Each batch of the general category implements a parallel volunteer method. Among them, 20 college professional group volunteers are set up in the undergraduate batch in advance, and 40 college professional group volunteers are set up in the undergraduate batch and junior college batch respectively. Each college professional group volunteers set up 6 professional volunteers and 1 professional subject adjustment volunteer.

Special types of volunteers such as special plans for colleges and universities, comprehensive evaluation enrollment (Class B universities), and high-level sports teams are divided into subjects such as history and physics and other subjects, and 1 college volunteer is set up, including 6 professional volunteers and 1 professional obedience adjustment volunteer.

(2) Each batch of sports implements parallel volunteering. There are 20 college professional group volunteers, and each college professional group volunteers set up 4 professional volunteers and 1 professional subject adjustment volunteer.

(3) The art admission batch is divided into undergraduate early batch and junior college batch, and there are two ways: traditional (sequential) volunteer and parallel volunteering.

1. There are 2 small batches under the early batch of art undergraduates, the details are as follows.

The first small batch: the undergraduate majors of art in colleges and universities inside and outside the province that are admitted using the results of the school examination or the results of the inter-provincial joint examination for opera shall implement traditional (sequential) volunteering.

The second small batch: the art undergraduate majors admitted by colleges and universities inside and outside the province using the results of the provincial unified examination will be implemented in parallel.

2. In the junior college batch, the majors admitted using the results of the inter-provincial joint examination for opera shall implement traditional (sequential) volunteers, and the majors admitted with the results of the provincial unified examination shall implement parallel volunteers.

3. There are 20 college professional group volunteers in parallel volunteering, and each college professional group volunteer sets up 4 professional volunteers and 1 professional obedience adjustment volunteer. The traditional (sequential) volunteer sets up 1 college professional group volunteer, including 4 professional volunteers and 1 professional subject adjustment volunteer.

(4) After the admission of each batch of volunteers, a solicitation of volunteers will be set up. The solicitation of volunteer settings is the same as that of the corresponding batch. The first small batch of the early batch of art undergraduates will not be set up to solicit volunteers.

Fourth, the college entrance examination takes care of the bonus point policy

According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and our province, the 2024 college entrance examination will take care of the bonus points policy as follows.

(1) Candidates with any of the following circumstances shall add a certain score to the total score of their cultural unified examination results; If the requirements for college application are met, the university will review and decide whether to admit them. If the same candidate meets the conditions for multiple increase scores, only the score with the largest range can be taken, and the score shall not exceed 20 points. All college entrance examination bonus items and scores shall not be used for art majors, high-level sports teams, college special programs and other enrollment projects that do not arrange provincial enrollment plans.

1. Children of martyrs, 20 points will be added when admitted.

2. Retired servicemen who have been awarded second-class merit or above during their service or have been awarded honorary titles by units above the theater (formerly the Great Military Region) will be given 20 points when they are admitted.

3. Returned overseas Chinese, children of overseas Chinese, children of returned overseas Chinese and candidates from Taiwan Province (including candidates with household registration in Taiwan) will be given 5 points when admitted.

4. Retired soldiers who are self-employed will be given 10 points when they are admitted.

(2) Children of servicemen who have been awarded second-class meritorious service in peacetime or third-class or higher in wartime, children of servicemen with disabilities of the first to fourth grades, children of servicemen who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, children of servicemen who have worked for a total of 20 years or more in three or more categories of hardship and remote areas designated by the state, in the Tibet Autonomous Region, or on islands of the second class or more designated by the armed forces, children of servicemen who have worked for a total of 10 years or more in four or more categories of hardship and remote areas designated by the state or on special islands designated by the army, and children of air crew personnel who have been flying or grounded for less than one year or have reached the maximum number of years of flight. Children of servicemen who have been engaged in naval work for 20 years or more, and children of servicemen who have worked in aerospace and nuclear-related posts for a total of 15 years, will be given priority admission if they participate in the national unified examination and meet the requirements of relevant colleges and universities in the batch of traditional (sequential) voluntary submission.

Where the children of public security martyrs, public security heroes and models who have died in the line of duty, or children of public security police officers who have been disabled in the line of duty at grades 1 to 4 participate in the national unified examination, it is to be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Notice of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Education on Further Strengthening and Improving the Education of the Children of Public Security Heroes and Disabled Public Security Police Officers Who Sacrificed Their Lives in the Line of Duty" (Gong Zheng Zheng [2018] No. 27). Personnel of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team and their children who participate in the national unified examination shall be implemented with reference to the relevant preferential treatment policies for military personnel. Candidates who have retired from active military service and disabled people's police officers who participate in the national unified examination and meet the requirements of relevant colleges and universities will be given priority in admission under the same conditions as other candidates. Candidates who have been recognized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League as 5A-level youth volunteers, as well as those who have been commended by the people's government at or above the districted city level or departments at or above the provincial level, or their children, who meet the requirements of relevant colleges and universities, will be given priority in admission under the same conditions as other candidates.

Fifth, the rules of pitching

(1) The majors admitted by the provincial unified examination results in the general category, physical education and art shall be subject to parallel voluntary submission, divided into subjects such as history, physics and other subjects, and submitted in accordance with the principle of "sorting by score and following the volunteer".

1. Parallel voluntary submission method

The candidates on the provincial control line will be divided into subjects such as history, physics and other subjects, and the 20 or 40 professional group preferences filled in by the candidates will be searched in turn according to the order of the total score from high to low. As long as there is a professional group of colleges and universities that meets the conditions of the professional group of the 20 or 40 colleges and universities that are searched, the professional group of the institution will be submitted; If there is no professional group of colleges and universities that meet the conditions for submission, you cannot apply. After the above process is completed, regardless of whether the file is cast or not, it will be deemed that the candidate has enjoyed the opportunity to submit the parallel volunteer file in this batch. If the candidate's file is withdrawn for any reason after being submitted to the professional group of a certain institution, it will not be re-submitted to the professional group of other subsequent colleges and universities in the same batch. For candidates who also apply for the direction of art music performance and music education, or the direction of drama, film and television performance, costume performance, and drama, film and television directing, the score will be calculated according to the direction of the professional group of the institution they apply for, and the file will be submitted in accordance with the principle of parallel voluntary submission.

2. Pitch points

The submissions of ordinary candidates are divided into college entrance examination cultural scores. The scores of sports and art candidates are composed of a certain proportion of the cultural score and the professional score of the college entrance examination, as follows:

Sports: Pitch score = [(college entrance examination cultural score÷ cultural full score) ×0.7 + (professional score ÷ professional full score) ×0.3]×750, the result is rounded to the nearest integer.

Music, dance, acting (directing) and acting: Pitch score = [(college entrance examination cultural score÷ cultural full score) ×0.5 + (professional score ÷ professional full score) ×0.5]×750, the result is rounded to the nearest integer.

Art and Design, Calligraphy: Pitch score = [(college entrance examination cultural score÷ cultural full score) ×0.6 + (professional score ÷ professional full score) ×0.4]×750, the result is rounded to the nearest integer.

Broadcasting and hosting class: Pitch score = [(college entrance examination cultural score÷ cultural full score) ×0.7 + (professional score ÷ professional full score) ×0.3]×750, the result is rounded to the nearest integer.

3. Equal collation

(1) When the scores of general candidates are the same, they will be ranked according to the sum of the scores of the two subjects of Chinese and Mathematics, the highest score of a single subject of Chinese or Mathematics, the score of a single subject of foreign language, the score of a single subject of the preferred subject, and the highest score of a single subject of the re-selected subject from high to low; If it is still the same, compare the order of candidates' volunteers, the order of the former will be preferred, and the order of volunteers will be the same.

(2) When the scores of physical education and art candidates are the same, they will be ranked according to the cultural score of the college entrance examination, the sum of the scores of Chinese and mathematics, the highest score of a single subject of Chinese or mathematics, the score of a single subject of foreign language, the score of a single subject of the preferred subject, and the highest score of a single subject of the second choice subject from high to low; If it is still the same, compare the order of candidates' volunteers, the order of the former will be preferred, and the order of volunteers will be the same.

(2) Candidates who apply for the Strong Foundation Program and military academies recruiting flight cadets will be admitted by the Provincial Education Examination Institute according to the list of candidates to be admitted by universities or competent departments before the undergraduate batch is submitted in advance. Candidates who are determined to be selected by the comprehensive evaluation enrollment (Class A universities) will be submitted by the Provincial Education Examination Institute according to the ranking of the selected candidates provided by the colleges and universities and the preferences and order confirmed by the candidates before the early batch of undergraduates, and the colleges and universities will decide whether to admit them and the majors they admit according to the published admission rules. Admitted candidates will not participate in any other batch of admission.

(3) Candidates who apply for special programs for colleges and universities, comprehensive evaluation enrollment (Class B universities), high-level sports teams and other special types, as well as candidates admitted by art using school examination results or opera inter-provincial joint examination results, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will fill in the voluntary and eligible candidates to the colleges and universities according to the requirements of the institutions, and the colleges and universities will admit them according to the rules announced to the public.

(4) For candidates who fill in the "Targeted Training Sergeant" volunteer in the second stage and pass the physical examination and political assessment, after the admission of the general undergraduate batch and before the junior college batch is submitted, they will be admitted by the colleges and universities on the basis of merit.

Sixth, the policy of reducing points

After the admission of each batch of parallel volunteers [including traditional (sequential) volunteers of art majors] and when filling in the solicitation of volunteers, it will be determined whether candidates within a certain score under the provincial control line (cultural score) of the corresponding batch will be allowed to fill in according to the admission situation. After soliciting voluntary admission, if a small number of colleges and universities are still insufficient in online students and cannot complete the enrollment plan, the candidates who fill in the vacant college volunteers in this batch of solicitation volunteers will be appropriately reduced to the vacant colleges and universities according to their wishes, and the colleges and universities will select the best candidates. The maximum score reduction for each batch shall not exceed 20 points.

7. Admission system, work requirements and file transfer

(1) Admission system

Colleges and universities and the Provincial Education Examination Institute shall implement the admission work in accordance with the admission system of "the university is responsible and the Provincial Education Examination Institute supervises". For candidates who pass the ideological and political character assessment, whose physical condition meets the requirements of relevant professional training, and whose grades reach the same batch of provincial admission control scores and meet the requirements of the file, the Provincial Education Examination Institute will release the candidates' electronic files to them according to the proportion of the candidates' files proposed by the university, and the proportion of file adjustment shall be controlled within 105% in principle. Colleges and universities rank the candidates according to the admission rules specified in their enrollment regulations, decide whether the candidates are admitted or not and the majors they admit, and are responsible for the interpretation of the unadmitted candidates and the handling of other remaining issues.

The Provincial Education Examination Institute is responsible for the electronic file of qualified students to colleges and universities, and supervises the implementation of national enrollment policies and enrollment plans by colleges and universities, and prevents and corrects violations of national enrollment policies and regulations.

(2) Work requirements

The admission work of colleges and universities must be completed on time in accordance with the prescribed procedures, such as file promotion, file reading, review, pre-recording, and file withdrawal, so as to ensure the normal operation of candidates' electronic files and the smooth progress of the admission work. For colleges and universities that fail to complete the relevant work as required within the time limit, and refuse to contact or deliberately delay the time after being contacted by the Provincial Education Examination Institute, the Provincial Education Examination Institute can set the candidates' electronic files as pre-admission status according to the number of enrollment plans and admission rules of the relevant colleges and universities, notify the relevant colleges and universities in writing, and report to the Ministry of Education at the same time.

With the exception of military academies and universities, national defense, public security, and other special schools (majors), colleges and universities must not stipulate the ratio of male and female students to be admitted, and must not impose restrictions on the number Chinese of foreign languages for candidates applying for non-foreign language and literature majors. Colleges and universities cannot refuse to admit disabled candidates who meet the requirements of the college entrance examination, are physically able to complete the study of the applied major, and are able to take care of themselves in life.

Colleges and universities will issue admission notices according to the list of admitted candidates approved by the Provincial Education Examination Institute, and the admission notice shall be signed by the president and stamped with the school seal. The admission notice will be sent directly to the admitted candidates, together with the relevant materials such as the enrollment instructions, financial aid policies and measures. The delivery of the admission notice shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant work requirements of the Ministry of Education and the State Post Bureau. All colleges and universities should do a good job of publicizing the enlistment of freshmen, and send the "Propaganda Leaflet on the Enlistment of College Freshmen" to all admitted freshmen when issuing the admission notices for freshmen.

In order to properly solve all kinds of remaining problems in the enrollment and admission work (such as the recruitment of flight cadets by military academies, the failure of the physical examination of military academies), etc., the Provincial Education Examination Institute will designate relevant colleges and universities to solve them in accordance with the prescribed procedures. Relevant colleges and universities have the obligation to cooperate with the Provincial Education Examination Institute to do a good job in relevant work.

(3) Transfer of archives

Candidates can collect sealed personal paper dossier materials from the original graduation middle school (unit) with the admission notice, and hand them over to the institution when they report to the institution. After the admitted candidates report to the university, the university must directly print the relevant information in the candidate's electronic file into paper materials (including the candidate's registration form, physical examination form, volunteer form, etc.) from the university's admission database, and affix the school's official seal and store it in the candidate's personal file together with other paper files.

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