
The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

author:Words of the hills
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

When the teacher who "went to the wrong examination room" found his own examination room, and the "first student who lost the admission ticket" retrieved the admission ticket for half a month.

Students and teachers who breathed a sigh of relief began to truly move towards the ultimate goal of the college entrance examination - to apply for volunteers and go to university.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Liang Juntian of Dongchen International School in Mianyang, Sichuan also checked his results, and in the face of his results, he said that he had the strength to score 700 points.

But with a hint of disappointment in the joy, he said that his language score was low, and he didn't know if he could be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University as he wished. So how many points did Xiaoliang get in the Chinese test? What is the total score? #2024头条高考季##高考查分##高考志愿填报#

01 The road to learning is not easy

It turned out that Xiaoliang's Chinese score was 114 points, and the total score was 700 points, which was dazzling in the whole country.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

In other subjects, mathematics is a full score of 150 points, English is 143 points, which is equivalent to only 7 points, and 293 points in science and science, only 7 points are deducted.

Every year in mathematics, there are candidates who say that the questions are difficult, but I have to admit that every year there are the chosen sons with full scores, and this Xiaoliang is one of the few chosen ones.

It turned out that Xiao Liang was worried about not English or science comprehensive, it turned out to be Chinese, and he said that he could usually score 120-130 points in Chinese.

But the college entrance examination is only 114 points, and the gap of more than ten points can be seen from Xiao Liang's expression, which is still unwilling.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

But there was no turning back from the arrow, and although he was a little disappointed, he was still very satisfied with the comprehensive score of English and science, after all, only 7 points were deducted, and he played at his usual level.

In English, it is equivalent to three or four questions or essays with some points deducted, and a few questions with some points deducted from the comprehensive question, which is to be expected.

Mathematics is even more unexpected, according to his estimate, there are still a few questions that are uncertain. After the joy, I began to volunteer.

A student like him has some consideration for his future, and he weighed the subjects he is best at and what he is not good at, and wants to apply for the clinical medicine major of Tsinghua University or Peking University School of Medicine.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

For most students, the notes and learning experiences of the top students are always like treasures, just heard about them rather than seeing them with their own eyes.

Once you can hear the learning methods shared by the top students, it will be like listening to the sounds of nature, and you will not dare to desert at all, which may be a bit exaggerated, but the experience shared by Xiao Liang is definitely a clear stream.

He said, "Do the questions, practice the questions, but in fact, it is not to do more to have an effect, but to understand the questions." He further explained: "Do the questions, practice the questions, but in fact, it is not to do more to have an effect, but to understand the problems." ”

In other words, no matter how much you do the question, it is not as good as reviewing and summarizing, and you can find out the intention of the questioner.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Besides, Xiaoliang's learning path is not all smooth sailing, and the typical one is math results. When he was a freshman in high school, he could only score about 120 in math and was not very good in physics.

Everyone knows that the knowledge of high school will only get more and more difficult, once there are a few classes that do not keep up with the progress, it will not help how to make up the later chapters, and there is no situation where a student like Xiaoliang does not understand.

But self-motivation is the most basic quality of every student, he has a stage to start attacking physics, other subjects can keep up with the progress, under the guidance of the teacher to practice weak chapters in a targeted manner.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Xiao Liang's physics score went to the next level, and other subjects such as mathematics followed, arranging time in a targeted manner and assaulting one by one, which led to his later results.

02 Correct problems in time

After entering the third year of high school, the first model and the second model were around 600 points, and later they sang all the way to about 690 points. Xiao Liang also made the mistake that most candidates make, that is, the mentality has not been adjusted well.

The role of a good attitude is greater than the effect of being able to really calculate a math problem, and being able to do problems is only the type of problem that can be done, while a good attitude is to be able to dominate the overall situation.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Improving the score from the foundation, the self-confidence that you don't feel that you can do it will inexplicably lose a few points in the exam, and you will do what you would have done wrong, and only when you review it will find that it shouldn't be wrong, and you will know that you are annoyed.

Xiao Liang adjusted his mentality in time, he can no longer be anxious, suffer from gains and losses, science synthesis and mathematics are his strengths, so he doesn't need to spend more time, he only needs to spend time on Chinese and liberal arts subjects is the right strategy.

Because no matter how good the Chinese is, it is impossible to get a full score, and no matter how well the essay is written, it is impossible to get 60 points, and it is best to get those basic points with only answers.

The same is true for English, and it is very rare to get a perfect score in English, so it is considered a success to get a score for the basic and your own good questions.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Trabecula also has a particularly powerful quality, that is, self-discipline is particularly strong, and once it learns, it will not be disturbed. In an interview with Xiao Liang, he said that he usually only goes home during long vacations and is at school on weekends.

On the night of the holiday, he would go out to rub a meal, then buy a cup of milk tea, go back to the classroom to study for an hour or two, then go back to the dormitory to play, and the next morning he would study first and then play.

Anyone can play, but thinking about learning while playing should be a common problem for most students, but this is not the case with Xueba.

Xueba doesn't think about studying when he watches short videos, and he doesn't think about distracting questions like what to eat when he goes out on Sunday when he is studying.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

After a period of review, sure enough, the three-mode score jumped by 90 points, approaching 700 points, and Xiao Liang was not proud at this time, these scores were already at the level of 985 and 211.

As long as you play as usual in the examination room, you will have the hope of impacting Tsinghua University and Peking University! During the college entrance examination, Xiao Liang lived up to expectations and brought out all his skills, so he had this proud result!

After the results came out, Xiao Liang suddenly became a well-known star student, and you can imagine how proud his parents are of him, having such an excellent son.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

As long as one foot enters the door of Tsinghua University and Peking University, it is half the success, no wonder Liang's mother was having dinner with her colleagues when she learned her son's results, and after learning that her son had such good results, she couldn't express her joy in words!

03 The universal quality of Xueba

Be reflective. What almost every student will do is to be good at reflection, reflect on the mistakes and mental problems, summarize the knowledge points after each exam, and consciously reflect and summarize in the learning process.

A senior teacher said: "The reason why Xueba is a Xueba is not in the examination room, but in the usual details." ”

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

That's right, those who have the details have to take the exam, and they seem to answer the paper with ease, but in fact every sentence in the textbook is imprinted in their minds, and sometimes their book may look new as if they have no notes.

In fact, there is no knowledge point that has not been chewed repeatedly, and there is no type of question that has not been done.

Use learning methods correctly, do not imitate others, and do not compare. Some middle school students have average grades, and he wants to get good grades.

It is highly undesirable to imitate the learning methods of the better students in the class without careful consideration.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

First of all, other people's learning methods may not be suitable for themselves, in the face of the same article, some people can do ten lines at a glance, this is because their people process words very quickly, and some people read very slowly.

It is necessary to read word by word, this is the difference in the strength of innate brain function, a student with poor reading and writing ability to imitate the learning method of a student with strong reading and writing ability, isn't this asking for hardship?

Therefore, it is the choice of smart people to determine the learning method that suits them according to their own situation. This leads to another question, that is, whether the willpower is strong, whether the heart is strong.

When a method does not work for a short period of time, will you be arrogant and doubt your learning ability, so that you will start to say that everything is determined by talent.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Have a wide range of interests and strong self-learning ability. Middle school students are the best years of their lives, as the saying goes, if you don't fight at this time, when to fight, but throughout the academic tyrants, there is no one who is a nerd who doesn't listen to what's going on outside the window.

Each of them can be literate and martial, can go to the hall and the kitchen, can do the Olympiad math problems, and can also chant a good poem.

They usually have a wide range of hobbies, including drones, extreme sports, photography, Rubik's cubes, programming, and more, and they can play with drones in the morning and study in the afternoon.

You can also go diving during the day and go back to your room to study at night, and your academic performance continues unabated. At this time, some people will come up with the theory of talent, saying that they are originally brainy.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

There will also be people who bring out the energy theory, saying that they are naturally energetic and will not get tired no matter how much they do.

In fact, interest is the best teacher, and when they are studying how to recover the Rubik's cube and what parameters can take the most beautiful photograph, the brain is also exercised.

The broad-mindedness of their minds makes them more flexible when learning textbook knowledge, and they devote themselves to their hobbies as if they were in a no-man's land.

In this process, the ability to learn by oneself unconsciously is cultivated, and at the same time, a top student is also produced.

brief summary

In today's relatively fair college entrance examination, 700 points are really dazzling, but the top student is not born, Xiaoliang has also had a collapse in his mentality, and he has also been biased, but the good thing is to adjust his learning methods and mentality in time.

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

Therefore, it is not terrible to have problems, but it is terrible to have problems and not be able to see the problems clearly, allowing the problems to develop, and eventually causing unsatisfactory results.

Reference Sources:

[1] Lunan broadcast Science and Technology Life Express "Let go of the heart of gain and loss, and treat the college entrance examination as an ordinary exam!" The boy's college entrance examination scored 700 points in mathematics.

[2] Red Star News "Mianyang Science 700 Score Candidate Liang Juntian: Full Score in Mathematics, Adjust Your Mentality Before the Exam, Treat It as an Ordinary Exam"

The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength
The science boy scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, scored full marks in mathematics, and "played abnormally" in Chinese, saying that he had strength

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