
Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy
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Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

In the hit drama "Love in the Courtyard", Hai Yitian created an impressive character - Xu Damao. This villain's ambitious cadre should have made the audience hate itchy, but it unexpectedly caused laughter.

Hai Yitian cleverly injects humor into this villain character, turning a typical "bad guy" into a "villain who is least like a bad guy".

Although Xu Damao's behavior is despicable, it exudes a comical energy. His unlucky appearance aroused the audience's sympathy.

The story of Hai One Day begins in an ordinary hutong in Beijing. Although his family was not wealthy, his parents' status as literary and artistic workers opened the door to art for him.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

Hai Yitian always rushed to the cultural center where his parents worked after school, where he felt the charm of art for the first time. Sometimes, he would sneak into the cinema in the name of his parents and watch movies for free.

These experiences undoubtedly planted the seeds for his later artistic career.

However, a day in the sea of young people was not all smooth sailing. He tried to sell clothes in the market, but quickly lost money. This failure made him re-examine his life and finally decided to pursue a career as an actor.

With his love and dedication to art, Hai Yitian was admitted to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy with excellent results.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

In the days of the play, Hai Yitian read with Li Bingbing, Ren Quan, Liao Fan and others. This experience not only allowed him to meet a group of like-minded friends, but also laid a solid foundation for his future acting career.

However, when the classmates emerged in the entertainment industry one after another, Hai Yitian remained unknown.

Faced with such a reality, he was not discouraged, but ignited a strong fighting spirit. Hai Yitian knows that in the highly competitive entertainment industry, only by constantly improving himself can he find his own place.

He began to work harder on his acting skills, trying to inject his own understanding and perception into each role.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

From a naughty teenager in the hutongs of Beijing, to an outstanding student of the Shanghai Theater Academy, to an unknown but unwilling young actor, Hai Yitian's growth path is full of artistic edification and determination to break through himself.

This experience not only exercised his will, but also laid the foundation for his future success in the entertainment industry.

The story of Hai One Day tells us that success is never achieved overnight. It requires us to cultivate interests in the bits and pieces of life, persist in our dreams in the face of setbacks, and constantly improve ourselves in the midst of competition.

It is this unremitting effort and persistent pursuit of art that has shaped the sea day we see today.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

In 1997, Hai Yitian, who had a dream, stepped into Beijing Film Studio and officially started his career as an actor. However, the gap between his ideals and reality made him feel frustrated.

In "New Gone with the Wind", he played a patriotic soldier who was heroically wounded in the battle against the Japanese army. Then, in 1998, he went to the Czech Republic to shoot "There is a Bed in Prague" and played a role named Little Beijing.

Although these experiences gave him valuable acting opportunities, they did not make him an instant hit.

Hai Yitian's unique Beijing temperament became an obstacle for him to take on the show, which made him fall into trouble for a period of time after graduation. But he didn't give up, but chose to improve his acting skills in a unique way - focusing on creating a villain role that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

Through continuous experimentation and tempering, Hai Yitian gradually found his own performance style. He finds himself able to play both the righteous and awe-inspiring positive characters and the sinister and cunning villains.

This multifaceted nature has gradually put his acting career on the right track.

The success of the sea day did not happen overnight. Behind every role, his sweat and hard work are condensed. His outstanding performance in many works has made more and more audiences remember this stage master who specializes in villain roles.

From the initial obscurity, to now participating in more than 80 film and television works, Hai Yitian has proved his worth with his strength.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

In the process, Hai Yitian has shown admirable resilience and perseverance. Faced with the initial predicament, he did not choose to give up, but constantly adjusted his positioning and looked for the most suitable performance direction for himself.

His story teaches us that in acting, persistence and breakthrough are equally important.

Hai Yitian's success is not only a personal victory, but also an inspiration to all those who have a dream of acting. He used his own experience to prove that as long as you keep your passion, keep learning and making breakthroughs, you will definitely be able to find your own place in this highly competitive industry.

From obscurity to becoming a powerful actor well-known to the audience, Hai Yitian's growth road is full of hardships, but it is also full of joy of harvest. His story inspires more actors to persevere in the face of adversity, grow in the face of setbacks, and finally shine in their own light.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

After many years in the entertainment industry, Hai Yitian gradually realized that he seemed to be better at portraying villains. At first, he tried to imitate the hot villain actor Sun Honglei at the time, hoping to learn from the successful experience.

However, mere imitation does not make him stand out in the highly competitive film and television industry. Hai Yitian knows that in order to gain a foothold in this industry, he must find his own unique style.

In 2015, the opportunity came. The famous director Liu Jiacheng invited Hai Yitian to play the villain Xu Damao in "Love in the Courtyard". When he first read the script, Hai Yitian was shocked by the character's vicious ruthlessness.

But after much deliberation, he decided to take an unusual path when portraying Heo Da-mao - injecting humor elements into the villain character to regulate the audience's emotions.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

Hai Yitian began to carefully polish Xu Damao's image, adding a hooligan atmosphere and comedic color to the character through exaggerated body language and unique speech movements.

This bold attempt was an unexpected success. Xu Damao has become a topic of conversation among the audience after dinner, and is even affectionately called "the villain who is the least like a bad guy".

Since then, each villain of Hai Yitian has his own characteristics. The villains he portrays can not only make the audience hate itchy, but also arouse the audience's sympathy and thinking.

This unique performance style makes Hai Yitian stand out among many actors and become a "villain professional" in the eyes of the audience.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

Hai Yitian's successful transformation has taught us that innovation and breakthroughs are essential in the entertainment industry. His journey from imitating others to finding his own style not only demonstrates his courage and wisdom, but also demonstrates the professional attitude and continuous improvement spirit that an actor should have.

It is this persistent pursuit of performing arts and the spirit of continuous innovation that has allowed Hai Yitian to win his own world in the entertainment industry.

At the time when his career was booming, the 47-year-old Hai Yitian ushered in another important turning point in his life. In 2018, he held a grand wedding in Beijing and married Liu Shuai, who was 12 years younger than him.

This wedding is not only a testimony of the love between the two people, but also marks the beginning of a new chapter in Hai Yitian's life.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

The wedding scene was star-studded, and it became a showbiz event. The well-known artist Chen Kun served as the best man for the first time, the actress Li Bingbing and the actor Liao Fan personally handled the details of the wedding, and Ren Quan, He Bing, Liang Tian and others also joined the planning team.

This luxurious lineup not only highlights Hai Yitian's status in the entertainment industry, but also reflects the blessings and support of his friends.

For Hai Yitian and Liu Shuai, this marriage was not easy to come by. Both have experienced a failed marriage and know the importance of cherishing hard-earned feelings.

Hai Yitian married director Hada in 2007, but due to a long-term separation, it eventually ended in divorce. And Liu Shuai also had a marriage and had a son.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

However, these pasts did not become a stumbling block to their happiness. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the ups and downs of life that they know how to cherish and tolerate each other.

In this restructured family, Hai Yitian shows a completely different side from the screen image. He has not only become a considerate husband, but also a competent stepfather, who treats Liu Shuai's son as his own, and interprets what true fatherly love is with his actions.

The gentleness and patience that Hai Yitian shows in his family life is in stark contrast to the villain image he portrays on screen. The relationship between him and Liu Shuai is also getting deeper and deeper, and the two are even more happy to have a daughter, realizing the happy wish of "having both children and daughters".

The harmony of this reconstituted family has become a good story in the entertainment industry.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

The story of Hai One Day tells us that happiness knows no age, and love does not come first. As long as there is love in the heart, anyone can have a happy family life.

He proved with practical actions that the key to reuniting a family can also be happy, and the key is to understand and tolerate each other.

Under the dual nourishment of career and family, Hai Yitian seems to be full of new vitality. He continues to challenge various roles on the screen, and in life, he enjoys the warmth of family.

This balance not only makes his acting skills deeper, but also makes his life more fulfilling.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

Hai Day's experience has taught us that there is no such thing as the "best time" for both career and love. As long as we keep an open and sincere mind, we may meet our happiness at any time.

And when happiness comes, cherish the present moment and manage it with heart, you can make life better.

On January 30, 2024, Hai Yitian released an exciting news on social media: the TV series "Qingming Shanghe Tu Code" in which he participated has been completed.

In this new work, Hai Yitian plays a hero named Xiao Yishui, a character who is very different from his previous villain image.

Hai one day, married a beautiful wife in the second marriage, regarded his stepson as his own, and reorganized the family was also very happy

Surprisingly, Hai Yitian also publicly issued a request to the audience: "Please believe that this time, I will create a positive image of flesh and blood." Behind this sincere appeal is his unremitting pursuit of acting, and it also reflects his determination to break through himself.

The attempt to go from a villain to a positive character is undoubtedly another important challenge in Hai Yitian's career. The audience can't help but wonder, can this actor, who is good at playing villains, be equally brilliant in positive roles? What kind of changes will Hai Yitian's transformation attempt bring to his acting career? The answers to these questions may have to wait and see.

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