
played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

author:Let's talk about the past and the present
played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63
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played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

In 1988, the TV series "Water Margin" swept across the country like a whirlwind, in which Li Qiang, who played Ximen Qing, became famous in one fell swoop. However, the road to fame is a hidden mystery.

Li Qiang interpreted Ximenqing's cunning and lustful nature so well that no one dared to get close to him in real life. Women who were once attracted by his handsome appearance now shunned him, as if he had really become that disgusting character.

Li Qiang often said to his friends with a wry smile: "If you just be scolded twice, it would be okay, but now you can't even find a partner." This role that should have brought him the pinnacle of his career has shrouded his private life like a curse.

What kind of acting skills can make a character affect an actor's life so much? Let's step into Li Qiang's story and unravel this mystery.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

Li Qiang, who was a teenager, was tall and burly, and always stood out from the crowd. His heart burned with the passionate dream of becoming a soldier, and his eyes flashed with determination.

For this dream, he studied hard and went all out to participate in the selection exams for the Air Force and special forces. However, fate seems to have played a joke on him, and failing the exam makes him have to face the harsh reality.

Frustrated, Li Qiang set his sights on the basketball court. He hoped to find a new direction in his life in sports, but unfortunately his talent was limited, and he was unable to make a difference in the field of basketball.

Just when he was confused, his sister was like a beacon, pointing out a new direction for him - acting career.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

Under the influence and encouragement of his sister, Li Qiang began to have a strong interest in acting. He gradually discovered that he had a unique talent in this field and began to study acting skills seriously.

Looking back on the photos when he was young, the handsome and dashing Li Qiang can be called a model of idol school, but it is a pity that idol dramas were not popular in that era, and he failed to give full play to his appearance advantages.

By chance, Li Qiang got the opportunity to star in the romance film "Girl and Guy is in the Year", and played the workshop leader Xiang Zhiqiang in the film. This drama received a good response and opened the door to the showbiz for him.

Subsequently, he played Du Ming, who was voluntarily imprisoned to save his companions, in "Westbound Prisoner Car", and Lin Feiyi, who made the audience gnash their teeth in "Kyoto Chronicle", and gradually accumulated a certain popularity.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

Although these roles have made Li Qiang famous, the real breakthrough has not yet come. He often stood in front of the mirror, examining himself, with a mixture of anticipation for the future and a little uneasiness in his eyes.

Li Qiang knows that he also needs an important role that can really show his acting skills to achieve the take-off of his career.

In this way, with his love and longing for his acting career, Li Qiang continued to hone his acting skills in various roles, waiting for the opportunity to make him an instant hit.

He firmly believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will one day have a place in the entertainment industry.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

In 1988, the opportunity finally came to Li Qiang. The crew of "Water Margin" began casting, and Li Qiang mustered up the courage to participate in the audition. The director gave him two choices: the righteous and awe-inspiring Lin Chong, or the cunning and ruthless Ximenqing.

Faced with these two very different characters, Li Qiang fell into deep thought.

He closed his eyes, and the image of the two characters came to mind. Lin Chong is righteous and awe-inspiring, and he is a hero in the eyes of the audience; Ximenqing is a heinous villain.

It's a difficult choice, not only about the role itself, but also about his future acting career. After careful consideration, Li Qiang made a surprising decision - he chose Ximenqing.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

From the moment he got the script, Li Qiang devoted himself to the role. He worked day and night to figure out Simmonqing's mental activities and study the character's gestures.

During the filming, he often sat alone in the corner of the set, with gloomy eyes and a complicated expression, as if he was really incarnated as Ximenqing. This kind of focus and dedication made the other actors in the crew look at it.

After the broadcast of "Water Margin", Ximen Qing played by Li Qiang immediately caused an uproar. He vividly portrays the character's rudeness, cunning, and greed for money and beauty.

Whenever Ximenqing appeared on the screen, the audience couldn't help but grit their teeth, eager to get into the TV set and teach him a lesson. This strong emotional reaction is the best praise for Li Qiang's superb acting skills.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

Li Qiang's performance won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders. This role is like a key, opening a new chapter in his acting career. Various invitations poured in, and his career began to get on the fast track.

However, the joy of fame has not faded, but the ensuing troubles have not surprised Li Qiang. People began to equate him with Ximenqing. On the street, passers-by will unconsciously avoid him when they see him; On a blind date, the other party heard that he was "Ximen Qing" and immediately canceled the date.

This character, who was supposed to bring the pinnacle of his career, was like a double-edged sword, bringing him fame while also casting a shadow over his private life.

Li Qiang often said to his friends with a wry smile: "I'm just an actor, not really Ximenqing." However, the aura of this character seems to have become a label that he can't shake off.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

He began to think about how he could get rid of the shackles of this role and have a normal private life while taking his acting career to the next level.

Despite this, Li Qiang does not regret his choice. He knows that it is this extremely challenging role that gives him the opportunity to show his acting skills and become the center of attention.

Now, what he needs to do is how to balance his career success and personal life, which will be the next big topic in his life.

Before becoming famous, Li Qiang once fell in love with a well-known actress. Although the two love each other, they have to live separately due to work. For the sake of this relationship, Li Qiang resolutely decided to go to Guangzhou to develop his career, just to be able to stay with his beloved.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

He is full of longing, thinking that this relationship will eventually come to fruition, and dreams that one day he can enter the palace of marriage hand in hand with his lover.

However, the reality is always cruel. In that era when communication was inconvenient, the two could only rely on letters to convey their feelings of longing. At first, the letters were frequent, and the words were full of sweetness.

But as time passed, the letters became sparse. When Li Qiang learned that his girlfriend had moved to a new home, but he could no longer contact her, he realized that the relationship had come to an end.

The disheartened Li Qiang devoted all his energy to his career and no longer cared about emotional matters. He told himself that maybe it was not bad to be single, at least he could devote himself to acting.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

In this way, Li Jian lived a long period of celibacy.

At a gathering of friends many years later, fate gave Li Qiang an unexpected surprise. He meets his current wife, a girl who does not fall for his fame, but has a common topic with him.

The girl's simplicity and sincerity touched Li Qiang, and the spark of love rekindled in his heart.

However, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. The girl's sister strenuously opposes the relationship and warns Li Qiang to stay away from her sister. In the face of such obstacles, Li Qiang did not flinch.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

He said firmly to the girl: "I will prove my sincerity with my actions." I'm not Ximenqing, I will cherish you well.

Despite this, their relationship is still progressing slowly. When everyone thought they might choose not to marry for life, the girlfriend suddenly came up with the idea of getting married.

Faced with marriage, Li Qiang hesitated. He has witnessed the separation and reunion of too many friends, and his heart is full of fear of marriage.

Li Qiang said frankly to his girlfriend: "I'm afraid that our relationship will also deteriorate." I'm no longer young and don't know if I'll be able to play the role of a good husband.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

The girlfriend gently shook his hand and said, "We have been through so many years and gone through so many trials.

In the end, with the persistence and encouragement of his girlfriend, Li Qiang, who is nearly fifty years old, decided to take this step. They walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and opened a new chapter in their lives.

At this moment, Li Qiang felt that he had finally gotten rid of the shadow of "Ximen Qing" and found his true love. He secretly vowed that he must cherish this hard-won happiness and become a good husband that his wife can be proud of.

2012 was a year full of surprises for 52-year-old Li Qiang. This year, he ushered in the most unexpected gift of his life. One day, when his wife mysteriously handed him a pregnancy test report, Li Qiang was stunned.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

His hands trembled, and he repeatedly confirmed the contents of the report, tears of excitement in his eyes.

The arrival of the child brought a lot of joy to this little family. Despite his busy work, Li Qiang always rushes to do housework and accompany his children to grow up. He often said to his wife, "You have given too much for this family, let me share some of it."

Looking at his wife's happy smile and the child's innocent face, Li Qiang felt that all the waiting and ups and downs were worth it.

This hard-won little life seems to be a gift from God to Li Qiang, filling the long-standing emptiness in his heart. In the process of taking care of the children, Li Qiang found a new meaning in life, and also made him cherish the happiness in front of him even more.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

There was a glint of happiness in his eyes, as if all the waiting and ups and downs were for the consummation of this moment.

Today's Li Qiang is 63 years old, with a successful career and a happy family. Although he is still active in the film and television industry, more time is reserved for his family. He who once no one dared to marry because of the role of "Ximen Qing", has now become an enviable model husband.

At home, Li Qiang takes care of his wife carefully and patiently accompanies his children. He often cooks and prepares delicious meals for his family; On weekends, he would take his wife and children out to enjoy family fun.

These ordinary and warm daily lives are Li Qiang's most cherished time.

played "Ximen Qing" and became an instant hit, but no one dared to marry, and now the family is happy at the age of 63

Looking back on the past, Li Qiang often sighed: "The role of 'Ximen Qing' once troubled me, but it also made me know how to cherish my current happiness more." His eyes were filled with gratitude and satisfaction for life.

The "Ximen Qing" that used to be gritting teeth on the screen has now completely faded and is replaced by a gentle and considerate husband and loving father.

From obscurity to instant hit, from lonely single to family fulfillment, Li Qiang's life has experienced ups and downs. Now, he finally ushered in a double harvest of career and family, and wrote a complete chapter in his life.

Li Qiang's story is not only an actor's growth process, but also a life fable about perseverance, transformation and happiness.

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